Companeros of the CIPO-RFM:
Receive a brotherly and shared in common greeting from
Guadalajara, from the comrades that we conformed the Insurgent
Network Culture to Justice, we have been to as much of the vile tricks
that the repressive and facist governor of its state, Jose Murat, to
undertaken sistematicamente against his organizacion.
Nosostros you and we shared the pain the repression, the torture
and the prison. But they did not fold to us. We as you we
maintain a permanent long wait in the Seat of Arms, in front of Palace
of Government, in demand of the liberation of the prisoners of the 28
of May.
We adhered to the poster which they present/display in its
page of Internet and are pending of the events for its denunciation
and diffusion in the society tapatia.
Insurgent network Culture with Justice