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Bright Sta. of the Way, Oaxaca, September 22 of 2004.

C. Jose Luis Soberanes
President of the CNDH
Mexico, DF
P r and s and n t e

Those that we subscribed, members of the Organizing Meeting which we have not even been prisoners, by this conduit we make him arrive our complaint against the Governor from the State Jose Murat Casab, Alonso Celestine Alvarez, Secretary General of Government, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, presumed elect governor of Oaxaca; Jose Manuel Side Saline, Brown Manuel Rivas, Aristeo Lopez Martinez, all civil employees of first level del been of Oaxaca, Still like against the Federal Agency of Investigations, state AFI, and al delegated of the General Procuraduria of Republica, President of the State Commission of Human Rights of Oaxaca, and against all those that organized, ordered and executed the violation to our human rights.
The previous thing because it is not the first occasion in which it is repressed to us like people, organizacion and community, as it is demonstrated with the following ones

Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; CIPO- R.F.M. we are one organizacion of communities defending of the rights of the indigenous towns in the State of Oaxaca. We formed the 17 of November of 1997 and appeared the 18 of the same month and year publicamente vindicating the free association and coexistence of the towns, the collective work, the mutual aid, autonomy in a word.
Organizacion this integrated by Chatinas/os, Triquis, Chinantecas/os, Mazatecas/os, Mixes, Mixtecas/os, Cuicatecos, Tacuates, Zapotecas/os, Negras/os and Mestizas/os, muchachas/os, ninas/os and abuelitas/os; farmers, obreras/os, bands, students, artists, anarkopunk´s, comuneras/os, teachers, healers, etc., that without age distinction sex, religious belief, educative level, office, occupationion, sexual preference, color of skin or language, have been joined to contribute what each one has: experience, capacity, will on watch, desire and effort to find its way of liberation.
In general terminos the CIPO-RFM we have like propositos:
· Promote that the towns and trabajadores/as organize themselves of libertaria way, although they do not make it with the CIPO-RFM.
· To spread, to promote to enable and to defend the human rights organizadamente: social, economicos, Politicall and cultural of the town in general and the one of indigenous The, the minusvalidas/os women, The, The ninas/os and migrantes The in individual, Still like the collective rights like towns.
· To develop in the facts the Autonomia, autogestion and car organizacion of the towns and communities, as it forms concrete of liberation of our towns.
· To advise, to support and to accompany to the indigenous communities, organizations and individuals, that fighting by the reconstruction and association frees of the towns ask for our support.
· To impel the integral development of our towns, indigenous or no, with productive projects, of commercialization, industrialists, of export and sustentables: the premises, regional and state, taking care of, rescuing and conserving the ecosystems of our communities.
· To revalue cosmovision and forms of coexistence, organizacion, work, production, science, and all the cultural expressions of our communities
· To make investigation, documentation analysis and diffusion of the movements and local, regional, state, national and international fights social, that by their importance, importance, impact, innovations or experiences, support the organizational process of the towns and elevate their taking of conscience.
· To defend, to promote and to spread to the care of the ecosystems and natural resources.
· To stop the militarization, repression and all form of authoritarianism, to now make and with which we have, the society of the manana, where autogestion, autoorganizacion, and the mutual support is the base.
· To develop systems of communitarian communication: radio. TV, Internet, periodic, etc.
Within our activities that we developed this the attention to the AGRARIAN problematica, ECOLOGIA, CULTURE, COMUNICACIoN, WOMEN, PROJECTS, Human rights, COMMUNITARIAN MANAGEMENT, QUALIFICATION and ACOMPAnAMIENTO, JURIDICO, MEDICINE, Youth EDUCACIoN.
In order to take care of all these aspects we have work area: Qualification, Juridica and Human rights, Gestoria, Communication and diffusion, Ecologia, Projects, Connection, Culture and investigation, Women, Youth General Coordination, Finances.

Ever since we arose since organizacion we have suffered infinity of aggressions, of which we have given account always to the institutions in charge to distribute justice, to the defenders of Human rights, state, national and international, to continuation a summary of but the significant thing:

