Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico. 9 of May of the 2002 Mobilization of the women of the CIPO-RFM in Oaxaca during days 8, 9 and 10 of May. I"Companeras, not temais catastrofe. You constituis half of the human species, and, which affects this, affects to you like integral part of the humanity. If the man is enslaved, you are it also. The chain does not recognize sexes."Ricardo Flores Magon. Regeneration 24/sep/1910 To MASS MEDIA To The NATIONAL PRESS And The INTERNATIONAL TO THE TOWN IN GENERAL. Today we joined the Magonistas women of the mountain range, the coast, the mixteca, tuxtepec and of central valleys and it fills to us of pride to fight together, we initiated our concentrandonos day of fight in the house of tod@s, and organized we initiated a march where we denounced before camara of deputies our situation of operation and humiliation that we suffered and undergo our towns, in the official house we made a call so that we are taken care of with respect and dignity, culminating our activity of the day with a permanent long wait faces of the government palace; again since it has been always, the governmental authorities have not had the dignity to take care of our demands of justice, health, feeding, education, use, worthy house, ways, transport earth and respect to our human rights. By previous the day of today 9 of May, we continued our day of fight, going directly to procuraduria of justice of the state to demand JUSTICE and punishment to the assassins, torturadores and encarceladores of our companeros of the CIPO. RFM. We demanded of way immediate the cease to the repression, harassment and punishment to the people in charge of the attacks against ours companer@s. Also we will initiate a long wait in the consulate of the United States (U.S.A.) in order to demand a stop to the North American terrorism untied against the towns of the world, to denounce the facist, discriminatory and racist Political of the masters of the capital, to demand that ours herman@s emigrants are dealt with respect and dignity ademas to demand punishment to the assassins of tod@s nuestr@s herman@s Mexican emigrants and to denounce that they have denied the visa to attend the permanent forum for indigenouss subjects summoned by the O.N.U. to be celebrated in proximos days and to which organizacion was invited ours. In the Secretary of indigenouss Subjects we will make arrive our voice to demand the definitive cancellation of you order them of apprehension that exists against ours companer@s, that single to defend the Earth, the forest and to demand the cease to the sacking of our resources, have been persecuted, harassed and jailed. We are, because asi we have decided it, fighting together and determined and not to return to our earth and with our children and husbands, without before seeing resolute our demands, we demanded the government of the State, attention immediate to our expositions and make a call to all the women of the field and of the city to be pending of our day of fight and we invited them to fight together because we know well that the remedy is our evils this Here, in the Earth, and is the rebellion. ... MOTHERS MAGONISTAS WE CELEBRATED OUR DAY FIGHTING! ....POR THE CONSTITUtion And IT FREES ASOCIAtion OF The TOWNS And The WOMEN! POPULAR ADVICE indigenous RICARDO FLOWERS MAGON CIPO-RFM To MASS MEDIA To The NATIONAL PRESS And The INTERNATIONAL Companeras and companeros: The Magonistas Mothers of the CIPO-RFM we come from our communities to make arrive our word at the inhabitants of the city and the field, to the unemployed workers and, the governors; we come to say that nostras as women triple we are exploded, being women, being indigenouss and being mothers. We have arrived from different places from the state to say that our condition of woman has not changed in essence since they have tried to make believe it the governors, in the field and the city we are humiliated, subordinated to the tradition and the laws, despised in our capacities and operated in our works. By to be indigenouss, the misery and I mistreat, the scorn are today as they were it yesterday the strong ties of the tradition of an irrational inferiority caused by the voracity of principes of the money. Our condition of woman ready to us to be mothers, and we found that to be mother it is a form but of operation, request submission to us and self-denial, requests to us to be martires within the martyrdom of being women. When the hunger, the desperation and the anguish arrive at us and we resorted to the use search, we found in the society humiliations, humiliations, harassment sexual and a wage that does not reach to cover our necessities. There is of the government no the true support to the woman and in spite of knowing of our situation, it does not create educative centers to prepare nor sources to us of use; far from this it allows the creation of vice centers, where finally the women resort as I complete resource to be able to survive even thickening but the rows of prostitution Companeras: this it is the frightful picture that offers the modern cities. Ahi estan those that have contributed to make of you the eternal slaves. For that reason today that we have found in ours organizacion a strongpoint we are Here to demand to the government solution immediate to our but felt necessities of justice, health, feeding, education, use, worthy house, ways, transport, earth and respect to our human rights. We informed very categorically that: if the government does not give solution to our demands of an immediate way we will initiate a day but of fight, until obtaining satisfactory answers. MOTHERS MAGONISTAS WE CELEBRATED OUR DAY FIGHTING ..EL REMEDY THIS Here, IN The Earth, And IS The REBELI! BY THE CONSTITUtion And IT FREES ASOCIAtion OF The TOWNS And The WOMEN CIPO-RFM Following bulletin (10-05-02) Images (Photos: Dog of Town) |