Mexico, when the facist state takes off the Mask.
Black Cross Venezuela Anarchist
Mexico always to be fertil earth for the libertarias ideas, since Greek anarchist Plotino C. Rhodakanaty celebrates (1832-1885), discipulo direct of Bakunin, I publish in Mexico the newspaper “Cartilla Socialista”, those prairies and unmanageable earth have given cavity to the acratas ideas, passing per historicas moments and epocas within decadas Mexican History and comprising important for of the social weaves that fight by a new world. But like ace to be expected, the always afraid state of driving revolutionary of lo/as anarchists to undertaken all its hatred and badness in trying to criminalize the noble Mexican comrades libertario heart of lo/as.
To continuation we tried to make a summary of you complete abuses committed by the Mexican state against lo/as anarchist, perhaps this is the big wave but repressive from you historicamente celebrate well-known events to them like “Martires of Cananea”.
:: the Prisoners of Flores Magon
To several kilometros of the convulsionada and repressive Guadalajara, one is the Mexican state of Oaxaca, land of celebrates Mexican anarchist Ricardo Flores Magon, man of great ideas and suenos of freedom that to stay immutable in Oaxaca. In this pequeno been Mexican is based Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca – Ricardo Flores Magon (CIPO-RFM), this organizacion magonista is one of but repressed in all Mexico and particularly in Oaxaca. The balance from the creation of this organizacion of communities, 17 of November of 1997, has been: 517 detenidos/as and torturados/as; 103 incursions of I exercise, police and paramilitary to the communities of organizacion; 81 you order of apprehension by crimes that have not committed; 229 penal, civil, mercantile processes, etc. against agremiados/as; 37 threats of death to equal I number of its members; 27 assassinated and 263 lesionados/as of gravity and, at the moment, one of its known members, Raul Gatica, lives practicamente hidden by the attempts of murder that has suffered, also Lagunilla and Morelos Yosonotu, San Isidro Aloapam and Sta. Ma. Yaviche, I number indetermine of its settlers live displaced on its community before the fear of being assassinated or being jailed by the unico crime to organize itself for the defense of its rights like towns.
Due to the all this members of the CIPO-RFM, they decided to make a series of pacificas mobilizations that began day 20 of April of 2004 and that they culminated with a long wait in front of the Palace of Government and in the Temple of Sto. Domingo in the city of Oaxaca. Day 14 of September of 2004, policias of the forces special of the government of the state, UPOE, preventive, turistica, judicial police of the state, Federal Agency of Investigations, uniformed and dressed civilian, in an amount superior to 200, directed by the secretary of citizen protection Jose Saline Manuel Side, using lacrimogenos gases, deafening pumps and water pipes they evacuated the long wait of the members of 15 the stopped CIPO-RFM and taking to companero/as of said organizacion.
Companero/as stopped during the repression is: Profra. Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Brown Miguel Cross (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Leonor Lopez Alavez (15 years), (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Reynaldo Hernandez Fair (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Carmen Lopez Perez (advice of base of San Isidro Aloapam), Gumaro Lopez Alavez (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Kalid Hernandez, Daisy Garcia Garcia (union of the 3 powers), Abacuc Cross Cross (union of the 3 powers), Gildardo Perez Gomez (CIPO-RFM of San Cristobal Amoltepec), Hipolito Rodriguez Soriano (CIPO-RFM of Guadalupe Chindua), Jose Cross Cross (municipal agent of San Isidro Aloapam), Abel Ramirez Ramirez (worker of the Union of the 3 powers), Guadalupe Garcia Garcia (worker of the union of the 3 powers) and Mauro Garcia Garcia.
Thanks to solidarity and economica aid of some companero/as profit to pay the seven guarantee of companero/as of the CIPO-RFM, being to prevailed of 8 freedom companero/as. The members of the CIPO-RFM that managed to reach their freedom are: Leonor Lopez Alavez, Gildardo Perez Gomez, Kalid Perez Gomez, Carmen Perez Lopez, Mauro and Guadalupe Garcia Garcia.
:: Repression and Brutality in Guadalajara
The past 28 of May I am celebrated in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, the Summit of Chiefs of State of Latin America, Caribbean and European Union (ALCUE). The conscious movement social Mexican of the true intention of this congress that was the one to perpetuate every time but to a corrupt and elitesco system as the capitalist decided to mobilize itself against this summit, to the head and always very active it found the movement Mexican anarchist. The summit was sabotaged by contracumbre organized by the contestarios social movements but said osadia it was paid very expensive on the part of these. The government of Vicente Fox emprendio a bloodthirsty and Dantesque repression against any demonstrator, the final result was stopped hundreds of and deported tens of, the group went away reducing to 15 spear lo/as companero/as that to follow private of freedom on the part of the Mexican state.
The 15 companero/as which they even are after the grates of infamia in Guadalajara, one defendant or several crimes - between these described robbery, riot, pandillerismo, danos, prohibited carrying of arms and objects, against representatives of the authority, described injuries, general attacks to ways of communication and disobedience they are lengthy in the penitentiary of Great Bridge, ello/as are:
- Freddy Javier Marquez Cheek, of 19 years. It was tortured.
