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Lic. Santiago Creel Miranda
Secretary of Interior

General Rafael Macedo of the Shell
General solicitor of the Republica

Jose Luis soberanes: Pte. Of the National commission of
Human rights.

Jose Murat:Gobernador de Oaxaca

Alonso Celestine: Srio. Gral de Gobierno of Oaxaca,

Sergio Segreste Rios: Pte. Of the State Commission of
Human rights of Oaxaca.

Rogelio Chagoya: General solicitor of Justice of
State of Oaxaca

The down signatory one we want to express our deep preoccupation to them by the recent events in Oaxaca. Organizacion of indigenous towns CIPO-RFM is already well-known in Sweden by the visits that their representatives have made to different organizations and universities in this pais. We know of its program of demands and their fights to obtain the respect to its rights like citizens, indigenous and human beings Still like obtaining a worthy life for its members and
for all the indigenous population in Mexico. This fight has taken them to confrontations with official forces and to being object of a repression recently concretizada in the threats against the life of his you lead, in individual of Raul Gatica that as much has been distinguished in this fight and to that we have received and listened to several times in Sweden.
Organizacion worries to us seriously to the security about the members of this and we demanded the cease of this repression and garantias around this security. We want to remember to them that Mexico has signed a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union in where one of clausulas demands the respect to the human rights of the population. On the basis of this clausula and to the place that Mexico tries to have in the international area we requested to them that they interyield so that guarantees to the security of you lead them
menace us they occur and so that the requests of this organizacion are taken care of without risks of retaliation for their members.


Edme Dominguez R. professor-investigator, Göteborg, Sweden
Anders Rubing, Kokkola, Finland
Erik Gustafsson, journalist and writer, Sweden
Ulriqa Nilson, Hallstavik, Sweden
Smart Jansson, student, Sweden
Beatrice Rimmerfors, student, Sweden
Anna Missios, student. Linköping. Sweden
Erik Malmqvist, student of doctorate, Linköping. Sweden
Takings Ahlberg, Göteborg, Sweden
Nils Phillips, Malmö, Sweden
Gonzalez Lopez, Skellefteå, Sweden
Ruben Tastas-Duque, Alby, Sweden
Gustavo Kings, Norsborg, Sweden
Alex Mancebo, Hallunda, Sweden
Maaret Rissanen, Gustavsberg, Sweden
Zumay Duke Rissanen, Gustavsberg, Sweden
Isabel Orostica, Bandhagen, Sweden
Zashay Duke Rissanen, Gustavsberg, Sweden
Klas Bäckelin, Saltsjö-Boo, Sweden
Josef Sahlberg, Örebro, Sweden
Gahangir Sarvari, Stockholm, Sweden
Farah Hemmaty, Stockholm, Sweden
Anton Malmberg, Stockholm, Sweden
Per Friberg, Göteborg, Sweden
Christian Moberg, Florans, Sweden
Orlaydis Telles Rodrigez, Barcelona
Mani Dadgranfar, Stockholm, Sweden
Mazdak Sarvari, Stockholm, Sweden
Sepideh Fani, Stockholm, Sweden
Kaveh Sarvari, Stockholm, Sweden
Martin Larsson, Sweden
Laura Moral, Sweden
Madeleine Åkerlund, Stockholm. Sweden
Marc Femenia, Stockholm, Sweden
Maria Gardsäter, student, Stockholm, Sweden
Walter Hernandez, Uppsala. Sweden
Maria Langs, student, Säffle, Sweden
Josephine Wood, Scotland
Elisabeth Locatelli, Göteborg, Sweden
Caroline Andersson, Farnebo, Sweden
Maria Eld, Göteborg, Sweden
Mario Hernandez, Göteborg, Sweden

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