Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico. 24 of May of the 2003 To defend our rights they want to us to kill:"they do not love Indians to us,
Died they want to us." CIPO-RFM The members of the Organizing Meeting of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Mag Flowers? we expose and we denounced before you the case of intimidation, threats of death and psychological torture against our companero RAUL GATICA BAPTIST who the day of today when entering its address I notice myself that all their books, their magazines, their personal documents were broken and thrown in the ground, over those two documents were fotografias with died people, when entering their kitchen encontro with all their broken plates and glasses, its food thrown in the ground mixed with painting, its refrigerator completely painted with aerosol color orange, asi as in the walls emphasized threats of death against RAUL GATICA especificamente. Al to introduce itself in its room I observe as above of his bed one were several fotografias of assassinated people al equal that a sheet of paper where they warned to him that if governor continued fighting with the indigenouss communities in against of the interests del was going it to kill, ademas is possible to senalar that around of same encontro fecales lees. The fact that is very amazing the material authors have not sustraido ningun value object, if not who simply seized only of Politicall documents of organizacion. Before these facts of aggression that have not been the unicos, it is possible to senalar that diverse denunciations exist before the General Procuraduria of Justice of the State (Previous Inquiry 52(F.M.)2002) in which we denounced the death threats intimidation of which we have been object the companeros of the CIPO-RFM, in individual companero RAUL GATICA, this has nevertheless not prospered due to desinteres of this Investigating Organo. We are sure that all these aggressions, persecution, kidnapping, carcel, intimidation and ambushes that we underwent the members of the CIPO-RFM the JOSE government of MURAT and their cabinet are planned by, before the constant fight and denunciation that organizacion by the serious problems does that face our indigenouss communities in the state of Oaxaca. These threats estan bound to the visit of the Relator of Human rights for indigenouss towns of the UN Doctor RODOLFO STAVENHAGEN, with which a commission of the CIPO-RFM reunira to denounce the Political persecution and the violence that the government of the state against the members of the CIPO-RFM exerts and of the communities that participate. We denounced openly that the government of JOSE MURAT CASAB has initiated a war of low intensity against the social organizations and the indigenouss towns that organize and defend their rights in all the state of Oaxaca, is why jailes of the state every Politicall day has been filled of activist, you lead social, farmers and indigenouss. Asi as also in our house is common to cry by our brothers caidos under the bullets of the despotism and tirania of the government of JOSE MURAT. But by but that the government tries to lock up our ideas and hopes of a better world detras of the cold bars of jail, by but which they try to lock up our suenos and our conscience in a solitary tomb, our hope, our suenos and our conscience must live, better continuing walking the footpath towards a society. By all the reasons before exposed we make an urgent call to all the organizations for national and international human rights, to the social organizations and all those people of good heart so that they conduct the battles necessary to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of companero RAUL GATICA. BY The RECONSTRUCTION And IT FREES ASSOCIATION OF The
TOWNS Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca"Ricardo Flores Magon"