To the attention of:
Lic. Vicente Fox Quesada... President of the Mexican
United States
Lic. Santiago Creel Miranda... Secretary of Interior
General Rafael Macedo of the Shell... General Solicitor
of the Republica
Mariclaire Acosta Urquidi... Ambassador of DD.HH. and
Jose Luis Soberanes... Pte. of the National
commission of Human rights
Jose Murat... Governor of Oaxaca
Hector To Mafud Mafud... Srio. Gral de Gobierno of
Oaxaca, Mexico
Brown Carlos Derbez... Srio. of indigenous Subjects
in Oaxaca, Mexico
Sergio Segreste Rios... Pte. of the State
Commission of Human rights of Oaxaca
Sergio Santibanez... General Solicitor of Justice of the
State of Oaxaca
Lic. Bertha Ruth Arreola Ruiz... General Subprocuradora
of Process control
Lic. Ricardo Garcia Villalobos... Pte. of the Agrarian
Superior Court
Carlos Tarrat Coordinating Ketner... of hearings
From the Confederal Commission of Solidarity with Chiapas of the General Confederation of the Work (CGT-Espana), seguiamos with preoccupation the lack of answer to the right reindivicaciones of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magon" and, unfortunately, now we must declare to them our but absolute he repulses by the violent answer that the past 14 of September have given the peaceful attitude of their manifestations, producing the abuses agents of the government to the physical integrity of people of the CIPO-RFM.
We wished and we hoped of you, everyone within its concrete responsibilities, that from already (before yesterday manana) are lent to give the precise instructions and make the opportune managements for the beginning of I engage in a dialog that it responds to the right demands of the CIPO-RFM, with the immediate release of all and all the prisoners and the total elucidation of the facts that we come to them to denounce, Still like the deaths produced previously in San Isidro Alopam, Yaviche and Lagunilla Yosonotu. As well, we solicitd to them that they exert the due measures to as much solve the cruel conditions in which the towns and indigenous communities live mainly -, of Oaxaca as of the rest of all Mexico, by the imposition of magaproyectos like the PPP. the OMC, the TLC, the abusive operation of its natural resources and - in general the nonrecognition to its fundamental rights but like worthy, free and authentically Mexican people.
In order to finish and without another one I animate that to have them to you sufficiently informed, to say them that from this Commission in whose name I write Still to them like from organizacion to which we belong (CGT-Espana) we will be well kind when passing of the referred case and corresponding demands, Still like arranged to support to us in all the possible one and consequently to act in favor of those who to the margin of borders, distances and circumstances, we considered our companeros, companeras, sisters and brothers, in the vindication and the fight by a world where we fit all worlds with justice, freedom and dignity.
Jose Luis Humanes Baptist
Coordinator of CGT-Comision Chiapas