The first thing that you should realize is that inside your codebook is an odd little circular device with black and white marks that closely resembles part of the dial on the page. If you cut out the circle from the codebook, you find that it fits perfectly inside the puzzle dial.
There are 26 positions on the dial marked with ones and zeros, and the codebook circle tells you where the 'A' goes. So all you have to do is fill in the rest of the alphabet (going clockwise), and you have a dial that will translate each letter of the alphabet to a one or a zero.
Take the eight answers from the earlier puzzles, and translate them to strings of ones and zeros, and you will discover they connect to eight of the nine wires in the box (the other ten numbers are just there to confuse you). After doing all of this the only thing left is the purple wire, so say a quick prayer and cut...
A few people pointed out that one of the earlier puzzles had the answer PURPLE. This was purely coincidental; the actual wire colors were laid out randomly before that puzzle even existed.
This puzzle went through several iterations while we tried to come up with a way to make the dial work like a combination lock, and failed. Eventually we hashed out the idea of "registration" marks that tell you how the alphabet maps to the dial. For a few minutes we considered placing the dial key on the map, with an 'N' pointing north, but everyone agreed that would have been just plain evil.