This puzzle does not have a word as its solution. You must discover which mixed drink (from bottles numbered 1-10) to request from the bartender.
There is a lot of different information in this puzzle, and therefor many ways to go off track. If you inspect the puzzle closely, you will find the braille letter "F" in the sign that says FIRE AWAY.
You may also notice that the arrangement of items in the shooting gallery could be divided up into groups of 2x3, which happens to be the arrangement of braille patterns.
You may wonder which items in the shooting gallery would be the braille dots. Maybe the targets? No, those don't all spell words. It's not quite that simple.
To solve the puzzle, you must shoot out the pattern made by the letters FIRE AWAY written in braille:
* * . * * . * . * . * . * * . * . . . . * . . . * . . * * . * * . . * * . . . * . . . * . . * *
If you do this all the numbered bottles will be shot away except for 1 and 8.
Answer: Request a mixed drink from bottles 1 & 8.
This was a fun puzzle to make (especially the bottle labels), but a difficult puzzle to solve, because the puzzle works backwards from the way you'd expect: instead of translating something in the puzzle to letters, you have to take the letters on the puzzle and translate them into the places you would shoot.
We went through several iterations of this puzzle, trying to make it a little easier without making the solution too obvious. It still ended up being the most difficult puzzle of the game, however.
The original idea for this puzzle was to have a chemical reaction occur, so that the correct drink would change color. However, none of us are chemists and we didn't want to poison anybody.
Bottles 1 and 8 contained apple juice and grape juice. The other bottles had water, lemon juice, olive juice, cider vinegar, tabasco in water, black salt in water, or salt water.