Letter of the Swedish Association of Aid to
indigenous projects in Mexico
- RFIRSM (for Riksförbund Indianska to ratighetter
Sverige-Mexico) to srs. responsible:
Lic. Vicente Fox Quesada
President of Mexico
Lic. Santiago Creel Miranda
Secretary of Interior
General Rafael Macedo of the Shell
General solicitor of the Republica
Jose Luis soberanes: Pte. Of the National
commission of
Human rights.
Jose Murat: Governor of Oaxaca
Alonso Celestine: Srio. Gral de Gobierno of
Sergio Segreste Rios: Pte. Of the State
Commission of
Human rights of Oaxaca
Rogelio Chagoya: General solicitor of Justice of
State of Oaxaca
With deep consternacion we informed to them into
completes aggression that Members of the Popular indigenous Council of
Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magon" have suffered.
According to the description that is llegade to us have been attempts
of murder to Pedro Herminio Baptist Rojas and Raul Gatica.
There are clear tests that after these attacks exist interests
of organizations with a league near the governmental powers.
We make an invitation close by see them these Swedish
irregularities that have been reported to us and newspapers and
average that reports to the world-wide organizations and Swedish wings
camaras of commerce.
We will be to the slope of the development of the facts and are open to receive an answer to sober these cases.
Mario Anderson
President of the RFIRSM
Gotemburgo Sweden