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Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico.
4 of March of the 2003


Day 4 of March from 2003 to 13:30 hours, in the facilities of the General Procuraduria of Justice, located in Av. Independence of the City of Oaxaca, Mexico, a body of the Federal Policia agredio and pretendio to stop, without order of apprehension to Raul Gatica, Member of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CIPO-RFM, Since of which this it finished ratifying a denunciation against the paramilitary ones of San Miguel Aloapam, headed by Conrado Garcia and Cayetano Santiago, file: A.P/IIII/110/2002


The CIPO-RFM, we are one organizacion of indigenouss communities that we fought by the defense of the collective, human rights, the development of the towns, justice, the freedom, the defense of the nature, the women, autonomia and to practice the aid of an a others, to work collectively, to decide everything in assemblies and to have its own cosmovision. Ever since we were born, 18 of November of 1997 to the date, we have suffered the repression, jail, the murder, the disappearance, exclusion, marginalization and all type aggressions from the federal and state government, adding in general, but the outstanding thing as far as violations to fundamental rights: 212 detenidos/as (without apprehension order): 195 men and 17 women; 47 kidnapped, all men; 22 tortured: all men; 277 heridos/as: 195 men and 82 women; ademas of near 500 you order of apprehension, between but outstanding they estan:
a) the halting and tortures of 106 indigenouss the 18 of April of 1998, that I take to the CNDH, National Commission of Human rights to emit recommendation 26/99.
b) the kidnapping and tortures of 46 indigenouss the 1. of January of 2002 that did to the CEDH, State Commission of Human rights to emit recommendation 15/2002


1. - Day 4 of March of 2003, like a 13:30 hours of the day, Raul Gatica in compania of Reyna Perez Hernandez, To stop Chavez and of the Lic. Mayolo, the Union of Teachers, went to ratify a demand against paramilitary of San Miguel Aloapam, contained in the file I number: A.P.IIII/110/2002, but when salia to ratify the denunciation against paramilitary in procuraduria general of republica, a group of 6 elements of the federal policia, without order of apprehension, with luxury of violence, without showing to identification some, began to interrogate to Raul Gatica, at the same time that surrounded it and some tried to hold it, saying "this prisoner", our companero I leave very clear that they do not detendrian it and less them aligeraria the work. A jaloneo occurred, since our companero not permitio that put the hand above to him. Before deepening the jaloneo a person who habia left to consult, we do not know that, shout; "the order is 50", therefore policia it said: "it vayase, but we are going it to stop Since" Although in this occasion compania of Reyna, Cesar and Mayolo of the Union of teachers frustrated the halting, the threat follows lives against all organizacion.

2. - By the occurred thing and since they estan pending to go to declare the CC. To stop Chavez Garcia, Fernando Torija, Carmen Perez Chavez and the own Raul Gatica, asi like the Ciudadanos/as: Celia Martinez Altamirano, Reyna Perez Hernandez, Gonzalo Santiago Garcia and Adelina Perez Cross in other processes, we have the preoccupation of which can be stopped at the time of appearing to declare

3. - It is clear that the attempts of repression to the CIPO-RFM are esten worsening Since of which we denounced to the paramilitary ones and the government of Murat, because it is not chance that is wanted to us to stop Since to ratify the denunciation against the paramilitary ones.

4. - Without a doubt this frames in a new big wave of pressure and harassment against ours organizacion and in individual against Raul kidnapped, missing or assassinated Gatica, that we fear can be prisoner, at any time, or, that unties to a big wave of repression to our integral communities and demas of organizacion, as it is come off the following facts:

