Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico. 15 of June, 2003 The force of unityTo the TOWN OF MEXICO And The TOWNS Of the WORLDTo MASS MEDIA To The PEOPLE OF GOOD WILL SISTERS And BROTHERS The 12 of June of the present year the government of the PRI in the state of Oaxaca, headed by Jose Murat, using to but of 1000 elements of the force publishes reprimio to the Union of the 3 powers, to the Comite de Citizen Defensa and Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; CIPO- RFM among other organizations who pacificamente manifestabamos us in 45 offices of the government of the state demanding: freedom of OLIVERIO NERI, solution to the demands of the indigenouss communities and stops to the aggressions to Raul Gatica. The part but lasts of the repression suffered old women, ninos and of the region of Tuxtepec that was in Palace of Government and which I leave as 21 balance desaparecid@s: 1. - Ana Antonio Garcia, 2. - Domingo Anastasio Garcia, 3. - Eladio Lopez Juan, 4. - Brigido Hernandez Rangel, 5. - Sixto Benequen Shepherd, 6. - Pedro Santiago Velasco, 7. - Fortunato Sanchez Rosales, 8. - Urban Ojeda Alavez, 9. - Agapito Gonzalez Branches, 10. - Arming Pereda Branches, 11. - Santiago Felipe Gonzalez, 12. - Julio Ojeda Apple tree, 13. - Petra Ojeda Aracen, 14. - Pure Aid Ojeda, 15. - Pure Trinidad Ojeda, 16. - Bernardine Branches Velasco, 17. - Antonia Vargas Vargas, 18. - Lorenza Mendoza Jeronimo, 19. - Pure Longino Jeronimo, 20. - Pure Ana Ojeda, 21. - Catherine Ojeda Ojeda; ademas of 21 herid@s the 4 of ell@s of gravity, in agreement previous inquiries: 577/HC/2003, 706/CH/2003 and 802/CR/2003 and detenid@s: Teresa Dwells Olmedo, Norberta Pereda Towers, Flavio Kings Matias and Ciro Mendoza Lupe. Before the evidence of which the government does not have another language but that the violence, a set of organizations of the state of Oaxaca (Union of Workers to the service of the 3 powers, Section XXII SNTE/CNTE, FSODO, COMPA, FPR, APN-ND, CODECI, UCIZONI, Foro-prisoners Politicall and the CIPO-RFM, aside from others of national character) we have agreed to walk in unit against the repression and by the rights of the town, developing for it a fight day that considered the elections of the 6 of July, the celebration of the Guelaguetza, the state, national and international denunciation and we settled in permanent assembly to take the urgent measures that be necessary, demanding from now on: 1) immediate and unconditional Freedom of Oliverio Neri Lopez and Rene garcia, Garcia, the presentation with life of l@s desaparecid@s, release of a prisoner of Norberta Pereda Towers, Teresa Dwell Olmedo, Flavio Kings Matias and Ciro Mendoza Lupe. 2) Politico Judgment to Jose Murat and destitution immediate to Sergio Frank Santibanez, Erick Heras, Jose Saline Manuel Side, Juan C. Ramirez Pacheco, and Aristeo Lopez Martinez, to plan, to order and to execute the repression and to Sergio Segreste President of the State commission of Human rights by complicity and justificadora of the violence against the indigenouss ones then did not want to take part before the aggressions that estabamos suffering in the evacuation and they have not wanted to receive our complaint 3) Installation of a table of I engage in a dialog at but the high level, with intermediation of the secretary of Interior and the national commission of human rights to treat the problematica that we have the organizations of Oaxaca which we participated in this unitary effort. 4) Cese to the police-administrative harassment to the workers of the union of the 3 powers and to the organizations who are been supporting their fight. Equally they ask for garantias for Daisy Garcia Garcia and Abacuc Cross Cross that estan being harassed by the government of the state. All the organizations we have agreed to summon to the Assembly by the unit against the repression and the rights of the OaxHereno town o'clock to be made the 17 of June of the 10 of the manana in the facilities of the Union of the 3 powers. BY The RECONSTRUCTION And IT FREES ASOCION OF The TOWNS THE ORGANIZING MEETING OF THE CIPO-RFM. |