Barcelona, 6 of October of the 2004
Excmo Mr. Consul de Mexico in Barcelona
Stroll of the Bonanova, 55
08017 Barcelona (Espana)
Fax: 93 200 92 06
Distinguished senor:
Informed which the Inter-American Commission of Human rights of Mexico, in date 29 of September 2004, has granted measures you will prevent by danger of life to RAuL GATICA, Popular the indigenous Council “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; of Oaxaca, Mexico;
On the frustrated attempt of intimidation or murder to its person day 1 of October;
Knowing that Raul Gatica is professor of Literature, winner of prizes, academico, poet, lecturer in different universiadades among them the one from Ramon Llull give Barcelona, and the one of Cambridge, in England;
Knowing Raul from year 2002, cuando was in Espana giving to char them to Universities, being had numerous mass media interviews different like radio, presses, television;
Giving to also char them to different religious communities that listened to him with absolute respect by their yearning of utopia and security in a better world:
We requested makes urgently arrive this letter at the
government of Mexico so that this it takes all the measures you will
prevent that the Inter-American Court it has considered in favor of
at the same time, the liberation of the lengthy prisoners is determined the 14 of September of this year in course, during the evacuation who made but of 100 cash (of the Federal Agency of Investigations, the Judicial police of the State, special forces UPOE, the preventive policia, the turistica police and banking) of the pacificos long waits that tenian in the vestibule of the temple of Santo Domingo and in front of the palace of government of Oaxaca and solution to the right demands of justice of the CIPO-RFM
Hoping they open an exhaustive and impartial investigation of the facts and act consequently salutes to him
Company/signature of the President
Emili Chalaux