year 1998
1. The 18 of April of 1998, in Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, the day that its bell for governor Jose Murat initiated, being governor Diodoro Carrasco Altamirano, in a peaceful manifestation outside of the offices of the Regional Sub-procuraduria of Justice of the state in that place, exigiamos the freedom of imprisoned indigenous, when at the one of the manana 500 judicial and preventive policias arrived surprise, shooting and using deafening pumps and of lacrimogeno gas in against ours. The same passage in Putla of Guerrero, Oaxaca, to 5 of the manana.
As result of this action we were stopped 106 people, between old women, ninos and. To all they took us to the State Capital, hurt and moored like animals.
To our representatives they struck them wildly and to one of them, RAUL GATICA isolated it of all, took it to a place where it did not watch anybody, so that the own assistant attorney general Frame Tulio Lopez Escamilla tortured it. The same one I beat to him with rifle in the back, the testiculos and legs so that it put me of knees and asked pardon to him the government.
The judicial assistant attorney general and four policias that removed it with unknown course and that Since I identify like canaverales by the wagon course to Matias Romero Oaxaca, there threatened it: “vamos
to break all the mother to him to your Indian family pendejo” Soon, they put a pistol to him in the head and the assistant attorney general I order: “matenlo”. Our brother says that to hill the eyes and I listen to a firing. The homicide maneuvers I cause single shock to him and volvio to the reality when other policias struck to him.
As a result of that our representing brother I am with fracture in the ribs of the left side, injured of the spine and the left leg to me, as they could see different medicos it, including the one of the penitentiary. Aside from at least the 40 people but they were with diverse injuries in the body.
In the way to Oaxaca, the commander of the Preventive police I simulate an attempt to apply to us to the law flight, while it began to practice the shot to the target.
In Oaxaca, during 24 hours to all the prisoners they did not give water, foods them, nor either medica attention and RAUL GATICA was missing approximately 10 hours, Since denunciaria the clandestine existence of jail in the Airport of Oaxaca.
In jail of Ixcotel they placed to the prisoners in a cell of 6 xs 8 meters, where had a total of 89 lengthy ones. During 2 days they did not let leave to the wounded to receive medica attention. And RAuL GATICA could not leave medicamente nor be taken care of during 29 days because the first day of its halting was punished when making a meeting.
The 3 of June of 1998 RAUL GATICA BEGINNING a hunger strike to demand the freedom of the prisoners in Tuxtepec. During the 21 days that last strike it was insulted, attacked and intimidated by the director of the penitentiary, ex--policias prisoners and by the own president of the State Commission of Human rights, Evencio Nicolas, that exigio to retire the accusation presented/displayed before the National Commission of Human rights, against the governor, the Secretary General of Government, the solicitor and the assistant attorney general of justice of the State, Still like a the police bodies, by torture, injuries and attempt of homicide, said to him very textually: "if not it beams, I personally me hare position which never you leave jail".
Of all this repressive act the CNDH emitted recommendation 26/99, against the government of the state of Oaxaca, but has to date not been fulfilled anything.

year 2000
2. The 4 of May of 2000, the observatory for the protection of the Defenders of the Human rights, program set of the FIDH and of the OMCT, it asks for his urgent intervention to proposito of the risk that runs the life of Prof. Raul Gatica Baptist leader of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; CIPO-RFM, ref: 004/0005/033 OBS Amenazas/harassment MEXICO.

year 2001
3. The 26 of January of 2001, amnesty the International sends urgent action by new acts of intimidation to members of the CIPO-RFM:
PuBLICO Index AI: AMR 41/005/2001/s
21/01 AU Fear by security 26 of January of the 2001
MeXICO Inti GATICA MARTiNEZ (smaller), Raul GATICA, its father (defending of the rights of the indigenous) Members of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers;
The police this looking for Raul Gatica, defender of the rights of the indigenous, and has threatened stopping its son, a minor. Amnistia the International feels preoccupation by the security of both, Still like by the one of the colleagues of Raul Gatica in organizacion of rights of the indigenous for which it works, Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magon".
The 13 of January, a group of agents of the Judicial police of the State of Oaxaca arrived at the community from San Isidro Nuns, municipality of Xoxocotlan. They burst in into house of a member of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca and asked for Raul Gatica. They threatened stopping the son of Gatica, Inti Gatica Martinez, that was in that house, if not them decia where they podian to find his father. According to the information, policias habian before struck to Inti Gatica days.
4. The 17 of July of the 2001, Holy Gregorio Jesus Gutierrez (alias the rooster) Brown Samuel in compania of 20 people smoothed the Address of Reyna Perez Hernandez, (integral of the Organizing Meeting of the CIPO-RFM) located in old highway to Alban Mount corner with Valerio Trujado in the street Benito Juarez s/n. Day 7 of October also they threatened it and day 11 of October they robbed and they left a note to him where they threaten it of integral death to her and other of the CIPO-RFM. Everything Consists in the AV. PREVIOUS NO.8928 (S.C.) 2001, AV. PREVIOUS 1489(SC) 2002 and 149(CDA) 2002. To date justice has not been made and the harassment follows.

year 2002
5. The 1º. Of January of 2002, they were kidnapped and tortured 46 members of the CIPO-RFM of the communities of the Reformation, Yaviche and Yagallo, by paramilitary of the Regional Council Working Urban Farmer and of Tuxtepec, CROCUT, of the population of Tanetze de Zaragoza. This group is commanded To stop Toimil Roberts, Jacobo Chavez Tinder, between otos. Since of one releases fight, profit that the state commission emitted recommendation 15/200, where recognizes the kidnapping, the torture and other caused by the authorities. Nevertheless the related thing to the paramilitary Groups and the performance of protection is not mentioned that cometio the visitador of procuraduria of justice of the state Erick Heras Velasquez.

