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Oaxaca, Oax., July 23 of 2004.

To 100 days of to have initiated the indefinite long wait front to the palace of government and 10 of to have increased the mobilization in the State Capital of Oaxaca with the exigency of justice, peace, respect to autonomy communitarian, stops to the destruction of the forests, the import of transgenico corn, solution to the agrarian conflicts, attention to the social reclamations of clinicas, use, schools, house, right to sell in plyas of Huatulco and Hidden Port, etc.; rejection to PPP, TLC and ALCA, the communities chinantecas, cuicatecas, mixtecas, zapotecas, mixes, triquis, chatinas that we are part of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; CIPO-RFM we followed in fight.
“El magonismo lives, the fight sigue”; “autonomia, autogestion, magonista way for liberacion”; “luchamos by the life, we want tierra” they were the indigenous and words that the day of today, as to 12 of the day we evacuated the long waits in the seat of the Dance and Tree-lined avenue. We reconstructed the one of Santo Domingo and the Palace of Government.
The answer of Governor Jose Murat of not applying the law to stop paramilitary and the assassins; lack of will to take care of the conflicts agrarian, particularly the one of Sta. Catarina Yosonotu, considered red center, that takes but of 70 assassinated years and near 500, Still like the one of San Isidro Aloapam; to have received single words and promises in the social demands, I take to us to draw a new form of fight of rebellious resistance in the capital, same city that single stopped until finding favorable answer to our demands.
The thickness of the 1.100 women and men who we conducted diverse battles we began to leave the city course to the communities from the 4 of afternoon. “Vamos to take forces and to organize the other protesta”, they said in the meeting of goodbye in the long waits. But also we are going away to organize the national encounter of autonomy to be made the 20 and 21 of August of 2004, in the community of Plan of Zaragoza Nuyoo, Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, decided in completes reunion of the National Congress indigenous, but we left to a commission of 144 people of all the communities in front of the palace of government and in the temple of Sto. Domingo.
We informed that we will not retire the protest but until we have total solution, partial or we have seen senales concrete of fulfillment our fundamental demands: punishment to the paramilitary ones of the CROCUT, To stop Toimil Roberts and Jacobo Chavez, because the 16 of October of 2003 assassinated to Bartolome Rooms and hurt to 9 of our brothers of Sta. Ma. Yaviche, in the same way is applied justice against criminals of Bright Sta. Monteverde that the 24 of February and 12 of Julio of 2004 respectively assassinated to Eusebio Garcia appeared and Pedro Salazar Cross; asi also to obtain proposals of solution to the agrarian conflicts.
Days 21, 22 and 23 of July were covered by sustained activities in the moral and cultural force with our towns. We made the march of the corn and by the life, with a car of calenda, band of musica, toritos, cuetes, dancers and an offering to the corn that partio of Sto.Domingo to the Zocalo of the city. This celebration-protest aside from the thousand of people of the CIPO-RFM, but of five thousand people voluntarily shared it with nosotros/as. In the end all we danced from the 9 to the 12 at night in front of the government palace, with the youthful band of the CIPO-RFM.
Simultaneamente I settle the table of negotiation with civil employees of state and federal the government who last 48 hours of continuous way. The civil employees single tenian negative as answer and desconocian their own agreements. When they do not tenian argument the law and the norm were shielded in, and when the law and the norm were against them, for example in the cases of justice, they spoke of his exceptions. Since of much pressure gave “su palabra” as far as the agrarian subjects of justice and. They put dates to fulfill Since of the elections, like saying: if we lose you you lose. For that reason the fight follows.
The activities ended the installation of two chiqueros, - one in front of palace of government and another one in the tree-lined avenue with their respective marranitos and the legend: Still THIS The Politicall IN OAXACA. Around the chiquero they hung signboards like: attempted car, paramilitary, narcotics detective, talamontes, repression to indigenous, elections, etc.
On the other hand, 207 indigenous, academicas, eclesiasticas, student, working organizations social, Still like artists and 11 intellectuals of paises that participated in the V mesoamericano forum of the towns, made in San Salvador, America Center, sent a letter to President Vicente Fox and to Governor Jose Murat, demanding: to guarantee the security to the indigenous of the CIPO-RFM, punishment to the material and intellectual authors of the aggressions and death, garantias for the life deRaul Gatica and opening for I engage in a dialog and solution to the demands raised by the CIPO-RFM. She ends up summoning to the different people of paises to conduct battles to restrain the wave of violence and repression against the indigenous of Oaxaca and Mexico. Of equal way I pronounce the table of Women and indigenous of the same forum, and the platform of solidarity with Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guatemala, jointly with those of Vigo, when they occupied, in Madrid, the embassy of Mexico in Espana, where they gave to the ambassador a document with 1347 companies of citizens of the state espanol and country Basque.
We called to citizenry not to let itself enganar with the calumnies spread by radio, television and presses written, orchestrated, directed, operated and financed from the government of Jose Murat to strike, to discredit, to isolate, to moderate, to cause and to offend in the sense that we are financed by in favor interests, because we want to leave very clear: the CIPO-RFM does not participate, is not part and less it has simpatia by any started off politico, to lider, personage or candidate some that disputes to the power in this or any other electoral fight, because our fight is by the transformation of the world without taking the power, exposition that nothing has to do with parties, you lead, elections, civil employees, etc., because our way is autonomia, the processes of autogestion, the bows of coexistence and mutual aid between the communities, the participation and direct action, Still like the free association of the towns.
It is not truth that our brother - leader and less lider- Raul Gatica had not met with candidate to governor some. Neither Raul Gatica nor any member of the CIPO-RFM we have practices to reunite to us in the oscurito, short, by aside, or of any other form with anybody. Ademas, our brother by the fact that it is wanted to him to assassinate, when is in the city, never walks single and less it goes to meetings, reason why to mention or to write something related to meetings of to other personages is part of the slander bell against the CIPO-RFM.
The information is false that speaks of a defining with the FSODO, because our interest this in fortifying the unit with hermanos/as that of some or another form fight, without mattering that we agree or no. With respect to the saying of the press aid and propaganda of Section 22 of the SNTE/CNTE, it causes sorrow that not this informed into the agreements and uprisings to us of the State Assembly, place where this the information that him lack.
We took advantage of the occasion to thank for the support which we received from ciudadania, visitors, workers, students and of the town in general in this fight, because thanks to its cooperation we could, but of thousand people, to stay during 10 days of intense fight. We summoned them to continue supporting with its letters, post office, telefonicas calls, visits, uprisings and all action that make of support, also to be pending of which we do in this fight continued with another modality, so that in case of taking shape the repressive anxieties of the government you can restrain it like until today.
By the reconstruction and it frees association of our towns.
By Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; CIPO-RFM
The advice of the advice and the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM


