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On the participation of the women in the community San Isidro Aloapam
We them women before, when the municipality and the agency took well, we do not have we right to participate in the assembly, to tequio and everything what the man does and mistreated eramos. Or Since when the agency I fight with its municipality or Since I arrive organizacion CIPO-RFM. Decia that the right teniamos women just as tenian the men. Since then we already began to participate to the assemblies and to other things but and no longer we are mistreated like before. Now our rights and
votes are worth and thanks to the CIPO-RFM.
CIPO- RFM San Isidro Aloapam, dictation by: Rosenda Cross Perez, Celina Perez Merenciana Cross Cross Alvarez.

Rights of the women

The men and the women we have such right, since in the Constitution it mentions it. We them women have the right to demand that we are respected and to have the same work that a man has and to have the same pay. Also we have the right to study, Still same we have the right to the vote, to give to our decision about that we want that he is our municipal representatives, state, federal. The right of not being mistreated, we have the right of oir and being listened.
We, like indigenous women, previously nonsabiamos nothing on Politicall questions and either benefited us like women in the different projects that can be made with the resources of Branches 28 and 33, because single they say that they are municipal questions. But now as organizacion we know but or except the Politicall questions, of those who they have pressed to us and we have had the opportunity to work in productive projects.
Because in spite of everything, we are human and we have feelings and because we deserve respect.

CIPO- RFM the Reformation) Work group: Carina Dominguez, improve Lopez angel
Paschal Dolores Tinder, Julian Passover Angel, Paschal Felipa Lopez


Day 10 of March of the 2002 we organized ourselves with organizacion of the CIPO without nobody I force to us and we together had an agreement on a march with other communities that are organized the popular indigenous Council of Oaxaca- RFM.
Day 8, 9, 10, 11 of May of the 2002 we made a day of fight of indigenous women in
city of Oaxaca to demand the government
our rights that are like agrarian and penal and social subjects. Alli
thousand women, indigenous ninos and ninas. in the march participated.
Then day 8 of May we left our town and we arrived in Oaxaca and we were with other companeras, and 4 of afternoon we began a march together with our children and arrived in front of the Palace of Government requesting justice and our right with our children like indigenous.
San Isidro Aloapam, Eva Cross Garaa and Guadalupe Alaves. P.

Day 9 of the same month of May to 8 of the manana we again began with the march requesting justice and the government did not make case and we went to the General Procuraduria of Justice. there we were 6 hours demanding justice.
Instead of which they received like women and ninos and indigenous ninas, instead of which they took care of to us, same governor Jose Murat I order immediately to its ministerial policias that left armed and with lagrimoso gas in the menace us hands of death. Then they began to express the gas where estabamos with our children and of there we returned struck in front of the Palace of Government to demand justice to them, because they beat to us.

Day 10 of the same month of May being a as special day as the one of the indigenous mother, but the government I do not take to us into account in that day, because it says that indigenous we as do not have right like Mexican citizens, but we are not tired.
We will follow in the fight until the government solves our problems to us.

Day 11 of the same month of May, since the government definitively does not give answer and he does not take to us into account and we are struck, then we went to the Camara de Diputados to request justice but no of those oftcinas took care of to us. Instead of which it took care of to us they are to us threatening of death. It says that if not retirabamos us of alli, at that same moment, were going to us to strike to us again. Then we were in the first house of collection, that this by the freeway of Oaxaca to Mexico. We were blocking there in that house so that the car happened frees without paying.
Day 12 of the same month of May to p of the manana we again began in the march shouting to him to the government, saying to him: "we go away, but we returned, until it give answer us"

CIPO- RFM, San Isidro Aloapam,
dictation by the commission of women
named by the general assembly


The life of the women of before

Before, the women who lived in this community molian in metate in the ground and molian nixtamal and wheat to make tortillas. As in this time mazorca occurred to much and wheat to feed its children and the husband who worked in the field. Also the senoras were going to bring water of the well with cantaros of mud.
Also the senoras helped to the husband in the field. They are ponian to wash above in rio
of stones. had soap and the men accompanied by their spouses did not go to the mount to obtain bitter sweet potato and with these the clothes were washed.
They rose to 2 or 3 of the manana to do the one that to do of the home. Prendia is limited to see and to be able to make the work. A time Since the people who tenian donkeys or other animals were walking everything a day, from the 3 of the manana, to Etla to obtain I refuel to ignite oil lamps. In year 70 I arrive I refuel. In year 80 I arrive the light.
Many women did not go to the school by the poverty because not habia resources for notebooks.
Shoes do not tenian nor. It lacked feeding, they are vestian with mended clothes, they walked barefoot.

dictation by Herminia Lopez Baptist, Sabina Lopez Baptist, Hernandez Hope Leon, Jesuita Velasco Sarabia


Until dying to us - I create we are going to rest...

The women we straight have also, because it also has one work, one makes all the works in the house.
The women have but work, because because they must grind, then, and to make the tortilla. Finishing this it is necessary to sweep, to wash and if we have animals we must go to the field. And she already arrives afternoon. It is necessary to cook nixtamal, is necessary to cook again. She never finishes, newspaper is the same, until dying to us, I create, we are going to rest. When the men go to the field we make its tHereto.
The men make a single work, he is heavy, and they also get tired, but it is a single work, because if comes from the field to clean to the coffee plantation or milpa they are tired, but already rest; a woman continues working.
In the community we also have our tequios and our meetings and the women
they must right to participate. To the women also they put position to him and they throw its cooperation for all the commissions, also if they are widows.