You arrive at puzzle 8 and see a quote and hear a speaker playing this audio clip on repeat:
Hmmm. Lots of numbers. Better get writing them down. Sounds like groups of four:
0313 0512 0314 0519 0621
0920 1014 0910 1010 1213
1010 1312 1010 1009 1410
2009 2106 1905 1403 1205
1303 0701 0603 0807 0606
0708 0306 0107 ...
Oh good, they repeat. Numbers as letters? That doesn't look promising. 1010 seems to appear a couple times. And the numbers nearby seem to have some sort of symmetry.. 1213 1010 1312.. Seems we have actually have pairs of two-digit numbers? What can we do with pairs of numbers? Need a hint?
'These numbers are all part of my diabolical PLOT!'
Oh, right. We PLOT the pairs of numbers. On the graph paper inside the code book. And now the audio puzzle becomes visual: when we connect the dots, we see a butterfly! But a butterfly with a 30-meter wingspan according to Dr. Kaiju.