will polka for pretzels
badger has doubts live in concert, thursday december 20th
at penn station, new york city. 2 o'clock pm in the afternoon!
performing all your favorite songs not involving, mentioning, or so much
as insinuating b flat:
"the danube waves"
"riding the range"
"alligator marching theme (a, e, g, a)"
and other spontaneous musical creations
also covering:
"sand" by the microphones
and four chords from a neutral milk hotel song
news from july 2nd
for the sake of confusion (avoiding or creating it), we are
now officially
called "the badger has doubts band" - we are in the process of making
songs & sounds for our very first record..
and we're having a picnic supper on friday, july 13th. that means we eat
under a tree. there will be biscuits and raspberry lemonade and
something soft to sit on. jelly will be provided. everything else will
not. please email aphasia@waste.org if you can come, and if you own a
tea set, bring that too, and stuffed animals! it will be at night, but
it won't be dark yet.
prairie tour march 26th-28th
this spring, badger has doubts will travel by bicycle
across barren portions of the upper midwest on a 3-day journey in honor of
tornadoes. songs to be played on undisclosed prairies and sidewalks in
minnesota, iowa, and kansas.
tornado itinerary
monday, march 26. Iowa
find prairie. set out with saw and bow; keep eyes peeled for tornadoes.
i ride for a long time
until there is nothing left but landscape and imagination. in this spot i
stop to install a
memory. it will be of birds, vast flocks of densely packed flying birds,
migrating over the
continent in magnificent numbers like black clouds. i will imagine how
this must have been
(the sound and feeling of thousands of wings), and play a few songs. then
return to highway,
hope to fall down a badger hole, seize any good cloud-watching
find buffaloes. if the buffaloes are not behind an electric fence,
approach and offer sugar
cubes. if buffaloes are nowhere to be seen, use sugar cubes to build a
cupola, veranda, or
gazebo (?).
around evening-time, i'll start making my way more or less towards ames.
ghosts of
billions of slaughtered animals are converging there this very week. i
will play some songs to
welcome them and wish them luck on their mission...
borrow floor to sleep upon. try to be brave. compensate for muteness
with delicious
tuesday, march 27. Kansas
drive to lawrence. look for william burroughs’ old house. watch sky for
vision of a
withered man in a felt hat on a flying toboggan.
explore town by bicycle. surely there will be an appropriate place to
play my saw. try to
sell enough tapes and shirts to pay for a meal at herbivores.
see bright eyes. ask conor oberst to sign my second grade yearbook.
find place to sleep.
wednesday, march 28.
get hit by a train or something.

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{ recordings }
i haven't recorded any music yet. i just made this band up last week. we
do have a tape for sale, a story tape.
i narrate and sing. it's pretty nice. 45-minutes or so.
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{ t shirts }
two t shirt designs are available. you can get one picture of a badger
playing saw, or a different picture of the same badger playing the same
saw. it's entirely up to you.
right now i have the following colors & sizes:
green (small, large), black (small, large), light blue (medium), red
i'm pretty lazy about buying t shirts if you're going to order one i
haven't already made, but if you have your own shirt that you've always
wanted emblazoned with a badger, send it to me and i will print it for
only the cost of having it mailed back to you.
if i ever make a great deal more shirts in the future, they will all be
blue because those are best.
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{ ordering }
t shirts are 5 dollars plus 3 dollars to ship.
tapes are 2 dollars plus 1 dollars to ship.
a tape and a shirt together are 10 dollars.
it is also possible to obtain merchandise by bribing me with various
sundries or baked goods or sexual intercourse. i mean pound cake.
badger has doubts
c/o s moran
425 4th st ne
minneapolis 55413