ALFRED, GUY A.: Socialism and Parliament .25

ALLEN, GRANT: The Evolution of the Idea of God .40

BADCOCK, JOHN, Jr.: Slaves to Duty .10

BAKUNIN, MICHAEL: God and the State .35

BARRET, GEORGE: The Anarchist Revolution .05

Objections to Anarchism .10

BERKMAN, ALEXANDER: Now and After 1.00

BORGHI, ARMANDO: Mussolini-Red and Black .50 DAVID. HENRY: The History of the

Haymarket Affair . 2.00 DE CLEYRE, VALTAIRINE: Anarchism and

American Traditions .10

FAURE, SEBASTIEN: Does God Exist? .10 GODWIN, WILLIAM: Reflections on Political Justice .10 An Inquiry Concerning

Political Justice, 2 Vol 3-00 GRAHAM, MARCUS: An Anthology of

Revolutionary Poetry 2.00

HAVEL, HIPPOLYTE: What's Anarchism? AO KROPOTKIN, PETER: An Appeal to the Young ..... .05

Anarchist Communism .10

" Law and Authority " Modern Science and Anarchy .....25

" Evolution 10

" " Revolutionary Government .05"

The Place of Anarchism in

Socialistic Evolution .05"

Fields, Factories and Workshops .75

. The State: Its Historic Role .10

" " The Wage System .05

" Memoirs of a Revolutionist 1.00

' " Ethics 1.25 LABADIE, JOE: Anarchism: Genuine and Asinine .15 MALATESTA, ENRICO: A Talk Between

Two Workers .10 NETTLAU, MAX: Enrico Malatesta

(Biography of an Anarchist) .35 OPPENHEIMER, FRANZ: The State .75 OWEN, WM. C.: Anarchism vs. Socialism .10 PROUDHON, PIERRE, J.: General Idea of the

Revolution of the 19th Century .75 READE, WINWOOD: The Martyrdom of Man .60 RECLUS, ELISE: Evolution and the Revolution .10 STIRNER, MAX: The Ego and His Own 1.50 SWARTZ, CLARENCE: Mutualism .85 The Struggle for Liberty in Spain (1840-1936) .10 TOLSTOY, LEO: War and Peace .75 TUCKER, ZEN. R.: Individual Liberty .75 " Why I am an Anarchist .10 * * *

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