6. The 13 of March 2002, to the first hours of day twelve of March of 2002 in the house of the CIPO-RFM recibio in I telephone 51 78190 a call where a masculine voice I ask for Raul Gatica, saying that a friend of the Isthmus called. One said to him that Raul was not, but podia to leave message and said that nothing but called to ask to him that like had left the accident. Since hung. We did not give importance to the fact, but to five of the manana we received a call of members of the CIPO-RFM from Juchitan, where they communicated to us that comrades GAUDENCIO ESCAMILLA MENDOZA habian had an accident, EVARISTO SARABIA, MISAEL MARTINEZ, JAIME SARABIA, JESUS and TEODORO, that traveled the NISSAN Light truck.
During the course of the day, the same voice I call to say to us: This time except for Gatica because it took good driver, but proxima less does not escape and To stop Chavez and Reyna. All this appears briefed in the AV. PREVIOUS 52(F.M) 2002. This situation cost the death of Gaudencio Escamilla Mendoza, member of the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM.
7. The day veintidos of July of the 2002, being the fifteen hours with ten minutes, while realizabamos an assembly in sector U2-B of Sta. Huatulco Cross, arrived NORBERTO ARAGON OGARRIO, I syndicate Constitutional Policeman of Santa Maria Huatulco, Policias Municipal and judicial of the state, that without mediating question some, and with luxury of violence RAUL GATICA, JOSE arrested RUIZ HERNANDEZ, FELICITOS MARTINEZ MARTINEZ, GUMERCINCO VALENCIA TORIZ and ELIZABETH MOON CROSS, as it consists in the AV. PREVIOUS No. 251(II)/2002
8. The 19 of November of the 2002, being approximately the eighteen hours, when they were reunited integral of the Council Popular indigenous “RICARDO FLOWERS MAGON” and communities of the environs, with the purpose of making a cleaning in the land that is located next to the located offices of the Apple Council six, Lot six, of the Sector U2 B, in Jurisdiction of Santa Cruz Huatulco, when policias policemen and people arrived from the paramilitary group known like “baja mantenimiento” and with violence luxury they attacked against our brothers and they prevented this cleaning. They left injured to Victory the Ruizes, Assumption Lopez and Ofelia Insipid Velasquez and stopped Elizabeth Moon Cross, Reyna Gladicenia Solis and Juan Diaz.
and it is mentioned like direct accused to Efigenio Ramiez Hernandez, Norberto Aragon Ogarrio and all the municipal town hall, asi like a Jacinth “N” of the Municipal police of Santa Cruz Huatulco.
All this briefed in the AV. PREVIOUS no. 414(II)/2002, same that is related to 2264 (PME) 2002.

9. The 11 of August of 2002, between 9 and 10 of the manana, paramilitary of Torch Farmer of San Miguel Aloapam, Attacked with woods, machetes, tips and some arms in the Ilyhusion place, to the Women of San Isidro Aloapam who were seeding Popes. They destroyed one house that the community of San Isidro poseia in the place. The testimonies of the women and who registry ACAT senalan: "To many they struck, did not let to us say groserias to us, in special to the women but Youth#8221; “Un man I undo the trousers and it said us that that was what estabamos looking for, that for that veniamos the single women to milpa” “No stopped to say groserias and to touch to us well ugly ". "they took hold to Me and they pushed to me and they kicked to me, until now this badly my espalda” “me threw above of the highway where a grass are that has thorns, there threw to me and they gave trancazos me in the forehead and espalda” “de as much fear that tapeworm nor I realized where was my demas companeras” “Alarguense of these earth because if we did not kill them ". they “Pegaron as much to 2 women who were thrown in the ground which they lost his bebes”.
The paramilitary ones took to a minor of 5 years, Miriam Alavez towards the forest, but aparecio until afternoon, like a five.
This aggression I leave, wounded of gravity a: Merenciana Alavez Cross, Daisy Perez Mendez and Anastasia Alavez Cross; ademas of hurt a: Celina Perez Cross, Rufina Perez Perez, Guadalupe Alavez Perez, Maria Lopez Cross, Eva Garcia Cross, Perez Rosebay Cross, Maria Elena Perez Perez, Light Alavez Perez, Juana Perez Mendez, Yolanda Perez Cross, Francisca Perez Mendez, Daisy Cross Alavez, Adelaida Perez Cross, Maria Perez Cross, Jesusita Cross Perez, Agripina Perez Hernandez, Domitila Mendez, Cross, Sebastiana Perez Alavez, Susana Alavez Garcia, Claudia Perez Perez, Vicenta Perez Alavez, Humberto Cross Alavez, Loved Perez Cross, Esteban Lopez Cross, ademas of the minors: Emigdio Cross Alavez and Jacinto Perez Cross.
Although throughout the day members of the CIPO-RFM we were speaking with the Secretary of Citizen Protection, the General Procuraduria of Justice, the Secretary General of Government, the Private secretary of the Governor, the diverse civil employees assured to them that already had left the security publishes for the place where they were attacking them. Nevertheless at the place of the aggression never I arrive security publishes some. Single 24 hours Since of the aggression arrived civil employees from the Ministry I publish and the General Procuraduria of Justice and transferred the women who were in serious state of health and were taken to the hospital, where occurred a report that indicated incomplete abortion because of blows. (medico Report Civil Hospital, file: 736/2002).
Also part occurred to the State Commission of Human rights that I do not appear to the place of the facts but up to two days Since and although the complaint was made to date have not given a report of which sucedio and the paramilitary ones have not received any punishment.
In that same date 5 members of the CIPO-RFM of the community were kidnapped, same that Since to torture psychologicalmente was sent them by the municipal authorities to the Ministry I publish of Ixtlan, defendant of injuries, resistance to the authority and abuses to other people's property (penal file 129/2002.) All these facts are briefed in the denunciations: AV. PREVIOUS Nº 218/(FM)/2002, AV. PREVIOUS Nº 736/(HC)/2002, AV. PREVIOUS Nº 1551/(PME)/2002 and AV. PREVIOUS Nº 6913/(SC)/2002.

