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Bright Sta. of the Way, Oaxaca, Mexico. Julio 14 of 2004

Solidarity with other
It is the protection of we ourself
Red Praxedis, G. Rivera, Points, 1907.


If they are reading this sera letter because the sea tube the force not to stop the rebellious solidarity of the towns: the victory is ours.
By the way, we do not know where it is left its house, we looked for it in the map but we did not find. Who make maps wanted to make trap and failed, because although we do not know where they buried his navel, if we are safe where its heart lives. In order to arrive there we did not need maps nor brujula and we do not know as but we never became lost and always we found compania: there one never this single one. For that reason better we left the map in the sweepings and lined up to its heart. We waited for do not get angry because we threw the map in the forgetfulness.
Nosotras/os Here we asked ourselves As esas/os of Vigo dared to believe in nosotros/as? And many answers jumped: perhaps they do not know to read and they have not seen the newspaper one of the governments of Jose Murat that speaks so badly of nosotras/os, or are as poor as nosotras/os that they do not have radio nor television and for that reason they did not listen to as much lie that says of our communities. No of the answers did convencidas/os to us and we had to invent an answer.
If, either we know, or this, which happens is that by boat, of as much emigration that there is I arrive a disease, a virus against which is no medicine todavia: it is the virus of the hope, is the magonista virus of the subversion and rebeldia. It begins to invade the mind soon and the bones and Still until it arrives at the heart in its final stage. Then neither bovine, nor operations, nor laser beamses, nor spells, nor ritual, nothing, nothing can save them. are condenadas/os to suffer the happiness to also fight by otras/os and you.
For nosotras/os there is no another reason that dared to support to us to indias/os nosotras/os without face, to these women and ninos that do not know but that you know you fight by a world where All we have a place being what we are, where we do not have to change of skin to find a paid job exactly, place where, without concerning the language which we speak, the education is a right not a privilege, the health of best and nonalms, that is, where we have everything what today she needs to us or they are to us robbing.
But that single possible nonsera world by the justeza and lindura of our suenos, but that we must put all our effort and dedication so that we prevail and we make possible that no longer they die ninas/os by curable diseases but of abuelitas/os, that do not die The ancianas/os and indigenous The nosotras/os of forgetfulness.
They are not going to us to give that world where the police is only adornment for the tourists or pieces of museum to know as they were the ugly professions but of the humanity, or simply are the form of the bathroom where one is going to leave the remainders of the body.
The ideal of that world is what today it summons you and we in the two borders of the sea. For that reason we say thanks to them with the heart and health brothers, because they are had bold to give us to face but there of the sea, has obtained who our fight does not rest when the sun is put and that the Earth defense and the forest do not have I sound, because when you they rest we will be wide-awake and vice versa.
We do not know that it is said to those who have itself bold to join their time, that that podian to destine the fiancče, to the friends, the bar, to the cinema, to make the love until the fatigue or to do nothing simply. We do not know that to say to All those to them that are now, there protesting, we do not know, but something we have safe: if they are Here it is because they have suenos that we shared, collective madnesses, contamination of the virus of worthy rebeldia, because they are you yourself the virus of the hope, its hope, our hope.
Bienvenidas/os to this part of history to show and to show that habra to us crazy that jamas loses the head nor the hope, always good. . . the head once in a while but the hope never.
Ojala we pruned to do of this group that today appears: a place where people are associated freely, circulates the ideas, proposals, enthusiasms, actions and activities without requesting permission to him to anybody. We wished and we requested that it is a space of encounter of rebeldias and resistance where the prohibited unico is to prohibit, where the tears find causes to make of the pain anger, single Still the protest and the proposal walked of the hand.
That is to say, there are no ways, become, is no future, we constructed it where the suenos are brujula and the hope the boat.
We summoned them to take the sky and to put signboards to him where of realistic way we request and we do the impossible thing. For that one requires that the this that side and magonistas of the sea make of organizacion a house where all the ready colors are possible to fight by La Paz with justice and dignity, by food, house, use, schools, rights of the women, earth and freedom, in short, so many things as they are wanted. But also it is required to be kind to face and to overcome difficulties that arrived any day for some reason: divisions, you intrigue, angers, styles different from work, etcetera, all those details that leave and grow like bad grass. We must be kind so that they do not take hold opening the mouth to us and we face without hatreds and resentments, but with the conviction that our deads, repressed, struck, imprisoned, threatened, in aim the poor men of Here and of alla, they do not deserve to forget by differences that always would seran less important that the suenos.
We greeted with the heart rojinegro to rebellious and atrevidas/os The All that today met to accompany the protests that nosotras/os we are doing at the moment in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico and that the day of today has been called encounter of rebeldias, to demand mainly:
1. - Respect to autonomy in fact that we exert in the communities of the CIPO-RFM.
2. - Punishment to the paramilitary ones of the CROCUT (To stop Toimil and Jacobo Chavez) that 16/octubre/03 in Sta. Ma. Yaviche killed to Bartolome Rooms and hurt of bullet to 9 men and women, to Torch Farmer who 11/agosto/02 killer to 2 ninos and hirio to 34 women in the Iyusion place San Isidro Aloapan and to those of Bright Sta. 13/ Monteverde that March and 12/julio/04 they assassinated to 2 companeros of Lagunilla and Yucunicuca Yosonotu.
3. - Dismantling of paramilitary groups in Oaxaca and all Mexico, Still like punishment to the civil employees who protect them like Candido Coheto, Mauro Francisco Mendez, Romualdo Pacheco, among others.
4. - Cease to the repression that of sistematica way is made against the communities and members of the CIPO-RFM and fulfillment of the recommendations of the Commissions, state national and, of human rights: CNDH/26/99, CEDH/15/2002 and CEDH/ 13/2004 where the violation has been demonstrated to our human rights:
5. - Solution to agrarian conflicts of San Isidro Aloapam, Sta. Catarina Yosonotu, Guadalupe Chindua and Cacalotepec.
6. - guarantees for the life of Raul threatened comrades Gatica and other of death.
7. - General assembly, democraticas elections and respect to labor rights and retained socioeconomicas benefits make 2 years to democraticos workers of the STSPEIDCEO
8. - Municipal Participation to San Isidro Aloapam, Guadalupe Chindua and Plan de Zaragoza, Still like: old water, light, schools, medicos, attention and use to Youth women and.
9. - House and right to sell communitarian products in beaches of Huatulco
10. - Respect to our communitarian radio “Guetza” that it works in the city of Oaxaca and concession to the communitarian transport type they suburban in Tlaxiaco.
Bienvenidas/os to this way that as soon as it begins.

Very brotherly
By the reconstruction and it frees association of the towns
The organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM

Rosary Gomez Hernandez, Reynaldo Fair, Juan Lopez Takings, Reynaldo Hernandez
Leonor Heredia Marin, Gumaro Lopez, Gabriela Gomez, Crisostomo Perez Cross
Alfonso Baptist, Diaz Assumption, improve Lopez angel, Elizabeth Perez Cross, Leonor Lopez Alavez, Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin, Fernando Torija, Carmen Perez Chavez