Almost everything on the page can be divided into groups, and the first two groups are a hint that things come in threes:
trilogy, tripod, triplet
three, six, nine
knife, fork, spoon
dollar, yen, euro
rock, paper, scissors
alpha, bravo, charlie
ursula, eva, carmen
touch, look, listen
mission, secret, agent
binary, braille, morse
orange, purple, yellow
If you connect each group with lines forming a triangle, the only points left are "point, colors, inside". Colors point inside? Point inside colors! The point inside the triangle formed by the colors is "scissors."
The original version of this puzzle was a lot harder, and caused some problems during playtesting. The original was also hard to write hints for, and for a while we debated just dropping it altogether. This version was created in the last few days before the game, and was welcomed by many players as a nice ego boost after the difficult first puzzle.
And not that it really matters, but Ursula, Eva, and Carmen are all names of actresses that have played Bond girls.
'Tall, dark, and sometimes y.'
Ahh, yes. Plotting the vowels gives us 'PI'. A bit of shuffling gives us 'pixel', a fitting answer for this puzzle. Call it in.