10. The 7 of June of 2003, in one touched of rock made in the audience located between Bustamante and Armenta and Lopez, near the audience of San Francisco where preventive, municipal policia and UPOE I strike wildly to Erick Red Zavaleta, Sergio Perez Hawthorn, Crisanto Martinez Gualberto, Rogelio Martinez Calderon, Elvis Cross Cross, they injured them and they vejaron. Everything consists in the AV. PREV. 5036/SC/2003 and was alternated until the 12/06/03, although it was transacted 08/06/2003 with I number 785/CR/2003 and in the complaint been before the CEDH/664/ (01)/OAX/2003, of which we know is a recommendation but it has not been notified to us.

11. Day 5 of August of 2003, in the vestibule of the cathedral, while they were reunited to Antonio Villanueva other 13 Feliciano and Youthbut of the CIPO-RFM were stopped with violence of arbitrary way by preventive policias and the UPOE, defendant of injuries stops in hours to leave them in freedom without but explanations, these facts are in the complaint file. CEDH/817/(01)/OAX/2003, also is a recommendation that they have not wanted to communicate to us, and the same commission refuses to give information us.

12. The 24 of May of 2003 the address of Raul Gatica located in the street Freedom 8 of San Isidro Nuns, Xoxocotlan, Oaxaca was smoothed and destroyed by strangers. They did not take anything, not even money in cash that was in the place, but left painted the color house orange: the bano, the utensils of kitchen, the foods, etc. Ademas, when putting in order the house, found under the things two dots: a skull with the name of “RAUL” and a cross in rechambers it that with the signboard: “estas muerto” Everything is registered in the AV. PREV. 413/CDA/2003.

13. The 12 of June of 2003, but of 1000 preventive, judicial policias, of the UPOE and policemen evacuate with violence the democraticos workers of the union of the three powers, to the Codeci and members of the CIPO-RFM that estabamos in pacifico long wait front to palace of government of Oaxaca and 40 dependencies but. The balance of 37 was hurt and 4 prisoners, in agreement account occurs in:

14. Day 18 of July of 2003, in the occasion of protests that was made in downtown, Raul Gatica was near source of Tree-lined avenue of Leon writing up document, when account occurred that two people senalaban it, one of them, with cap species of pasamontanas I rise to the sweater shirt and coat a firearm and line up towards. Raul corrio towards where it was people and denouncement which happened, reason by which Reyna Perez, Elizabeth Perez and Paschal Ricardo persecuted this person to film it but they could not reach it because it went in bicycles that another person him prepared tapeworm and esperandolo. last has seen itself this individual like police of the special forces in a white motorcycle. Everything consists in the AV. Prev. 6266/SC/2003., but that beginning with I number myself of AV. Prev. 1290(PME)/2003, by homicide attempt.
15. The 13 of August of 2003 at night, to a flank of the SETRAN offices several policias of I journey wanted to take to several members of ours organizacion, for that aimed with the pistol at Rosary Gomez, Crisostomo Perez Cross, Reynaldo Fair Hernandez and Reynaldo Hernandez Fair. In the end the women managed to rescue them but they did not save them of the blows that they gave them. Everything consists in the AV. PREV. 1074(C. R.)2003
16. The 16 of October of 2003, when the community of Sta. Maria Yaviche, member of the CIPO-RFM, made a general assembly, surprise appeared a group of people of Tanetze de Zaragoza, identified as paramilitary of the CROCUT, strongly armed and shooting against the asambleistas. This aggression I leave like being dead Bartolome Chavez Rooms and heridos/as: Francisco Flowers Apple tree with 7 impacts of bullet: 4 in stomach and 3 in the legs, Onofre Apple tree Tinder with a bullet in the leg, Noe Herrera Branches, with two impacts of bullet in the foot, Octavia Tinder Flowers with a shot in the knee, Asiel Branches with a shot in the knee, Anselmo Perez with a shot in the arm. Eliseo Marquez with an impact of bullet to the height of Rodilla, Simon Tinder Apple tree with a shot in the shoulder and the leg and Arnulfo Marquez with a shot in the shoulder and another one in the arm. All the wounds were caused with bullets of heavy caliber. Everything appears in the previous inquiries NuM. 1643/SC/2003, 06 /2003, 2539/S.C./2003, 21/2003, 10070/CS/2002, 329/ FM/ 2002 and the 70/2003 and complaints of the CEDH: CEDH/01/27/OAX/2002, CEDH/885/08/OAX/2001.
In the aggression profit to recognize itself and to even photograph the aggressors, among them To stop Toimil, to lider of organizacion CROCUT, Hernan Chavez Martinez, Erick Chavez Martinez, Filiberto Linen Tinder, Equidel Ruiz Cross, Hector Chavez Martinez, Elias Chavez Tinder, Victorino Rooms, Eustorgio Ruiz, among others. Nevertheless, procuraduria of justice act and with that behavior does not protect to the paramilitary ones.
At 9 days of happened, I arrive to the community a Caravan from Observation from diverse organizations from human rights finding an atmosphere from tension in the ninos, old and women and the presence of three bodies of preventive police of the state, that in his mayoria were located in the center of Santa Maria, specially in the school, the church and in the pantheon. The climate that prevails is of fear and sinks because the paramilitary ones Continuing shooting to the houses and approximately 50 paramilitary ones have blocked the entrances of the population. The members of the caravan could be aware that of the community of Tanertze de Zaragoza it was listened to announcements by apparatus of sound of voices in Zapoteco, announced: that they volverian to enter the people of the CROCUT to kill them to all, which generated much fear in the population.
Forceful tests that the aggression to the community of Santa Maria Yaviche and to the CIPO-RFM exist podia to prepare themselves as they demonstrate the offices to it of the State Commission of Human rights of date 16 of October of the 2003, directed to Abel Trejo, Secretary of Citizen Protection. Also it had knowledge the Solicitor of Justice Sergio Santibanez and Governor Jose Murat.
Since of the facts were many irregularities for the integration of the previous inquiry, on the part of the agent of the ministry I publish, the experts, of the ministerial policia, the medicos, the direction of previous inquiries and sub procuraduria of previous inquiries
In spite of the integration of previous inquiry 146/2003, ratified in the Agency of the Ministry I publish assigned to the Direction of Previous Inquiries and Consigments of the General Procuraduria of Justice of the State of Oaxaca, where they are senalan to the people in charge of the death and the injuries of gravity to the wounded, took a month to brief the inquiry, fifteen day to free you order them of apprehension and to almost two months Since of the aggression, nobody has been stopped. also did not get rid you order totally of apprehension against the identified main people in charge by the settlers of Sta. Ma. Yaviche. On the contrary, they Continuing in Tanetze generating a fear climate in the population and demonstrating impunity that they enjoy
The performance of the Director of Previous inquiries is worrisome Victor Alonso to block everything transacts in relation to this and other cases, also to insist that it cannot brief until receives superior indications, and on the contrary give facilities him to Jacobo Chavez that is senalado like the main person in charge of the aggression, so that in his indicated quality of in previous inquiry 146/2003 it is defended. Although the crime homicide is persecuted of office.

