A Different FiftyYears In response to the outrages of the USFS "Fifty Year Plan", Earrh First! is pressing for the f01 lowing general guidelines: (I) flu nezJ road eonstrzsctiour. A review of aZZ exisfiing roads to deter-mivla which ones are unnecessary or environrnentaZZy dbmaying and should be cZosed. - (2) NO logging of old growth or pre- viousZy unZoggad forest. (31 80 deficit timber sales. (4) WithdmwaZ of all flatior?aZ Forest Zands from appropriation under the mining or minsral Zsasing laws, in-clud.ing a complete morato~tknon energy Z&asing. (51 Complete cZosure of the Fo~estto vehieZes lincZuding mountain bicycZesl except ondesignatsc7roads. (61 A phase-out of commerciaZ live-stock grazing. (71 Prohibition of trapping and of precktor control. (81 Reintroduction of extirpated speci~sinto sz!itabZe hubita*. 193 Prohibition of herbicides, i~sec-ticides, and other poisons. (101 Complete protection of aZZ road-less areas and recovery areas vhere roads have been closed (111 Management concentration on reforestation, erosion control, and other heaZing activities lusirig nafiitl~ species cnZyl. (12) Re~urn to o: natural f{re ecosptem.