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Population: 3'432,180 inhabitants Surface:
95,364 km2
Density of population: 37 inhabitants I km2
Gentilicio: OaxHereno (informal),
Oaxaca (informal)
Capital: Oaxaca de Juarez
(formerly Antequera de Oaxaca)
Oaxaca is a state with traditions, with a glorious
historico and proud past of Mexico. Located in the south of
pais, she includes/understands the territory in which converge the
Mountain range Mother of the South, the Mountain range Mother of
Oaxaca and the mountain range that crosses. To the montanoso
being, they form valley multitude, between which Oaxaca, Nochixtlan
and Nelapa stand out. This furrowed by the rios Papaloapan,
Coatzlacoalcos, Mixteco, Atoyac and rio Tehuantepec.
The climate happens of the semiseco-semicalido one of valleys,
to the humedo of the Eastern mountain ranges.
The Population distributes between rural means and the urban
one, and from the demografico point of view the habitat is
concentrated in cities like Oaxaca de Juarez (the capital), Juchitan
de Zaragoza, Pretty Hill, Saline Cruz and San Juan Tuxtepec Baptist.
Main the Pan-American highways and transismica are vias of
The total population of Oaxaca ascends to 3,4 million
inhabitants, which turns to the state of the federal organizations of
pais with greater population density. Segun data thrown by the
censuses of 1990 and 1995, the population has grown to a rate of 1,2 %
annual, is to say that in each kilometro square lives 35 oaxHerenos,
whose age average is of 19 years and 51 % of the population is women.
In the regions of the state etnolinguisticos groups coexist 1:
Amuzgos, Chatinc Chinantecos, Chocho, Chontal, Cuicateca, Huavl
Ixcateco, Mazateco, Mixe, Nahuatl, Triqui, Zapotee Zoque and the
Popolaca in extinction danger. Ca two million inhabitants are
indigenouss, qL means that 6 of each 10 oaxHerenos etnico group belongs
54 % of the greater population of 12 anc is considered like
economicamente active. And primary sector 39%, in secondary 14%
and 33' in the tertiary one.
Oaxaca (like Chiapas, Guerrero and Puebla) are one of the
organizations with greater indice of poverty of Mexico,
its average of its population has an average I four
years of schooling and I is considered illiteracy of 27%. The
wage minimo genel is of $19,04 pesos Mexican per day (equival to 2,2
daily euros or dolares of wage by eight hor of work; this data
was taken from
project of cooperation presented/displayed by CIP RFM).
In order to buy shoes we took months, because we gained 19 pesos
and zapat is worth 250 pesos.
Oaxaca is divided in 8 regionc 30 districts and 570
municipalities that as well divid in agencies, agencies of policia and
rancherias. in the incomunicados and marginalized towns