17. The 24 of February of 2004, approximately to 9 of the manana assassinate with firearm to the brother Juan appeared Garcia of the community of Lagunilla Yosonotu. The people in charge were integral outstanding of the PRI, Marcelino Hernandez, and Delfino “N”que with near 60 paramilitary ones of Water of the Toro, Bright Sta. Monteverde invaded the land where our brother worked. Procuraduria of justice did not do anything although it was warned and knows of the existence of paramilitary in the zone.
18. The 4 of July between 9 and 9:15 at night, in the garden of Etla, were attacked stabs and hurt Edgar Torija Perez, when it finished sticking posters of the mobilization of the CIPO-RFM and dirigia to his address in the same community. All this in the penal file: AV. PREV. 266/(I) 2004. Although all the tests have been contributed, procuraduria act not to stop to the identified person in charge whom this of being activist of the PRI.
19. The 11 of 2004 July, at 8:30 of the manana, a group of approximately 40 integral people of the PRI, Navies of machetes, small bars, shovels and tips arrived at the House from Popular the indigenous Council from Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; CIPO-RFM located in sector U2-B, apple 6, lot 6, of Sta. Cross Huatulco, Oaxaca and attacked against the 7 families of comrades ours that there live. As a result of the wounded aggression Felicitos Martinez from 40 years of age, Felix Towers of 35 years and the girl Sandra were Towers of 8 years and Brenda Towers of 6.
20. The 13 of July of 2004, paramilitary of Bright Sta. Monteverde balacearon the community of Yucunicuca and assassinated to Pedro Salazar Cross. To the following day again the paramilitary ones of Monteverde, strongly armed incursionaron in the places “corral viejo”, “ocote cuate”, “loma larga” and “cantada”, in the zone of Morelos, Lagunilla and Yucunicuca Yosonotu and they make firings to the 3 populations. In spite of already existing a dead until day 27 of July I appear the security publishes to reguardar to the population.
21. The 13 of Julio of 2004, the preventive police of the state on board of patrols 630 and 810 surrounded the community by Sta. Maria Yaviche, closed the entrances and they did not allow the exit to any of the members of the CIPO-RFM, reason why we had to leave by the paths between the mount to be able to arrive at the protests in Oaxaca.
22. The night of day 16 of 2004 July, in the seat of the Dance of the city of Oaxaca, occupied pacificamente by the CIPO-RFM and where the police to the control of Lieutenant Saline Jose M. Vera and Captain Brown Manuel Rivas attacked against old ninos, women and with lacrimogenos gases, electricos deafening pumps and toletes to those who of single tenian their bodies like shield and defense. This I leave wounded a: Rolando Zeferino Quino, that was removed from the police wall without sense; Perez rosebay Cross perdio the sense of orientacion and cannot speak; Elizabeth Perez Cross I stick in the chest the deafening pump and hurt key to him, now this without being able to speak; Simon Illescas Apple tree this without possibility of seeing because of gases; Fulvia Dominguez Mayoral and Gloria Branches Yescas and Melisa Flowers Tinder cannot move. All the wounded could take to the Civil Hospital of Oaxaca Since of a strong fight to break through the encirclement.
23. First from September of the present year in the premises that occupy the house of the CIPO-RFM thirteen telefonicas calls of the nine of the manana to nine were received at night, where a man voice asked for Raul Gatica and when asking that so that queria, decian: “para to break his to him puta mother to and all the members of the CIPO” and they hung.

