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Crisostomo Cross

The daily life of the inhabitants of this I population has been and is the Earth culture stops; to produce corn, frijol, wheat, haba, chilacayote and chicharo. Already in these years of rain shortage, because many of the men and women of San Isidro Aloapam have emigrated to the foreigner in search of a better life for the own same family like asi to the community, because from where they are monetary contributions for the directive sustenance to this fight like other beneficial activities to the population of San Isidro Aloapam also sendn. This people who emigrate her absence to the population are not but of three years since they return to give to his services in the popular positions which they desempenan themselves traditionally according to the customs and uses that the same population has in tradition.


CIPO- RFM, Demetrio Rogelio, Perez Mendez

Geografia of the population:

This located in the North Mountain range of Ixtlan towards a the northwest. Account with wooded zone where oyamel are pines, oak madrono, avocados, ashs, other varieties of you hoist and plants.

Speaking of traditional celebrations:
This town celebrates the main ones that they are the new year, celebration of the carnival, celebration of the 15 of May in honor to San Farm Isidro, celebration of All the Saints and the Day of Deads, celebration of the birth of Christ. They are the main celebrations that east town celebrates.


Segun our ancestors, who from 1912 the town d~ San Miguel Aloapam perdio Fundamental Titulo, being municipal president a senor of Valentin name Cross, by quemazon of the towns that supported the guerrilla. Quemazon was on the part of the government. In this year, the Revolution venia and the town venia undergoing the communal earth invasion.
In 1922, Hectareas was a confrontation with the town of Santa Ana Yareni in a place of name in dialecto "Resells Dullierii" of 8. In 1926, the town of San Miguel Bumblebees venia also invading our communal earth: like thousand hectareas like wooded zone and low land, until 1928.
The authorities of that year delivered the attack to send a copy certified from Titulo to the General archives of the Nation. This document assured to San Miguel Aloapam the property its communal earth.
In 1930, the town of Bumblebees went to bring Judge de Ixtlan de Juarez in the name place "the Cave" to posesionar Bumblebees these
earth. In 1933 the town of San Juan of the State control an office to San Miguel Aloapam so that it took to his people for a confrontation in the name place "the Old Sawmill", who also venian invading territories of San Miguel Aloapam, asi also the town of San Juan Baptist Atatlahuca and Jayacatlan.
Asi venia the town of San Miguel Aloapam in dispute to communal earth Invasion.
and asi venia the people of San Miguel Aloapam living in this site, that now is San Isidro Aloapam, defending its earth that belong to them.
The year of the 1967 the senora Rosenda Perez Cross gives faith and the senora Magdalena Cross Cross also gives to faith the following thing: as they were participating in the community of San Isidro Aloapam. They went like cooks to give him to eat the engineers who put the mojoneras that serve as edge of the communities of Santa Ana and San Isidro Aloapam, that was putting in the long cave Hiyachic.