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Bismillah to go Rajmàn to go Rajim

Assalam aleykum Brothers and Sisters. This narration (a little tardia) is a cronica of my trip to Oaxaca to Encuentro de autonomy as delegated sufi of the Youthful Network Interreligiosa-Promotores de Paz. I take advantage of the occasion to thank for its support to them, Ia Shakur, without which it had not been given me to arrive until the mountain range. But before telling this adventure them, there am Here the antecedents of the same one: about three months ago, several derviches and I comprised of the Youthful Network Interreligiosa, who is an attempt of the Movement by La Paz with Justice and Dignity to approach between if people of diverse creeds and to tie them with the reality of the indigenous communities in Mexico. The work of the Network to pains begins and luckyly we received the invitation of the Council indigenous de Oaxaca (CIPO) to participate in this Encuentro. Moved by ours first mission, a pequeno group of the Network I travel to Encuentro de autonomy in Plan of Zaragoza, municipality autonomo of Nuyoo. Fernando, our presbiteriano and organizing shepherd of the Network, David, medical instructor of Theravada Buddhism, Liliana and Gabriela, medical instructors of Zen Buddhism and I arrived, after 10 hours of way, at a place where the clouds make ponds between the montanas with the mission give formal beginning to Encuentro traves of the oration. Little sabiamos on which he waited in earth mixtecas… to us;

As opposed to this spectacular panorama, with a fog that from the 12 of day is spilled between mounts, we made an oration interreligious: Fernando gave voice him bible and Liliana and David offered their dedication for the well-being of all the beings. I recite a Ayat to the Qursi for, with please the God, to offer to an atmosphere of protection and present refuge to ahi. In this Encuentro autonomous of the state of Oaxaca and other regions of pais, communities participated to diverse communities on which it exerts repression and violence because they look for to be faithful his traditions and customs, to his being but intimo. In Encuentro also anarchists of Espana, Italy and Germany participated to groups, showing their solidarity with the autonomous causes in Mexico. He was interesting to see like reunited estabamos, in a climate of listening and coexistence, but the diverse ones between the diverse ones: anarcho- punks of the DF, and indigenous espanolas, Buddhist and catolicos organizations union of different ethnic groups.

My participation, also of the oration, was in one of the tables of Encuentro: Espiritualidad and Autonomia. Basicamente, in Mesa I am spoken of as to differentiate the indigenous espiritualidad from you practice religious individuals, that often cause conflicts between the groups and culminate in the disintegration of the communities. In this municipality protestant and especificamente catolicos they have had problems by its differences, leaving to a side comunion that unites them: the relation sagrada between the Earth and who cultivate it, lives it and they venerate it. The old mixtecas of Plan of Zaragoza, speaking in their language, exponian as the indigenous perceives its relation with the sagrada Earth like and that in it, in the vindication of his you practice ancestral, is autonomia. The Espiritualidad, decian these women, is power source, patience and vigor to carry out the autonomicos processes.

One of the things that but I arrive myself in this trip and of that but ensenanza recibi was the interview that to us the members did of the Communitarian Radio. The Radio is another project but of autonomous work that it looks for to approach the communities that, in one geografia so rustic, are communicated dificilmente. In the pequena cabin of transmissions which parecia a brief platica convirtio in an enthusiastic debate: as it is possible, they decian to us, that coexists in the Network catolicos and evangelicos, Muslim and Buddhist? That it can contribute the Network to the indigenous communities? I believe that we do not have then answers forceful (or at least convincing) before these questions. But with the Favor and the Divine Grace, we will be them constructing. In fact, our trip to the mountain range was an enrichment for the Network, for us: the people of Plan of Zaragoza gave us, alhamdulillah, but of which podiamos we to offer.

In Encuentro, also to listen to the different experiences of life of the communities there represented in its search and exercise from autonomia, also we could feel the hospitality of Plan of Zaragoza - towards of its warm treatment and its delicious tlayudas and cornflour drink and its gratefulness to lend oidos and heart to him to its problems, to its expectations and suenos. The experience of coexistence, nonsingle with the communities and their delegates, but also with the brothers of the Network, was for my an exercise of listening and empatìa. And also it is for a my strong sample of which what it unites to us he is but great and that our differences, which really enrich to us instead of separating to us.

We requested, loved Allah by your Mercy and Generosity, the respect to the differences of any type, by the aim of the violence and the repression and by justice for the communities autonomous in Mexico and the world.


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