a. - The 3 of November of 2002, a commission of the CIPO-RFM formed by Reyna Perez Hernandez, Simon Illescas and Raul Gatica denounced before the group of experts of the Work group on arbitrary haltings of the UN, integrated by LOUIS JOINET, MIGUEL OF LICKS IT, PIERRE Of the PRADO and SOLITUDE VILLAGRA, without I number of arbitrary haltings of which they have been object like CIPO-RFM and of the complicity of Governor Jose Murat with the paramilitary ones of the Mountain range Norte and Tuxtepec, headed by Jacobo Chavez and Cesar Toimil. We let know to the experts who by the podiamos denunciations before mentioned to undergo retaliation. Concrete situation that al to stop arbitrarily to Reyna Perez Hernandez and Raul Lopez, in Ixtlan de Juarez Oaxaca, day 18 of noviembrede 2002, to Luis King Matadamas in Sta. Huatulco Cross the 19 of November of 2002, to Juan Diaz and Elizabeth Moon in Sta. Huatulco Cross day 20 of November of 2002 and to want to stop to Raul Gatica that same day, in front del government palace of Oaxaca. In all the cases the policias that stopped to nuestros/as hermanos/as expressed: "this is so that it takes off the rebels to them and let walk speaking bad of the government of Murat"
b. - The 29 of January of 2003, a Commission of the CIPO-RFM formed by Carmen Perez, Leonor Heredia, Abundio Baptist, were entrevistaron with the UN commissioner, for human rights ANDRES COMPASS, to denounce the climate of aggressions that estabamos suffering in San Isidro Aloapam by paramilitary and the government of Jose Murat, asi like the repression climate that habia worsened against the social organizations and their representatives, particularly against the members of the CIPO-RFM and their representatives
c. - As answer we had day 11 of February to 13:30, they arrived at the community of Sta. Maria Yaviche, a commando of the special forces of the preventive policia of the state, entering by the mount (forest) and invading the community, intimidating to all the neighbors. They asked for the authority and the representatives of the CIPO-RFM. As nobody gave reason them, they said: if they continue speaking of paramilitary and they do not respect the government we are going them to chingar ". Since retired by the paths (ways between the mount) and left to the highway where they waited for patrols to them 845 and 846.
d. - From the 14 of February, in the entrance of the municipality of Juquila Vijanos, next to the temple, 3 patrols of the special forces of the preventive policia bet themselves and until day of 3 March todavia permanecian in the community. Throughout this time they have been asking and investigating the representatives of the CIPO-RFM.
e. - The 17 of February of 2003, a group of people armed of Bright Sta. Monteverde who have invaded our earth and that estan to the service of Governor Jose Murat, attacked with firearms, of high power, to the community of Plan of Zaragoza, Nuyoo, Tlaxiaco, member of the CIPO-RFM.
f. - Day 2 of March I arrive at Sta. Ma. Yaviche, Ixtlan, Oaxaca, the patrol of the Preventive policia of State no. 478, with seat in Tlacolula, looking for the municipal authority to stop it.

By all the previous one we asked for you:

FIRST: that they spread the situation by which we crossed the indigenouss towns of the CIPO-RFM
SECOND: That they send to letters to the representatives of Mexico in each one of his paises demanding Stop the violence against the CIPO-RFM and solution to his right reclamations of justice, agrarian, productive, etc.
THIRD: that they can do a telefonica call asking for the situation of Raul integral Gatica and demas of the CIPO-RFM and measures are requested you will prevent for all we.
QUARTER. That they can do one collects of companies to send it to the government of Mexico and to means, where they demand stop to the repression of the towns.
FIFTH. Ask for measures so that they avoid any type of repression towards us.


To stop Chavez Garcia    Carmen Perez Chavez    Reyna Perez Hernandez

Leonardo Lopez Sarabia    Fernando Torija    Gonzalo Santigao

Leonor Heredia Marin    Dolores Cuamatzi    Paschal Prochoir Lopez

Martial Perez Sarabia    Luis King Matadamas    Raul Lopez Diaz

Ccp. The ONG.s of Human rights in the State of Oaxaca, for its knowledge and intervention.


Those that we subscribed, _______________ we have received information that makes us arrive from Oaxaca Mexico, with all attention we went to you to express our preoccupation to him by the recurrence whereupon they are harassed and attacked the members and communities miembras of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CIPO-RFM, particularly its representatives. But when in recent dates we found out the harassment and threats that the federal policia exerts against Raul Gatica and the fear founded of organizacion of which to him something can happen, in virtue that been has denounced the paramilitary groups that actuan in Oaxaca. By the previous thing we asked for you you take the pertinent measures to avoid are violated its rights, because to occur something in the physical or moral person of Raul Gatica we will give by fact that its government this in complacencia with it.


Gubernatura Jose Murat Governor Governor 51-65966/ 51-60677/ fax: 51-63737/ cel: 0449515470377
Felipe Sardain Private secretary of the governor 51-56056/ 51-55726
SGG: Secretary General of Government Hector Anuar Mafud Gral secretary of government 51-62221/ 51-62281
SAI: Secretary of indigenouss Subjects Brown Carlos Derbez Secretary of indigenouss subjects in Oaxaca 51-302640449515470222
President of Mexico Vicente Fox Quezada (55)151794,
Srio. Of Interior, Mexico Santiago Creel Miranda fax: (00 52) 5 55 546 5350, (00 52) 5 55 546 7388, Bucareli 99, to 1er pisoColonia 06699 Juarez C.P. Mexico D.F.
General solicitor of the Republica Rafael Macedo of the Shell Av the Reformation esq. VioletaCol. Guerrero, 06300 Mexico D.F. C.P. Fax: (0052) 5 346 0906 bzw. 5 346 0904
Ambassador of D.H. and democracy Mariclaire Acosta Urquidi 5117 4318, 5117 4356, fax: 51174334/ (0052)5 327 30 45
