· That Agreement 169 of the OIT (Organizacion the
International of the Work) recognizes and ratifies autonomia and frees
determination of the indigenouss towns.
· That the permisividad of the governments of some of ours paises,
to give rise to the implementation of cultures ilicitos and the
conformation of deprived paramilitary organizations, who attempt
against the civil and ancestral rights of the indigenouss towns.
· That the increasing militarization and paramilitarizacion,
against the towns and indigenouss territories, are part of the
strategies of control promoted by the United States de Norte America,
to impose its economicas Politicall and to put under Latinoamerica to
its interests of dominacion.
· That the militarization and paramilitarizacion are impelled and
functional to the TLC, (Free Trade Agreement) ALCA (Area of Free
Commerce for America), PPP (Plan Puebla Panama) and demas
imperialistic initiatives, to assure the regional market to its favor.
· That the militarization this inserted one within the pressure
mechanisms so that paises Latin American adapts their juridico and
normative body, to the interests of the multilateral organizations of
credito. This juridica adaptation has by objective annulling the
characteristics that have the inalienable, imprescriptible and
unattachable indigenouss territories of, and to not know the collective
rights of territorial property, like sucedio in Mexico with ejidos and
the indigenouss territories,
· That the governments of Latin America, resigning to
soberania territorial of each one of his paises, have not only
guaranteed the restoration of military bases of the United States and
imperialistic advisers, but who have put to his you order to the
military of his paises to assure the control and disciplinamiento the
indigenouss towns.
· That he is straight ancestral of the indigenouss towns, governing his territories and their resources and the one to freely determine his system of life and forms of government.
· That one has estigmatizado to the towns indigenouss like cultivators and narcotic drug dealers, in contrast to the values and uses ancestral, medicinal and spiritual traditional that are conferred to him to these plants. · That but alla of the spread propaganda that the militarization is a tool battle to the guerrillas and narcotics traffickers, in fact what one looks for is the control of the civil populace, its territory and the reivindicativos movements of the indigenouss towns.
· That the militarization is a process of recolonizacion of Latin America on the part of the United States, fact that is demonstrated mainly with the installation of its estrategicas military bases: Blanket in Ecuador, Leticia in Colombia, Iquitos in Peru, Guantanamo in Cuba, Grove in Honduras, Land of Fire in Argentina, Alcantara in Brazil among others.
I. They solve
· To condemn the United States de Norte America, in head of its president George Bush by its Political of undertaken militarization, sojuzgamiento and destruction, against the towns of Latin America, the indigenouss towns and social movements, via TLC, ALCA, etc.
· To condemn the governments of Latin America (Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, among others), by entreguistas to the will of the United States and that ends up becoming instruments of repression, genocide and etnocidio, against the Indian towns and the set of the social and popular movement.
· To condemn the military who have made of the elimination of lives and liberties, a strategy of long term to seed the monopoly of the wealth and the destruction of the biodiversity, in favor of multinationals and of the United States de Norteamerica. · To condemn to the military and governments by the violation in the international agreements, DIH (Derecho Internacional Humanitario) and Human rights, on any town of Latin America and of the World.
· To condemn and to denounce the harassment to which it
comes being put under the Town Kichwa de Sarayacu, on the part of
Ecuadorian Ejercito.
· To condemn and to denounce the harassment sistematico to which
it comes being put under the Town Embera Katio from Colombian the Sinu
Stop, on the part of the paramilitary ones of the AUC, (United
Self-defense of Colombia) that have confined them in their
territories, prohibiting the food entrance.
· To condemn the sistematica elimination of the town Basket in
Colombia, into the hands of the guerrillas, paramilitary and Armed
Forces of that pais · To condemn the implantation of the military base
Uiramuta, in the indigenous territory Serra Vixen do Sun in Brazil · To condemn the militarization and paramilitarizacion of
the indigenouss territories of Oaxaca, since it has happened in the
communities of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca, Ricardo Magon
Flowers, in Guerrero and Chiapas in the Autonomas Communities of I
exercise Zapatista de National Liberacion, in Mexico.
· To condemn the upsetting and violation of the human rights of the indigenouss towns of Chuspi and Aucayacu - Ayacucho - Peru, by the displacement which they have been put under, of its ancestral territories by the Peruvian troopses.
· To condemn the militarization of the indigenouss towns of the north of Ecuador, to traves of the restoration of the Colombia Plan, the presence of guerrillas and narcotics traffickers, agravated situation by the constant fumigations of its bread cultures to take. I. Resolution of the table· To call to the international community and the defenders of the human rights, to guarantee the life and the cultural continuity of the indigenouss towns. For it the Second Continental summit, exhorts to the creation of a Court the International indigenous de Opinion, to judge to those governments and military fronts that have attempted against our towns.
· The TIIO, tendra character and legitimacy of interlocutor with demas organizations of human rights. · To restore demands before the CPI (Penal Corte the International), so that it is come to the judgment from which has attempted against the ancestral and human rights of the indigenouss towns
· To demand the immediate rise of bases and military battalions in the territories of the indigenouss towns, asi like anyway of armed intervention, is this to traves of advisers, military instructors provision of arms and fighting equipment.
· To implement mechanisms own and arranged of the indigenouss towns to restrain and to resist to the militarization of its territories.
· To recognize the indigenouss guards like a pacifico and dinamizador mechanism of the indigenous resistance. · To demand of the UN the incorporation and recognition in its juridicos instruments, of the indigenouss guards like peace agents. Therefore that these in defense of the human rights of the indigenouss towns are respected by any armed actor.
· To create a continental network of pacifica resistance of the indigenouss towns against the militarization and paramilitarizacion of its territories. This network tendra like function the pursuit of the processes of paramilitarizacion and militarization. Alert Estara on the cometimiento of violations of the human rights and the humanitarian international right, on the part of any troops.
· To summon and to promote the effective solidarity of the indigenouss towns, by means of actions you synchronize, indigenouss mobilizations, rises, etc. in protest of the violation of the human rights, committed against any indigenous town of our America.
Julio Matovelle Not 1 28, between Vargas and Pasaje San
Building the Conqueror to 1er floor
I telephone: (593-2) 2580 700
Telefax: (593-2) 2580 713
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Cellular: 098315196
page Web: http://www.cumbreindigenousbyayala.org/
Email: cumbreindigenouscontinental@yahoo.com