Trivial Crap
He is 29 years old.
He is left handed.
He grew up in Minnesota, but now lives in San Francisco, CA.
He is atheist.
He is a skeptic.
He is an ordained Minister because he likes the idea of being referred
to as "Reverend."
He mostly sleeps on his left side.
He believes in paying more for quality.
He picks his nose and chews his nails when nobody is looking.
Sometimes simultaneously.
He loves cartoons and animation; the more twisted, the better.
He has stinky feet.
He doesn't own a car, and doesn't want one.
He walks very quietly, his downstairs neighbors think he's a
He brushes his teeth in the shower.
He collects horror movies. (Current count, over 150.)
He is working toward a career in writing. Slowly, though.
He occasionally runs wild with The Cacophony Society.
He likes referring to himself in third person.
Ooohhhh... ScArY kiddies!

Things That Make Life Bearable
Obligatory Links and Frequent Hang-Outs
Magnetbox - Dear Eddie's new
The Cacophony Society
Laughing Squid