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Juquila Vijanos Work group
Organizacion is mobilized during the year. Organizacion is mobilized at least twice to the year or when the government does not take care of our demands, cases of justice, Politicall and social demands.
The government represses to our companeros so that organizacion disappears. The government represses with haltings, imprisonment, aggressions, attacks, tortures, intimidation, harassment, threats, defamations during the mobilization.
But the CIPO which looks for is I engage in a dialog with the government without ningun armament and of this form sometimes the answers are something favorable. But it does not take care of 100 % of the demands, slopes always have left pending plasters forgets to him and spend months and years. It is why the CIPO returns a
to make marches and long waits. Since of the mobilization. evaluation becomes, on which the hearing is before the government.
Projects by the communities remember, that depend to organizacion.
and if this is not fulfilled is retaken to the following year, so that the government fulfills.

San Isidro Aloapam, Eva Cross Garcia and Guadalupe Alaves Perez


Demanding to the government once again Justice

Days 19, 20, 21, 22 of November of the 2002 we once again did another day of fight of men and women and ninos and ninas demanding to him to the government justice.
Day 19 of the same month of November to 4 of afternoon we left to a march men and women, ninos, ninas and arrived in front of the Palace of Government. We demanded justice once again.
Day 20 of the same month we went to the march and we opposite arrived from the SEDESOL requesting our resources from the municipal bottom because our municipality refuses to give our resource that corresponds to its agency. Instead of which they took care of to us, like already it is a custom that has the government, who commands to his policias to attack to us.



That is the answer that the government gives us to us like indigenouss. Day 21 of the same month of November we were in front of the Palace of Government blocking so that it did not pass the parade. As the government does not want to us to take care of us control his policias that venian in front of the parade. That they ran over to our companeras.
Then of alli salio governor Jose Murat laughing and applauding of us. And we began to shout requesting justice. Then already control to warn to us that we become a side so that the parade happened. Then it said that if went to give an answer
Day 22 of the same month we were waiting for the governor answer and if it gave an answer but does not fulfill everything what it says.

Union and Progress, Work group


Cruzes like protest

When we were in march 22, 23 and 24 of December to be able to obtain the social demands of justice, Political and projects, in the march they took to crossings like protest a day before the Camara de Diputado. Another to three day occurred two or return in the Zocalo taking the cross that was the unico that recibiamos in Christmas. Until us atendio in the table of negotiation of the governing senor until then we retired.

In the march

When we left in the first time in the march, 20 of November of 2000, all people tapeworm fear and shaking. So that? because he is not our work and for we finished the policias were atacandonos because queriamos to happen opposite of the Palace. But what we did he was in this form: we joined S, 10, lS fueramos people because if to take a walk in the Zocalo. and when he saw the governor who we are the already estabamos CIPO alli. In this time the CIPO was with several organizations: CODEP, OIDO, COSIC and others. But Since now separated and single to the CIPO this.
and when we made this march the profit (for Nuyoo) was a scholarship on the vegetable and a pequeno resource to buy tools
CIPO- RFM, Martial Santiago NUYOO Perez Sarabia