The ancestors passed several sites to arrive at this place that at the moment is Santa Maria Yucuhiti. A site ofthese is called old town, segun the people of greater age each new
year at midnight segun sounds the bell without they nadien has touched
it and also the copal scent without they nadien has taken it.
Many people were going it to visit each year. Our people
count who are the place where that noise is listened to, that place
where it was our town.
The senor and the lion
The grandpas count who in very remote times sucedio once
in the town of Yucuhiti, habia a family very worker, but very worker.
It initiated its work from the dawn and suspendia until the dusk
and asi were of all the days.
Certain time the senor discutio strongly with its wife, simply because its food I arrive late. The senora said: “Te dire man, really, if amaneces with life manana.”
The senor without taking very into account the words from
its wife I remain in his sembradio, I arrive the night and without
much preoccupation he made a bonfire and I prepare his cafecito.
Acosto to fall asleep, when it suddenly appears a lion.
The senor I am left estatico with much fear but the lion did not
do anything to him. Very coolly the animal sento to warm up
itself next to the fire. Of distant spot comenzo to be listened
to the noise of a tiger and little by little was approached until
arriving close, closely together of where they were the senor and the
lion. The lion quickly I prepare for the fight and the tiger
already venia prepared for that. Comenzo one fights without
They occurred and Since of a good one yet
short while no longer was listened to given. The
lion return
cojeando and very severely wounded next to the bonfire
when the senor realized that in one of its legs was put a great chip.
The senor I animate myself to take hold its wounded leg and with
the mouth coat the chip. Acosto awhile next to the fire and soon
went away.
When amanecio the senor went away to see the place of the fight that habia happened? Encontro that the tiger was dead.
Return to its house to comment that to its woman, but
takes a disagreeable surprise. Near the door her woman, already
passed away was thrown with senas of zarpazos, which I indicate that
the tiger was its Nahual of the woman and the era the lion.
The nahuales
Epoca was him Since of the foundation of the town of Santiago Nuyoo when it saw bloom big and high men who were very intelligent and peculiar. Segun the history of our grandparents, that was a lagoon, that at heart was a great animal with wings, pens and many heads. Parecia to a dragoon. Segun, this animal was the kingdom of rain. People walked of caceria. They saw this pretty place suddenly and for them he was sacred. Step the time. A pair of this town I take to its son recien been born to banar it in this lagoon and that animal lamio the head of the nino and was frightened. But they had faith in visiting that place. I do not take many years the nino was growing fast. Then their Popes thought that he went to receive an important gift seeing the transformation of this boy with but feelings, experiences and knowledge, with great espiritu that surrounds the man and the nature. In agreement he was advancing the years were multiplied these people surrounded of much knowledge. They were spreading some tests of the capacity that tenian. Example: They were very secret when they tenian that to seed eatable corn and other products that occurred in this place. These are marchitaban but by intelligent that are they hacian to rain stopping itself in high and estrategicos places that surround to this town. They began to smoke cigarette seeing towards the sky requesting to the nature that tenian thirst. Another test is that special wells tenian to drink water and when another person was going to show itself if habia water veian to this I eliminate with many hairs. The other test was that if somebody were fought with them they convertian in animals as they are: pig, cat, dog among others to defend itself to the enemy. This history seems to be very important for the town, but the place I erode by a strong heavy shower that key all the night. Of those years there were landslides and other factors. The animal that vivia in such place did not know if murio or change of place. It was when little by little they were died the people. No longer they exist at the present time, not but it stays as history. They denominate themselves of name NAHUALES.
The nahual cat
They tell that long ago there was a senor, which
was very worker. Single Vivia. A day empezo to scream a
cat atras of its house, thought that the cat was an animal really.
Asi step the time and the cat seguia going to the house of the
senor. A day the senor empezo to become ill. When the
senor was laid down in its ground, the cat I get to scream in its mere
ceiling to the distance where it was laid down. already it was
gotten upset of oir the whines of the cat and I take hold his rifle
and him firing, when in that oyo that something rolled and key atras
of the house. To the following day it went to see that last him
habia to the cat and when I arrive it saw that not habia nothing, when
in that they warned that to a senora habia to him dead, went to see
the senora and saw that tapeworm a hole in the chest and was in where
habia touched the bullet to him. Then I imagine that it was the
senora the one that were transformed into cat and queria to do a
badness to him.
Santa Maria Yaviche, Maricruz 14 years
The fire
Long ago Here in Yaviche not conocia the fire.
A day they were working suddenly and they left to eat and they
saw that all you hoist them were being burned. Soon they thought
about going to bring the fire, but they do not atrevian and sucedio
that suddenly salio a Tlacuache and this animal because them entendia.
Then corrio to bring the fire and put its tail so that it
caught. Then return with the fire where they were the senores.
These saw the Tlacuache that with its tail him traia fire.
Then they joined lena and they made a great bonfire. Since
then one says that the Tlacuache I am left pelon of its tail.
Santa Maria Yaviche, Maria Teresa, 12 years
The lion and the deer
My grandfathers me conto that in an occasion went
to work with its companeros to a called place Xintika, Yucuhiti,
Oaxaca. To the dusk they remained in a very simple small house,
done of jonote. Already dark empezo to rain much and as the
average night very strong noises were listened to that made them wake
up. Parecia which they provenian of a hill and quickly
approached where the companeros of my grandfathers were. Just
detras of the small house shout a deer when collapsing. Then,
with the carbine, unica weapon that tenian, one of them fire upwards
in the direction of the shout. With the firing they saw a lion
that step fleeing closely together. As soon as they set fire to
ocotes went to show itself of behind the small house and but far they
found a already dead deer. Contentments took it to the house and
alli aligned it. When the sun salio removed the jerked to dry.
