Lic. Vicente Fox Quesada
President Constitucional of the Mexican United States
Lic. Santiago Creel Miranda
Secretary of Interior
Dr Jose Luis Soberanes Fernandez
President of the National Commission of Human rights
Lic. Jose Murat Casab.
Governor of the State of Oaxaca.
The communities and indigenous towns of Oaxaca and Mexico are the pillar of the Mexican Nation, nevertheless, fill the heading of extreme poverty, are the excluded ones, are the expelled ones from pais and are also the repressed ones to exert their right to organize itself.
Today, 14 of September, the government of the state of
Oaxaca reprimio and evacuation violently the pacificos long waits, of
the members of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flores
Magon (CIPO-RFM), with a balance of at least 15 lengthy and
innumerable ones injured.
One of the indigenous but repressed organizations in all Mexico and particularly in Oaxaca is Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; CIPO-RFM, against that has been used to paramilitary policias of all type and. The balance from the creation of this organizacion of communities, 17 of November of 1997, has been: 517 detenidos/as and torturados/as; 103 incursions of I exercise, police and paramilitary to the communities of organizacion; 81 you order of apprehension by crimes that have not committed; 229 penal, civil, mercantile processes, etc. against agremiados/as; 37 threats of death to equal I number of its members; 27 assassinated and 263 lesionados/as of gravity and, at the moment, one of its known members, Raul Gatica, lives practicamente hidden by the attempts of murder that has suffered, also Lagunilla and Morelos Yosonotu, San Isidro Aloapam and Sta. Ma. Yaviche, I number indetermine of its settlers live displaced on its community before the fear of being assassinated or being jailed by the unico crime to organize itself for the defense of its rights like towns.
From day 20 of April of 2004, the CIPO-RFM Beginning a day of pacificas mobilizations that has lasted until the day of today, the demands of this mobilization are:
: 1. - Peace with justice and dignity 2. - Respect to autonomy in the communities of the CIPO-RFM. 3. - Punishment and disappearance paramilitary of the CROCUT to his you lead To stop Toimil and Jacobo Chavez, that 16/octubre/03 killed to Bartolome Rooms and hurt of bullet to 9 men and women; to Torch Farmer who 11/ago/02 killer to 2 ninos and hirio to 34 women; to those of Bright Sta. Monteverde that 13/marzo and 12/jul/04 assassinated to 2, also sanction to civil employees who protect them. 4. - Cease to the repression against communities and members of the CIPO-RFM and to fulfill the recommendations by violation to our human rights: CNDH/26/99, CEDH/15/2002 and CEDH/ 13/2004. 5. - Solution to the agrarian conflict of San Isidro Aloapam, Sta. Catarina Yosonotu, Guadalupe Chindua and Cacalotepec. 6. - guarantees for the life of Raul Gatica. 7. - General assembly, democraticas elections and respect to socioeconomicas benefits retained 2 years to democraticos of the STSPEIDCEO. 8. - Municipal Participation, also schools, medicos, water, food, light and attention to old women and. 9. - House and right to sell in beaches of Huatulco. 10. - Respect to Radio “Guetza” and concession to the communitarian transport type suburban in Tlaxiaco.
Until dìa of today there has been no answer to these demands, nevertheless, to 6:13 hours of the manana of the day of today 14 of September of 2004, policias of the forces special of the government of the state, UPOE, preventive, turistica, judicial policia of the state, Federal Agency of Investigations, uniformed and dressed civilian, in an amount superior to 200, directed by the secretary of citizen protection Jose Saline Manuel Side, using lacrimogenos gases, deafening pumps and water pipes, without warning of by means they both evacuated long waits that a hundred of members of the CIPO-RFM tenian in front of Palace of Government and in the Temple of Sto. Domingo in the city of Oaxaca, from the 20 of April of the 2004.
According to information of the organizing Meeting of the CIPO the relation of the people who while they were struck reached to shout their name when they were stopped until today is. Profra. Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Brown Miguel Cross (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Leonor Lopez Alavez (15 years), (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Reynaldo Hernandez Fair (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Carmen Lopez Perez (advice of base of San Isidro Aloapam), Gumaro Lopez Alavez (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Kalid Hernandez, Daisy Garcia Garcia (union of the 3 powers), Abacuc Cross Cross (union of the 3 powers), Gildardo Perez Gomez (CIPO-RFM of San Cristobal Amoltepec), Hipolito Rodriguez Soriano (CIPO-RFM of Guadalupe Chindua), Jose Cross Cross (municipal agent of San Isidro Aloapam), Abel Ramirez Ramirez (worker of the Union of the 3 powers), Guadalupe Garcia Garcia (worker of the union of the 3 powers) and Mauro Garcia Garcia.
To grief that extra officially knows that they are lengthy in the Procuraduria de Justicia of the State, until these moments have not let see them, Still since they have not allowed the passage of medicos either so that they see its state of health. The members of the CIPO mention that they have information that their comrades are being tortured and the greater fear is than they are desaparecidos/as, because mayoria of them is their representatives but conocidos/as and that governor Jose Murat publicamente has threatened them.
They also denounce that patrols and motorcycles of different policias are going up to around the premises of organizacion, possibly with the intention to want to smooth it and to stop to but integral of organizacion.
Before previously exposed, we demanded:
The immediate and unconditional freedom of all the
prisoners of the CIPO-RFM and the Union of Tres Poderes (STPEIDCEO),
that the unico that requests is justice in exerting its right to
pronounce itself.
The cease to the harassment and police and judicial persecution
by Politicall reasons to the members of the CIPO-RFM and the Union of
the Three Powers.
guarantees to the lives and the physical and mental integrity of
the members of these lengthy and persecuted organizations unjustly.
The installation of a table of I engage in a dialog true that
allows to solve the demands of the communities of the CIPO-RFM.
Col.lectiu de Solidaritat amb the Rebel.lio Zapatista
C of the Wax, 1 bis. 08001 Barcelona
tel: 34-93-4422101 and 3290643
fax: 34-93-3290858
email: ellokal@pangea.org