0 A.D. Audio Development I signed on as Sound Designer for this Historical RTS currently in production at WildFireGames called 0 A.D. ("zero ay-dee") in March of 2005.
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Sunday, January 01, 2006
Back of the Box
I've been thinking about what the top level bullet points are regarding what we would like to accomplish in the audio department with regards to the implementation, and thought it would be a good idea to summarize for posterity the goals of the audio team, from a "back of the box" standpoint.

With out further adeu:

* Original Cinematic Orchestral Music Score
* 3D Positional Audio (OpenAL)
* Dynamic Scaling and Prioritization of On-Screen Audio
* Rich & Diverse Interactive Sound-World (Randomization, Multiple Instances)
* Highly Scriptable through XML
* Civ Specific Voice Over

Mostly just a reorientation to assist focus, in preparation for the coming year.
Happy New Year!


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