Actions in solidum of the GAIM from Vigo Espana
Vigo Espana 12 of October of the 2004
In the occasion of the hated day of the Spanishness, we organized an act of repulses by the values that entail this day, colonization, militarismo, racism..., and of course of support to the Politicall prisoners of CIPO RFM in Oaxaca Mexico. Asi that we copied to them and we put ourselves of skeletons to collect bottoms, companies, and to megafonear information on the CIPO-RFM.
Here them we sent cuts to them of press of espana Vigo.
It seems that Vigo begins to find out of which it happens in
mexico oaxaca. Stop the repression against the indigenous
communities of CIPO RFM.
Support battalion indigenous Magonista
Vigo, Espana.