Asi ate bandaged meat of as they never habian fact.
CIPO- RFM, Santa Maria Yucuhiti
When even not existia light
Our ancestors count who at first when even not
existia the light, is to say the sun and all demas, vivian human
beings who worked calmly and took a normal life. But when
aparecio the sun was scared and began to dig the Earth and made to
live in her.
All this counts it to be able to explain because when is
investigated or to construct a house in the town or a ranchito in the
field usually is stones with human or carved figures, metates of
stones, jarritos and pots of mud but with different form from since
they now do it sometimes with a little of coal inside. To all
these the ancestors attribute to him like utiles on which they lived
in the caverns.
Santa Maria Yaviche, Elut
Story rabbit
In a manana the rabbit went to eat pasture.
Encontro with a deer and rabbit decia: “No you want
to put my horn, because my horn hinders when I walk because I am very
chaparrito.” Account rabbit to the deer.
“Bueno. Good, prestame your horns. We are
going to make a bet of three days, so that it gives back your
cuernos.”, decia the deer to the rabbit.
One very far went away the deer and rabbit no longer encontro.
Since the rabbit very was worried about its horn. Then
one went away to ask the father, was in the church: “
Since I go to do, father? Because he lends my horn to the
deer. He does not give, ” rabbit says to the father,
“se renders to them for three days. It does not give my
cuerno.” to me; Soon father said: they “Ven,
ven!” Rabbit arrives at the father and I stretch the ears
of the rabbit. “Asi you are going away to be, the ears
largas.” From that time I remain the name rabbit of donkey
This story is counted a grandpa Valentin Vazquez and Happy Vazquez writes, CIPO- RFM Plan of Zaragoza, Santiago Nuyoo, Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca.
The grandparents count who many years ago the Nuu
Savi (Mixtecos) dispersed in the high Mixteca. A group of them I
arrive in where habia much vegetation of pines and ocotes among others
you hoist.
Tapeworm a very ample Vista of north to the south and the
distant spot descried penasqueria.
Once they found that place looked for lands for corn seedtime. The main ones found sufficient land and they were organized in groups. Certain it takes, Since of a hard day of work returned to their houses and in the branch of ocote they saw colo yuva that it sang. They commentd out saying that that guajalote real was an animal with very beautiful plumages as its song.
They did not speak the Castilian, they either do not sabian to read nor to write because its language was Nuu Savi and very made an impression by the song of guajolote real they requested to the old ones that they celebrated platicas to look for the name of the place in its own language. Same Asi the workers of the group who saw guajolote real thought that the place deberia to be called like which they saw in the branch of the ocotal in that late. The old ones met. They said: “El place was called Yoso Tini Caj.” The platicado thing did not write it, but that passage of generation in generation until our days of oral way.
At the present time the name of the community this a little ameztizado and officially is called Yosonicaje, Municipality of Santa Maria Yucuhiti, District of Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca.
CIPO- RFM Santa Maria Yucuhiti,
I compile Virgin Ithai Garcia Lopez
The story of mazorca
Before, when I was very small, my Pope to mazorca adored. It picked in the parcels and together mazorca and was made the celebration of mazorca. One put a cross in the middle of mazorca and this adornment with flowers. And I lie down a pile of live coal and of copal in a container and returns around mazorca occurred saying that this smoke of good scent was a gift for her so that it did not finish soon, because this fed newspaper people. And then I kill a chicken. I prepare myself and pozol with sauce becomes. 4 were put or 5 plates of this food upon mazorca and left alli. All began to eat around mazorca. The plates that were upon mazorca left alli for one night, so that it eats mazorca. By the manana they gave this food to other people, who venian.
CIPO-RFM Plan of Zaragoza, dictation by
Ofelia Maria Vasquez Garcia
The house of rain
The grandpas count who in the time which they were
hoping rain went to where he goes the water to the house rain.
If single few drops fall or this dry one cannot rain. And
alli took copal, flowers and candles, to adore it and became crossings
of palmillas so that the harvest is made well.
And when one already approaches rain is because the water drips.
And alli sabian when it went to begin to rain and when it was
time to burn its brush because when burning venia fills to everything
of smoke and with rain a strong wind that took the smoke. And
also they sabian when to seed to the corn.
CIPO- RFM Plan of Zaragoza, counted in
Mixteco by Pedro Isaura Lopez, translated and
dictation by Happy Vazquez
The virgin in penasco
In year 1948 (decia my deceased Pope) vivia a
young person. I am called Sirilo Perez Cross. It said that
they were going to find a virgin in penasco. In this penasco a
person and in the stone this painted a table fits, a sun and a young
The towns around the virgin knew and they are venian. The
towns with flowers arrived and candles and knelt down to about one
hundred meters when arriving at penasco and from alli profit not to be
the virgin. Single the young person saw and no other person it.
This was in the month of March and the month of July the young
person murio.
By this my deceased Pope decia that who knows if it is certain that there was this virgin or no.Fue almost all the days that my Pope happened through this way because my deceased Pope tapeworm land. And of alli- because I was huerfana from both years and seven months of my breast and all along where my Pope went I go atras of told many things me.
CIPO- RFM San Isidro Aloapam, engraving and dictation of Selina Perez Cross
The correcamino
In previous times one says that the correcamino one was a good worker. It seeded and it harvested good mazorcas. But of as much raising and lowering watching his milpa his were broken huaraches and I take as much in repairing those that half of his milpa occurred or and other half I lie down to lose, because desatendio of ella.Y for that reason is said at the present time that milpa that does not occur or milpa of correcaminos.
CIPO- RFM Santa Maria Yucuhiti, dictated by Mrs. Florence Lopez Silva
CIPO- RFM Oaxaca