Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico. 30 of November of the 2002 POSICIoN Of the Women's Workgroup Of the CIPO-RFM BEFORE the I SUMMIT OF indigenousS WOMEN OF the AMeRICASTO LIVE FOR BEING FREE And TO FIGHT TO STOP BEING ENSLAVEDWe are women of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flowers Magon, CIPO-RFM that we tired, that we slept and that we mistook because we are made of meat and bone, with defects and virtues and that we are not perfect, that we have different experiences, Traditions of struggle and organizativas, but create in the free association and coexistence of the towns, asi like in the importance of being different to complete to us. The Chatinas, Zapotecas, Mixtecas, Cuicatecas, Tacuatas, Mazatecas among other we joined ourselves in the CIPO-RFM, to discuss the problematicas that we lived like indigenouss women, since our condition like indigenouss women who we lived in the field is totally different from the racially mixed women and who they live in the city. Our companeras racially mixed can to discuss on day of work or participation of women in positions publicos, we no, because we cannot speak of work days when we rose to 3 of the manana to initiate with our daily activities and the hour to sleep is until the ten at night, we can either discuss on our participation in publicos positions when not even we are taken into account in the general assemblies of our towns is why we are constructing a new space to discuss and to propose changes from our family, educating to our daughters who men and women we are worth equal and of the same form with our children to catching to wash its clothes, to cook and to wash frets. And also we have learned to be respected between us, because we are convinced that speaking together, working together and fighting together we can obtain but and soon better what we want. During 5 years we have obtained the unit of the women of different regions and 2 encounter have become of women at regional and state level in where there was propose of extreme importance for us and who we shared with you: 1. if it is spoken of the rights of the women is important that our husbands take factories so that they know our rights and they learn to respect them. 2. to concienciar to our municipal authorities so that they let to us attend the general assemblies of our towns and our voice are worth. 3. no longer we want that our communities single are of viejitas viejitos and, of ninas and ninos by the migration of our spouses, and what we want is to share the responsibility with them, the education of our children. These single activities we made it in our communities but we think that nonsingle it is a family fight nor, nor of communities, but worldwide to obtain pais or a world different from which we lived. For that reason the magonistas of the CIPO-RFM, we invited to all the women of the world so that they remove his anger and they return it organized protest, to that their word and suenos walk all the walls and streets of the world, so that, having different hands and faces, a single heart even exists to fight, demanding: 1. Rights of the women to be treated like equal in all the places, the house, the work, Health, the education the right to the Earth, to occupy representations in the community, to not being hurt, to decide whichever children to have, that our work is recognized, etc. And because especificos programs of women who allow the qualification, education, formacion, development etc are created. 2. by the fulfillment in the agreements of San Andres and against the haltings of those who we fought to make a this reality. 3. because the laws take off that go against our towns (the FOX law), stop you order of apprehension of our sisters and brothers. 4. by the delivery of resources for the development of our towns (agencies and rancherias) and the injustice is punished and not it poverty, asi as our communitarian projects of transport, organica agriculture are respected, and against the transgenicos and the old robbery of our biodiversity and knowledge. 5. because the agrarian problems are solved since we are those that but we underwent the consequences, that earth dowry to live itself to the unmarried mothers and stops the repression against our towns and representatives on the part of the paramilitary ones, policias and the municipal authorities, state and federal. 6. because the demands of health are solved, productive house, use, qualification, projects, ways, light, water, feeding, schools etc. 7. All we must fight against the neoliberalism, plan Puebla Panama (PPP), megaproyecto of the Isthmus and Colombia Plan because these projects benefitted to but the rich ones and us the indigenouss estan to us clearing earth, ended all the biodiversity, no longer we will be able to journey the highways because these you would seran private, received us but by medicines, foods and what we produce very dificil sera to commercialize it, all this it motivates to our companeros to emigrate to the north in where some find the death. It is hour of which all the women of the world we unite our forces to fight against all the things that have maintained to us for a long time in the poverty, in the violence and marginalization. Let us do what each one knows and can do from its house, the work, the school, with the family, the neighbor, the friend etc. So that our daughters see a different future. WOMEN MAGONISTAS WE PROPOSE:
Nevertheless the few that, in spite of all the obstaculos that put to us, we could be strained we want to request to them that we put our effort so that event is able to journey of words to facts and it demands to governor of Oaxaca Jose Murat, that lets repress to the women and the indigenouss men who we are of the CIPO-RFM and solves in fact, not with speeches, the exigency of house of the unmarried mothers of Huatulco, it is punished to the paramilitary ones of San Miguel Aloapam that to blows caused the abortion of companeras of ours organizacion and the law is applied to the Jose Efigenio Hernandez Ramirez, President Municipal de Huatulco to strike, to injure and to try to assassinate women of the CIPO-RFM in Huatulco. BY The RECONSTRUCTION And IT FREES ASSOCIATION OF The TOWNS BY THE ORGANIZING MEETING OF THE CIPO-RFM BY THE Women's Workgroup CARMEN PEREZ CHAVEZ REYNA PEREZ HERNANDEZ DOLORES VILLALOBOS CUAMATZI |