Advice Column for the Damned
Random Neural Misfirings
Dead-End Linkage
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Email Evil Ed

Trivial Crap

  • He is 29 years old.
  • He is left handed.
  • He grew up in Minnesota, but now lives in San Francisco, CA.
  • He is atheist.
  • He is a skeptic.
  • He is an ordained Minister because he likes the idea of being referred to as "Reverend."
  • He mostly sleeps on his left side.
  • He believes in paying more for quality.
  • He picks his nose and chews his nails when nobody is looking. Sometimes simultaneously.
  • He loves cartoons and animation; the more twisted, the better.
  • He has stinky feet.
  • He doesn't own a car, and doesn't want one.
  • He walks very quietly, his downstairs neighbors think he's a dreamboat.
  • He brushes his teeth in the shower.
  • He collects horror movies. (Current count, over 150.)
  • He is working toward a career in writing. Slowly, though.
  • He occasionally runs wild with The Cacophony Society.
  • He likes referring to himself in third person.

  • Ooohhhh... ScArY kiddies!

    Things That Make Life Bearable

    Obligatory Links and Frequent Hang-Outs

  • Magnetbox - Dear Eddie's new home.
  • SpinnWebe
  • The Cacophony Society
  • Adbusters
  • UnAmerican
  • Laughing Squid