Since of the threat of governor Jose Murat
respect to rely us on the consequence, the night of the 17 of Julio
thousands of policias surrounded with metalicas fences the long waits
that we have in four points of the city.
The activities day 18 of July were increased: Until the 2
afternoon the long waits in the four original points are mantenian:
Seat of the Dance, temple of Sto. Domingo, Tree-lined avenue of
Leon, in front of the Cathedral, and in front of palace of government.
From the 10 of the manana comenzo with the adornment of the car
of calenda and mojigangas (monos/as of cardboard of 3 meters), to
leave to 7 afternoon.
To 4 afternoon a concert with the youthful band of the CIPO-RFM
in the temple of Santo occurred to the time that explained the reason
of the protests. The same it was made in other places where it
was protested.
Calenda 7 beginning to at night and recorrio the centricas
streets of the city until arriving at night at 9 in front of the
government palace, where the dance with the youthful band of the
CIPO-RFM frame the beginning of guelaguetza indigenous. The dance
protest I finish to the midnight and conto with the attendance of
thousands of national and foreign visitors. Single the
exaggerated presence of the police disfigured the festividad.
To 8 of the night the government I summon to reunion to as we
arrived and where the civil employees headed by the Secretary General
of government wanted to exchange by justice, al to say that it was not
nobody to us of justice but podian to see with the COPLADE, SEDAF and
SDUCOP some resources for works. To which we responded indignant
that single tratariamos the justice subjects and nothing but.
Since of much insistence ours reunion for the day Monday 19 to
9 of the manana acceded to one. This reunion wanted to condition
it to that levantaramos the protest, which we said nonsera possible
but until the paramilitary ones are jailed.
Day 19 of July comenzo to 7 of the manana with the fight to
obtain that the police wall allowed to the water entrance and viveres
for the foods, that I let to our brother Stop Chavez with rasgunos.
Each one of the four places where we are planted we prepared to
To the 11 of the day approximately 800 people with the band, the
car of calenda and the Froylan donkey of the IEEPO to the front, we
organized in the Temple of Sto. Domingo, took course to zocalo and
Since we reached the street of Crespo to arrive at the stairs of the
Bunker where thousands of policias hoped to us behind metalicas
We asked for permission to enter and answered: “hay
you order that it does not pass anybody of ustedes”.
Who it gave you order them? The heads. That heads?
we insisted. The superior ones, already know who.
And they were put inutilmente in guard because we never
attacked. Single we shouted our reclamations of justice and
punishment to the paramilitary ones. We spoke by the microphono
“De all Mexico and Oaxaca, Popular the indigenous Council of
Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; CIPO-RFM of but we
are repressed by police and the paramilitary ones. Until today
we counted: 517 detenidos/as and torturados/as; 103
paramilitary incursions of police and; 81 you order of
apprehension; 229 penal, civil and mercantile processes;
27 assassinated, 263 lesionados/as, 37 threatened of death;
and Raul Gatica, hidden by the attempts of murder that suffers,
ademas of many displaced ones from fear of being assassinated or being
Today since it makes 500 years the reclamations are of:
1. - Peace with justice and dignity 2. - Respect to
autonomia in the communities of the CIPO-RFM. 3. -
Punishment and disappearance paramilitary of the CROCUT to his
you lead To stop Toimil and Jacobo Chavez, that 16/octubre/03 killed
to Bartolome Rooms and hurt of bullet to 9 men and women; to
Torch Farmer who 11/ago/02 killer to 2 ninos and hirio to 34 women;
to those of Bright Sta. Monteverde that 13/marzo and 12/jul/04
assassinated to 2, also sanction to civil employees who protect
them. 4. - Cease to the repression against communities and
members of the CIPO-RFM and to fulfill the recommendations by
violation to our human rights: CNDH/26/99, CEDH/15/2002 and
CEDH/ 13/2004. 5. - Solution to the agrarian conflict of
San Isidro Aloapam, Sta. Catarina Yosonotu, Guadalupe Chindua and
Cacalotepec. 6. - guarantees for the life of Raul Gatica.
7. - General assembly, democraticas elections and respect
to socioeconomicas benefits retained 2 years to democraticos of the
STSPEIDCEO. 8. - Municipal Participation, also schools,
medicos, water, food, light and attention to old women and. 9. -
House and right to sell in beaches of Huatulco. 10. -
Respect to Radio “Guetza” and concession to
the communitarian transport type suburban in Tlaxiaco.
With died and hurt we paid the present pacificas protests:
10/jul/04 in Etla, was hurt of death Edgar Torija.
11/jul/04 in Sta. Huatulco Cross, PRI members directed by
Demetrio Villalobos hurt to 8, among them to the ninos Carolina and
Sandra Diaz Hernandez and to Brenda Towers. 13/jul/04
paramilitary of Bright Sta. Monteverde assassinated to Pedro Salazar
Cross. 16/jul/04 in the seat of the dance of Oaxaca, police of
the special forces to control of the military Jose M. Vera Salinas and
Brown Manuel Rivas, with lacrimogenos gases, toletes electricos and
deafening pumps leave wounds to Elizabeth Perez, Perez Rosebay, Simon
Yllescas; Fulvia Dominguez, Gloria Branches, Melisa Flores and
Rolando Zeferino, taken care of in the civil hospital Aurelio
17/jul/04 we showed to will hoping 4 hours the governor and this
I deal with to us racist and offensive way: “No I
recognize any agreement with the CIPO-RFM because it is not like
other organizations who respect the government and they do not alter
orden”, the widows, huerfanos and injured by the
paramilitary ones asked “ to him; because you do not love
to act against asesinos?” “ because she
protects to paramilitares?” before going away shout like
answer: “atenganse the consequences, by its fault no
longer I went to the parade of the delegations that dance Monday of
From this threat, our protest in the Temple of Sto. Domingo, the
Seat of the dance, Tree-lined avenue of Leon and In front of
government palace was surrounded with metalicas and policias fences
that in operative never sight prevented that llegaramos the
Guelaguetza audience. Now in the long waits they do not let to
us pass water and the police causes in each short while.
Everything demonstrates that the government protects assassins
and paramilitary and he does not take care of indigenous.
All test which they hide to the world the poverty,
marginalization, violence, repression and forgetfulness that there is
in Oaxaca. They do not want that the tourists know the other
face Oaxaca.
To 14: 30 hrs. rompio reunion with the Secretary
General of Justice and the Solicitor of Justice Rogelio Chagoya, this
I complete myself of prepotent way I rise of the table when we began
to him to demand halting to paramilitary and the assassins, alleging
that that podia not to decide it. We said to him that had
determined already justice and to the single one was called on to him
to fulfill. Here was where I rise pretextando that we did not
send it.
It does not have but reunion and is seen that there is will of
the no government no longer we say to apply justice, but obey the law.
Reason why we continued having the fear of being repressed
because we have decided to continue the protests until having solution
to our reclamation of justice.
By the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM
Oaxaca, Oax., July 19 of 2004.