24. The 9 of September of the 2004, between eleven and the twelve at night in the street Emilio Carranza I number 210, place where they are located the offices of the CIPO step vehicle Pic white Hup and the people who went to the interior made 9 firings of firearm of heavy caliber in front of the house of the CIPO-RFM.
25. Day 13 of September of the 2004, five afternoon recibio a telefonica call in the house of the CIPO-RFM and when raising the horn the person who was of guard was asked to him: “esta Raul Gatica or Reyna Perez”, as they answered that one was not him said: “diganles that one by one is going away it to load chingada”
Everything what we mentioned previously serves as antecedent to the repression that development against us day 14 of September where they evacuated to us with violence and that occurred under the following ones:
To 6:13 hours of the manana of the day of today 14 of September of 2004, policias of the forces special of the government of the state, UPOE, preventive, turistica, judicial police of the state, Banking Policia, Federal Agency of Investigations, uniformed and dressed civilian, in an amount superior to 100, directed by the secretary of citizen protection Jose Saline Manuel Side, taking lacrimogenos gases, deafening pumps and water pipes, without warning of by average they evacuated to us as much with luxury of violence of the Palace of Government like of the Temple of Sto. Domingo, places where estabamos from the 20 of April of the 2004. Our things took them in two light trucks and to us in 3 light trucks, a ram and two Nissan. Between the things that took was one camara Sony, Mini DV-cam, where this filmed part of the repression which we lived and that demonstrates we did not attack to anybody.
To the brothers and sisters prisoners without counting on apprehension order took to them and without which they were committing crime some, they struck them and they vejaron, the relation of them are: Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin, General Coordinator of the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM; Miguel Cross Brown responsible for the Communitarian Radio Guetza and member of the communication area of the organizing meeting, the CIPO-RFM, Leonor Lopez Alavez, -15 years and member of the communication area of the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM to that they cleared camara to him; Reynaldo Hernandez Fair responsible for the area of Youthof the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM, Carmen Lopez Perez, member of the Women's Workgroup of the Organizing Meeting of the CIPO-RFM; Gumaro Lopez integral Alavez of the area of Communitarian Gestoria of the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM, Kalid Perez Gomez (17 years) of the advice of base of the CIPO-RFM of Bright Sta. of the Way, Daisy Garcia Garcia (union of the 3 powers), Abacuc Cross Cross (union of the 3 powers), Gildardo Perez Gomez, (17 years) advice of base of the CIPO-RFM of San Cristobal Amoltepec, Jose Cross Cross, member of the CIPO-RFM and municipal agent of San Isidro Aloapam; Abel Ramirez Ramirez, worker of the Union of the 3 powers; Guadalupe Garcia Garcia, worker of the union of the 3 powers and Mauro Garcia Garcia, Advice of Base of the CIPO-RFM and Municipal Agent of Guadalupe Chindua.
Although extra sabiamos which they were lengthy in the Procuraduria de Justicia of the State, officially single they let see them to us until the 5 of afternoon. All this time they had them without giving them to eat neither to take water, nor to go to the bano.
The testimonies of our brothers during the halting senala that struck them in the ribs, put mouth down, taken from the neck and beating to them against the floor of the tray of the cars, without leaving they watched them at the face, and when they watched a little, soon soon they struck them. All time they asked “donde this to them lider, we walked it buscando”.
Leonor, Kalid, Jose and Gumaro took them in a same car and tell that in the way they said to cracked Indians leg to them, larguense to his puebo, do not have anything to do aca, must be in their town and not disfiguring the city. Our sisters responded “indias but with dignidad”
When they took to procuraduria under police fort defense to them of men and policias women, all were ensanaron with the women - ninas -, the policias said: “no costs nothing to us to violate them because we like mujeres” and they began to clear the trousers to him to Kalid and they broke the underclothes to him. All accompanied of blows and I handle by the body.
The policias shouted to them: “Pobres chamacas single obeys what Raul Gatica Bautista” commands to them;, “El nomas commands and it does not do cosas” “El does not give the face. If very brave one thinks that of cara” “De this not escapa” and going to Leonor Lopez Alavez “Tampoco the your and Chinese goes away to escape in this occasion, because they are the Indians but revoltosas”
When they arrived at procuraduria they isolated to the ninas Leonor Lopez Alavez and Kalid Perez Gomez because they sang, to one in the bathroom and another one in the cell. They ordered to them that they undressed, and when not doing it they struck them. They removed to Leonor and they remained striking to Kalid between 5 women and a man. Single the pain shouts were listened to during 15 minutes.
Our hermanitas demanded that they said to them that crimes accused them. Then the policias embosomed his to them metralletas of threatening way. Incomunicadas had them from the 7 of the manana to the five of afternoon, also did not allow the passage of medicos so that they saw his state of health. They gave neither let them pass foods nor water and they either did not let to them go to the bano.
When the golpeadores asked our struck sisters: because they hate so much to us to all the policias, if we were not those that we did this operative one? They answered: “no we hated to you, sadness is that it gives us because your heart and mind estan envenenados” “De nothing serves that you have the same color that we if you serve to hurt to your hermanos”. The policias are reian of our words.
To Reynaldo, Miguel, Gildardo, Dolores and Guadalupe took them together. To Miguel and Reynaldo they demolished them and Since they kicked them in the ground and Go up them the light truck they hauled it of the hair, blows they raised them and as they also do not cabian in the light truck blows accommodated them in the tray of the car. To Miguel they took it with the knee in the head. Before any reclamation they struck them. They put mouth down and they did not let to them turn around the head so that they did not see that beat to them, nevertheless our brothers in spite of that watched them.
To Carmen, Abacuc, Margarita and Abel struck them with tolete in the legs so that they left the blanket that sostenian like unica defense. They raised them the light truck and they put the foot to them in the chest so that they did not move. To Abacuc they beat to him in the oidos ones and kicks they raised it the light truck.
