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looking through the kitchen peep-hole to the living room
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more living room, and the back porch
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facing towards the kitchen and stairway

     In these photos you can really begin to appreciate Kris' artists and decorating talents.  I only wish our furniture was as nice as theirs!  This summer yard sales are my decorating friend.  I didn't take any detail shots, so what you can't see is the accent painting on the left wall of the middle photo;  there is a moss-green ivy pattern underlying the yellow color.   Also, Kris and Rob have added decorative trim around the ceiling and under the window to the kitchen.
     I am sure the Sylvan and Ella will go nuts looking out the door at birds and other cats.  Outside the back porch is a lovely courtyard shared by all the neighbors.  It has a little path, benches, and loads of trees and greenery.

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the grand staircase

     Another beautiful detail I didn't photograph are the actual stairs.  Rob and Kris recently replaced nearly all the carpet in the townhouse;  it used to be a smashingly lovely goldenrod shag, which can still be found in two of the bedrooms.  Since this place was built in the seventies, the stairway used to be open (between the risers, ala the Brady Bunch house).  Kris and her father closed in the stairs and laid tile in the risers.  If you look closely in the mirror, you can see they are closed now.
     Let's go upstairs!

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