Good evening, MNOPQ investigation teams!
As you probably already know, a young girl has gone missing in Wonderland. Your mission is to find out what's happened to her.
The team that solves the mystery in the shortest time wins. You will soon be given an evidence sheet, a map, a set of potentially useful information, and your first puzzle. Be sure to look these over carefully. You should not need any other references.
There are two hints available for each puzzle. The first hint will add five minutes to your team's overall race time. The second more
helpful hint will add 10 minutes. If you are still hopelessly stuck after both hints, you can get the answer for another 20 minutes.
You will have approximately four and a hours to examine the available evidence in eight locations. It's very unlikely you will finish
on-time without taking some hints so pace yourself accordingly.
When you solve each puzzle, write the solution on your evidence sheet, calculate its scrabble score, then go to the corresponding location on the map. Don't forget the 50 point bonus or you WILL get lost. You must travel on foot between locations - cars and bikes are not allowed. If you get lost, call the game control number on your information sheet.
The game ends at 10pm. At 9:45, all locations will close and you will be directed to the finish. If you are between locations at 9:45, call game control for the final location.