When arriving at procuraduria and they are Carmen Lopez Perez with hemorrhage because of the blows, I ask for medica attention that never they gave him. In all the cases the medico of the judicial policia said that we do not have nothing, in spite of the evident injuries that they presented/displayed our brothers. Recommendation of the CEDH even exists on the matter.
To Daisy when they identified it they said: “vieja jija of the chingada one, your you were the one that us wash you with atole” Abacuc recibio blows when protesting by the golpeteo. When they arrived at procuraduria to Carmen said to him, “a to see outcry like hacias in zocalo. Right now we are going to you to violate and to wash with water fria.
From this day the police has occupied the government palace and this practicamente closed the step, to avoid that during the independence shout acts of protest of the indigenous towns do not become that always we have been excluded and now we are being repressed.
Day 14 of September of the 2004, approximately to four afternoon recibio a telefonica call where when answering they said to him the person who was of guard: “digale to these children of its chingada mother who now if the position chingada” “al Gatica, now if not escapa” “pronto sera the day of his muerte”
Day 15 of September approximately, to the 9 hours with 37 minutes, when integral of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers;, they carried out a meeting in front of the palace of Government of Oaxaca, to demand the freedom of its stopped companeros, again they were attacked and evacuated by police bodies.
Day 15 of September of 2004 approximately between four and the six afternoon were received four telefonicas calls, of which single they answered one in that they said to him to the person in charge of I telephone that if were to somebody of the organizing meeting of the CIPO reason why asks to him that which was and answers: in order to ask to them if them taste the evacuation. Now no longer it waits for an evacuation or madrazos to them, which follows is the death to all, mainly to puto of his lider Gatica.
The 15 of September from 2004 to 9:37 at night, were transferred approximately 20 people dressed civilian in military appearance and along with near 200 members of the special forces of the police of ministerial state UPOE and, civilian and black dresses, first surrounded the long wait and soon with all violence they returned to evacuate to us of zocalo of the city where governor Jose Murat (PRI member responsible for the repression) dara the shout of independence of Mexico in hours but.
During the evacuation to Elizabeth Perez Cross, member of the organizing meeting was threatened publicamente by Aristeo Lopez Martinez, head of the banking police that said to him: “te is going to load the chingada one but to rato” “a you we are not going to you to stop, but to desaparecer”
Day 16 of September of the 2004, to 9:30 of the manana attacking military they throw lacrimogeno gas to a girl of San Isidro Aloapam and to its breast. They strike the demonstrators rob the horns, the blankets and throw the things to us to eat that they tenian and they return them to evacuate with violence. During the beatings to the demonstrators of the CIPO-RFM, Aristeo Lopez Martinez when seeing that Elizabeth Perez Cross this helping the people who were affected with lacrimogenos gases, shouts to him in front of all, to the time that senalaba with the finger in pistol form: “mocosa daughter of your puta mother already you were worth madre”, I rush myself immediately against her, with the intention to want to clear camara to him to film and I strike it in the forehead doing it to fall and Since I drag it, the intervention of Alfonso Perez, avoid that they took it.
That same 16 of September but being approximately to the 10 of the manana 2 motorcyclists and one patrol of preventive policias stopped to Robert integral Hernandez Fair del CIPO, between the streets of Morelos and Crespo, in the city of Oaxaca. The halting did when repartia flying demanding the freedom of their imprisoned companeros. In the halting they gave him of kicks and they cleared the blankets to him and flags of the CIPO saying to him deals to your leaders who are going away to die all, to Raul Gatica we walked looking for and dile to it that this time does not escape.
The dawn of the 18 of September from 2004 to 2:10 of the manana they arrived, by all sides, to the place where they were planted pacificamente, approximately 100 policias dressed civilian in black color, military court, boots, cover mouths and scarves in the face; armed of rods, knives, striking the ground that until removed sparks and shouting “Ya the position chingada” “pinches Indian stinking we are going to them to break his madre” “donde this the damned little mocosa of camara and lider puto that tienen” and they beat to them to all, cleared money, clothes, huaraches, blankets, blankets, credentials and all their things to them. Lopez Branches were wounded from this Jovita aggression and taken care of by the Red Cross of Oaxaca.
It is possible to emphasize that the attacks have all the characteristic of paramilitary and venian directed by those of always: Jose Manuel Side Saline; Brown Manuel Rivas, Aristeo Lopez Martinez.
We went to the Red Cross to be taken care of and to receive the certainty of injuries but they did not want to give nothing to us, the agent of the ministry I publish did not want to receive the demand. The State Commission of Human rights at the moment that I listen that it was the CIPO-RFM, said that their complaints are not recibian.
At the moment the members of the CIPO we are planted in the same place of which we have been evacuated 7 times and we fear that they return to do the same.
All these aggressions, threats and intimidations are related to the work of defense of the human rights of the indigenous towns that we do in the State of Oaxaca, which at the moment they are carrying out and with it they affect interests of the government of the State and casiquiles and paramilitary groups, that violate the human rights of the indigenous towns in Oaxaca. By the same the State Commission of Human rights act in complicity with the state government, reason by which the same day of the aggression we made the complaint before the national commission of human rights, same that day 22 of September let us know telefonicamente that our complaint was admitted day 14 of September of 2004 with I number of EXP. OF COMPLAINT: 2004-2952-4 and taken care of by the Lic. Lourdes Larrieta.
Since it is an increasing preoccupation in the international community, the situation of the defenders of the human rights, as it demonstrates the approval to it in 1999, by the UN, of the Declaration when having of the individuals, the groups and the institutions to promote the human rights and the fundamental liberties universally recognized, Still as the designation in the last commission of human rights of the UN of a special representative to watch and to know the attacks defenders of the human rights, in Mexico this must be fortified, for that reason we dare a