1. - Huatulco Elizabeth Moon
2. - Hidden Port Anatolio Martinez
3. - Juchatengoo Narcissus Escamilla M.
4. - The Solitude Martha Lopez
5. - San Isidro the Reformation Antonio Lopez angel
6. - San Isidro Martial Aloapam Chavez Perez
7. - Juquila Vijanos Zenon Lopez,
8. - Sta. Maria Yaviche Pedro Branches
9. - The Lemons Jose Rodriguez Lopez
10. - Tlaxiaco Felix Machuca
11. - Plan of Zaragoza Marcia Red Baptist
12. - Bright Sta. of the Way Reyna Perez Sarabia,
13. - Canada Maria Jose Dimas Moral
14. - Jaltepetongo Epifanio Hernandez
15. - Guadalupe Chindua Apolinar and Mauro Garcia Garcia
16. - San Cristobal Amoltepec Gelacio Hernandez Fair
17. - Cacalotepec, Papalo Crisologo Narrow street
18. - Yucubey de Cuitlahuac Porfirio Sarabia Baptist
19. - Nuyoo, Center Macario Sarabia Hdez.
20. - Yucuhiti Socorro Lopez Lopez
22. - Cotzocon Sergio
21. - Drawer Margarito Stone
25. - San Isidro Zaragoza Francisco appeared Mendoza
24. - Lagunilla Yosonotu Santiago Mendoza Cross
23. - Morelos Zenaido Cross Moral
26. - Yucunicuca Bernardino appeared Cross
27. - Sta. Catarina Yosonotu Miguel Moral

Together Organizer:
Juan Lopez Takings, Rosary Gomez Hernandez, Reynaldo Fair, Reynaldo Hernandez, Elizabeth Perez Cross, Gumaro Lopez Alavez, Leonor Heredia Marin, Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin, Abraham Sarabia Baptist, Gabriela Perez Gomez, Fernando Torija, Carmen Perez Chavez, Alfonso Perez Sarabia, Leonor Lopez Alavez, Simon Illescas Apple tree, Raul Lopez Diaz, Leonardo Lopez Sarabia, Crisostomo Perez Cross.