Cookies and tea! And what peculiar cookies..
Most people immediately figured out that these cookies were an 8x5 block of binary information. And quite conveniently, there's a five bit binary code on the "possibly useful information" sheet.
If we assume each row of five bits corresponds to a number between 1 and 26 for A to Z, then we've got an 8 letter answer. We can then quickly guess that black equals one, because otherwise, we'd have a bunch of numbers greater than 26. We're still left with two ways of reading off the answer. In our play-test, both teams read off:
..and then got stuck trying to anagram it! So we put chocolate on one side, which nobody seemed to mind. And then the obvious way to read out the answer is:
or "dial m for"... murder! Even if you haven't seen the movie, someone on your team has almost certainly heard the phrase "dial m for murder" and failing that, you can probably guess it from the answer theme.
(This puzzle was inspired by another much more difficult digital cookie puzzle in a BANG event, involving multiple chocolate coated cookies with binary layers inside!)