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Also you will need these cards which you collected from each puzzle:

To solve this puzzle, you should ignore the cards at first and just figure out the names of the winners and losers. The cards will then allow you to place your bets on the correct cards.
If you've taken a course in boolean logic, you might write the rules like this:
Rule 1: A != B
Rule 2: B = C
Rule 3: D+E+F+G=1
Rule 4: H=1
Rule 5: J=1
Rule 6: G=D
Rule 7: I != G
Rule 8: !E -> !C
Rule 9: !F -> !C
The logic to find the winners works like this:
1. We know that H & J will both win (rules 4, 5).
2. D & G will both win or both lose (rule 6), but it's not possible for them to both win (rule 3). Therefore D & G both lose.
3. Since G loses, I wins (rule 7).
We now know that either E or F will win (rule 3) and that either A or B will win (rule 1).
4. If B wins, C must also win (rule 2). However, that would give us 6 winning cards, which is not possible. Therefore B and C must both lose, and A must win (rule 1).
5. There is only one winner left, and it must be E or F. F winning while E losing would violate rule 9, so E must win while F loses.
The winners and losers are:
A wins
B loses
C loses
D loses
E loses
F wins
G loses
H wins
I wins
J wins
You have photos of the first 8 players, so you should place a $1 bet on the cards held by Anthony, Frank, and Harry.
By elimination, you know that Ike and Johnny hold the 2 and 5 of diamonds (but not which one is which). Luckily, since both Ike and Johnny are winners, you don't need to know-- you should bet on both cards.
Optimal answer: bets placed on A, E, H, I, J (Ace of spades, King of hearts, 10 of spades, 5 of diamonds, 2 of diamonds). Team wins $5.
The most common mistake was to place a bet on F (3 of clubs) instead of E (King of hearts). One team bet on neither, choosing to place only 4 bets rather than guess incorrectly.