1) Before the gravity of the narrated facts and the imminent danger that this means to the life, freedom and personal integrity of the C.C. Raul Javier Gatica Baptist, Oliverio Neri Lopez, Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin, Leonor Lopez Alavez, Daisy Garcia Garcia, Guadalupe Garcia Garcia, Carmen Lopez Perez, Kalid Perez Gomez, Reynaldo Hernandez Fair, Gumaro Lopez Alavez, Mauro Garcia Garcia, Raul Lopez Diaz, Juan Lopez Takings, Jose Cross Cross, Brown Miguel Cross, Gildardo Perez Gomez, Abacuc Cross Cross, Abel Ramirez Ramirez, Elizabeth Perez Cross, Rosary Gomez Hernandez, Gabriela Perez Gomez, Luis King Matadamas Ramirez, Alexander Kings Morales, Simon Illescas Apple tree, Paschal Prochoir Lopez, Alfonso Perez, To stop Chavez Garcia, Wilfrido Red Gabriel, Jose Luis Vasquez Districts, Alejandra Refuge Toro Rodriguez, Virgin Santa Sanchez Galicia, Francisca Ojeda Velasco, Francisco Peralda, Salvador Ojeda, boy Hope, Reyna Perez Hernandez, Misael Avendano, Juan Diaz, Elizabeth Moon, Gildardo Rodriguez Martinez, Eleuterio Branches, Felix Machuca, Crisostomo Perez Cross, Juan Lopez, Alberto Matias, Anatolio Martinez Marquez, Santiago Mendoza Villalobos, Margarito Jarquin Martinez, Carmen Perez Chavez, Fernando Torija and Raul Javier Gatica Baptist, all Members of the Organizing Meeting of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; and members, that have been harassment object and threats to raiz of the defense of the human rights of the indigenous towns in the state of Oaxaca, by all Here senalado, we solicitd to adopt measures you will prevent for them, destined to prevent a real and imminent irreparable dano.
2) In the same sense measured you will prevent for the communities that participate in this organizacion, by the gravity of the described facts Here.
3) Intervenga for the immediate liberation of our brothers who even remain lengthy: Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin, Daisy Garcia Garcia, Brown Miguel Cross, Jose Cross Cross, Gumaro Lopez Alavez, Reynado Fair Hernandez and Abacuc Cross Cross.
4) the necessary measures are taken so that the defenders of human rights, lists previously that are members of the CIPO-RFM can make their work without risk some.
5) That is applied the law against those who glided, organized, they ordered and they executed the set of repressive and violatorios acts of our human rights.
6) That of a publicamente to know the results the investigations that makes and senale clearly the role that the paramilitary groups play, Still like the reasons by which the judges, publicos ministries, etc., in the protection and granting of impunity to the paramilitary ones.
7) That recommends repair of the dano to our brothers and organizacion, mainly in the moral plane.
8) it is recommended to the authorities that abstain to make senalamientos and estigmatizaciones against the social, popular sectors, of human rights, and against the nongovernmental and integral organisms of the CIPO-RFM
9) That the authorities of all the state and official levels abstain to anyway justify or to legitimize crimenes, violence or aggression against the indigenous communities, organizations and activists and civil populace.
10) Which the operation of communitarian mass media like the Guetza radio is guaranteed, that now this persecuted by the government, although its permission this in transacts.
11) That is guaranteed that the State Commission of Human rights provides in truthful and impartial form, according to the eticos codigos, information on the violations to the human rights and aggressions that commit the authorities in Oaxaca, particularly Governor Jose Murat and the autonombrado Elect governor, Ulisise Ruiz Ortiz.
12) Garantice that habra a column in the press written and spaces in the television and radio, that allow to victimas of violations the human rights to freely express their thought with respect to the right to the truth, the justice and the integral repair of the dano that committed to them.
To the National Community and the International we solicitd:
a) Watch and you demand to the Mexican State the fulfillment and implementation of the recommendations and international norms of human rights for the cases our
b) Promover that the international cooperation and the national budget is destined for La Paz, the development and social justice, and does not stop the fortification of the repressive organos.
c) to the eclesiasticas churches and jerarquias we requested to acompanar to our communities and organizacion and that demands to the Mexican State the truth, justice and the integral repair of the dano that they caused to all victimas of violations to the human rights. Ademas which they make a etica investigation, evangelica and humanist on the facts that we have suffered the members of the CIPO-RFM and present/display to the society a report I publish on the violations that we have suffered.

Without but that to add at the moment, we took advantage of the occasion to greet it and to express our but high esteem to him.

By the reconstruction and it frees association of our towns
By the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM that has not even been stopped
Rosary Gomez Hernandez
Leonardo Lopez Sarabia
Raul Lopez Diaz.


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