- Eduardo Carbajal, of 37 years, director of the primary school Juan.jose Arreola. The policias covered the head to him with plastico bags, they threatened it a pistol in sien it and they raised it naked the roof of the penitentiary.
- Gerald Alberto Corona Jimenez. Libertario and craftsman of the DF.
- Juan Carlos Gonzalez Flowers, of 27 years.
- Edgar Murillo Flowers. Anarchist, activist of the Libertaria Caravan Carlos Giuliani. He was struck by anti-riot in the street and stopped Since in the Green Cross, where he was taken care of of the injuries caused by the policias.
- Felipe Garcia Francisco, mexiquense, painter and employee in one tends Milano. The day of the disturbances could not arrive at its work because that establishment was closed. From return to his house it was stopped by the anti-riot ones.
- Aaron Alexander Garcia Garcia. Anarchist, member of a factory of fotografia, took fotografias from the march.
- Jose Miguel Gonzalez Lopez, jalisciense of 19 years, single veia to pass the march.
- Felipe de Jesus Landeros. Communist, member of the Insurgent Network of Guadalajara
- Miguel Angel Ramirez Lopez, in Culiacan, participated in peaceful way in the march.
- Leonardo Thin Rosales, of 36 years. The policias struck it until I am unconscious. Desperto in jail.
- Gerald Ernesto Trevino Olvera, of 18 years, original of Culiacan, was struck during almost two days.
- Rescuing Juan Lara Pina. He was tortured with blows and I touch electricos. They burned one to him To tattooed in a hand.
- Jose Cross Shines Sanchez, 66 years. Distant teacher. The policias injured the spine to him.
- Raul Moral Horseman, 33 years. The previous night habia been drinking with friends. Afternoon of the cast, it looked for but drunk when it was stopped and struck by policias that left it unconscious. Desperto in the Green Cross.
- To stop Velazquez Naranjo, reporter of the magazine the Scorpion, Monterrey. THereria had supper in one when it was stopped.
- Norberto Alexander Ulloa Martinez, 26 years, I participate in the manifestation of peaceful way.
- Elsa Hernandez Argüello, Libertaria, salesman of artesanias and sentimental companera of Gerald Crown. It went towards the terminal of buses in search of transport to leave Guadalajara when it was stopped.
- Haydee Berenice Garcia Rodriguez, member of one organizacion nongovernmental pacifist, I participate in the march and retirement. THereria was stopped to nine at night in one.
:: That to do?
Without a doubt some before as much abuse one is asked, That to do, As I can help? and an endless ones of questions but, on like helping lo/as companero/as Mexican that at the moment they are undergoing but the brutal repression on the part of the Mexican government from the tumultuosos days of Huelga in the UNAM. From the Black Cross Venezuela Anarchist, as group within the CRA-AIT for the aid and solidarity with lo/as prisoner/as anarchists we have initiated a libertarios bell of solidarity with lo/as prisoner/as in Mexico.
This bell consists of three parts, first dedicated to the harvesting of economicos bottoms to help to pay to the guarantee of lo/as prisoner/as that follow kidnapped in jailes of the Mexican state, does not concern whatever is the economica donation, the important thing is to donate something of money to help to pay the guarantee. If something of the fortnight exceeds to you or you want to break “cochinito” in order to help these companero/as, you can comunicarte with nosotro/as by our email.
In reference to lo/as companero/as of the CIPO-RFM, we are collecting companies that would seran deliveries in the Mexican embassy in Venezuela and which shipments by mail to the president of the Mexican State, Vicente Fox and the Governor of the State of Oaxaca Jose Murat would seran directly. If you also want solidarizarte with lo/as companero/as of the CIPO-RFM you can send your name complete, cedula of identity and direction of our email and quickly your seals sera annexed to the letter.
If you enjoy time and you want to express with comrades words your unconditional support with lo/as you can send a letter in Word format to our electronica direction and nosotro/as with taste we will be made it arrive at anyone of lo/as prisoner/as that we have mentioned previously. Perhaps this is the section but tedious but but the rewarding one of the bell, to interchange verbs and beautiful prosas with ours prisoner/as is perhaps the pretty part but of the work with lo/as companero/as that have been private of freedom. It seems lie but a full letter of color and joy those frias gray cells where their body and soul resist with but the brutal repression of the Mexican State.
If you want to have greater information or to actively collaborate in the bell by the liberation of lo/as companero/as you can send an email to our electronica direction: and never you forget to remember that ello/as are inside by nosotro/as that we are outside.
:: Links de Interes
If you want to investigate or informate but on Mexican the libertarios and Politicall situation of lo/as prisoner/as, we sent a pair of electronicas directions and emails to you, that can help you:
If you want to directly contact with lo/as prisoner/as of Guadalajara, you can do it by the following email of the libertario companero Lalo, that also was private of freedom by the events of Guadalajara and which luckyly I reach its freedom:
The Black Cross Anarchist-Venezuela/Latin Network of CNAs