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Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico.
6 of September of the 2002


La justice that being justice not this written in laws.

With the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation, in the sense to declare inadmissible the controversies presented/displayed by the municipalities against the law on right and indigenous culture, approved by PAN-PRI- PRD, they close the possibility of reaching La Paz and of paying the historica debt with our indigenouss towns.

There was a time that until a that has called to us illegal, the towns and communities that we do not create in the laws of the rich ones, we got to have the hope in magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice, because we thought that they mirarian us to the towns with the heart by the roots which they have and the eyes of the reason. Nevertheless their decision to reject the legal resource of the controversies shows their true face: excluding, racist and of subordination to the interests of the great capital. Briefly its decision is an invitation to the generalized violence and the passage to a social outbreak of great spread.

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation it has committed with his historicos racist decision another error against the Indian towns of Mexico, of the same dimension of which formerly I erase our existence of the constitution. This act legitimizes the decision of the powerful ones to bury our reclamation and rights like towns.

Today the magonistas, ninos, women, old, old and men hurt the heart when verifying that the institutions in charge of single justice serve to the rich ones when trying to snatch the hope to us in true justice. With its decision, the supreme cut contributes to fortify the conviction of ilegitimo that is the organos of justice in Mexico, since nothing does in defense of the towns, but that serve the corruption as the high spheres of the power.

Now but that never to CIPO RFM, they return to us but convinced in the uselessness of the laws that now govern ours pais, laws that do not look for justice but to privilege and to safeguard the interests of the power and the money. Now single we have left the way of the illegality, because we cannot respect laws that go against the reason and justice. We do not have left but that to exert in practices daily our rights like towns, like the free association, autonomia, autogestion, defense by our roots and our natural resources by vias pacificas, although these are framed within leyes like illegal.

From Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flowers Magon., CIPO-RFM, we repeatedly said in diverse spaces, forums, factories, encounter etc., that the juridico resource did not guarantee that the powerful ones, conmovieramos them the soul and the deciamos with desire to be mistaken, unfortunately teniamos reason. The decision of the day of today confirms it. This day without a doubt is a day of mourning for the towns. As organizacion we did not accept the Law indigenous de Muerte de Vicente Fox and of international organisms that estan detras of their promulgation.

As experience we have in Oaxaca a law on right and indigenous culture that imposed to the towns that nobody knows and that have been used for the communitarian decomposition, sacking of resources etc. Asi as under that law they are protected paramilitary as the case of Tanetze de Zaragoza and San Miguel Aloapam or other geograficos points of the state.

It is precise to also mention that under those state laws, in the ultimos months an ungovernability climate has been generated, the institutional violence between groups of being able entail to slaughters like the recent one in Frias Waters. They, the tyrants, bet to him to disappear to us like towns, to jail to us, to repress to us, to marginalize to us, to place in ambush to us. As magonistas communities we resist and nothing movera of I sound to us to obtain the plenary session recognitions of our rights like towns, and no imposed law us impedira the existence as different and less he happened over us.

But we are convinced that one becomes necessary to summon, to find to us us like towns, and organizations to discuss ours energicamente to walk and to reject laws like the Law indigenous de Fox and the following laws and reforms for the privatizations, but it is necessary to do it but alla of the declarations and to construct a indigenous movement that are able to move by their own foot, although goes to all call that by the defense of our rights summons nobody organizacion.

We called to all indigenous, social, union, student the movement, etc., that without forgetting our differences we see as brothers against a common enemy and fight by everything what he is right and nonsingle reason why we agreed. He is urgent that as towns and organizations we summon ourselves to the active unit, organizacion mobilized, the constructive discussion and to the propositive rejection. It is hour to respond to the declaration of war that the enemies have made us eter to us of the indigenouss: the power and the money. We must go of the words and uprisings to the facts, to prove the inoperancia of these laws anti indigenouss and to respect our own forms of coexistence and teaching of justice, declarandonos in rebeldia, disobeying the laws imposed and constituyendonos in arm of thousand forms that from our tradition, culture and experience we pronounce ourselves and we mobilize of all the possible forms against of the forgetfulness that tries to deny our existence like towns. We propose that within the framework of the Anniversary of the CG-500 years, we meet in Chilpancingo Guerrero from the 12 to the 14 of September of this year, together to speak what we must do.

By the reconstruction and it frees association of the towns
By the Organizing Meeting of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flores Magon.

Reyna Perez          Gonzalo Santiago          Celia Martinez

To stop Chavez          Raul Gatica
