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Seville, 17 of September of 2004

Mr. President of the Mexican United States
Mr. General Procurador of the Republica
Mr. Gobernador de Oaxaca
Mr. General Procurador of Justice of the state of Oaxaca
Mr. President of the State Commission of Human rights of Oaxaca

Seguiamos with preoccupation, from the General Confederation of the Work, the lack of answer to the right reindivicaciones of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magon", and now we must unfortunately show ours to them repulses by the violent answer that they have given to the peaceful attitude of its manifestations of, producing the abuses agents of the government to the physical integrity of people of the CIPO-RFM.

We hoped that already they give instructions for the beginning of I engage in a dialog that it responds to its right demands and the elucidation of those facts and the deaths produced in San Isidro Alopam, in Yaviche and Lagunilla Yosonotu. Still as the taking of measures to solve the cruel conditions in which they live by the imposition of megaproyectos like the PPP, the OMC, the TLC and the abusive operation of his natural resources.

Permanent secretaryship of CGT-Andalucia

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