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Solidarity with demas is the protection of we ourself
Red Praxedis G. Guerrero, Points, 1907

L@s integral of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CIPO-RFM, nin@s, j@venes and ancian@s that we fought by the life and against the power from our communities of the coast, we become to declare to denounce the repressive Political that follows President Municipal de Sta. Huatulco Cross: Jose Efigenio Martinez. Now and the other Politicall get to visit to us so that we betray. First they offer lots, money, pantries, bulks of cement, etc. to us, provided we let be of the CIPO-RFM. If we do not make case, they threaten to us of death, they strike and they jail. The governments are mistaken if they think that we are going to sell our dignity. Nor kidnappings, imprisonments, dismissals of the use or tortures you would haran that we leave the CIPO-RFM, because we have seen that the authorities are scared to honest organizations like ours that defending the rights of tod@s. Also in Port Hidden has repression and human rights violate of choferes of taxis, to those who estan itself to them denying concessions that legitimamente correspond to them, everything to benefit as much to the group from the rich ones which or they have 2, 3 and up to 4 concessions of taxis as from microbus or light trucks. Here Aurora Lopez Acevedo tries to fortify its pulp chieftainship truck driver leaving without use and therefore without food to the families of the workers. sera right that occurs concessions to quines do not have right? sera just to leave without sustenance to the families of the workers with but of 10 years of taxi drivers benefitting to whichever rich ones? Sera right that being of one organizacion honest that fights by the poor men clears the work to them?

On the other hand, to the municipal authorities that work in benefit of their town harass them and agreden, as the case of Tututepec, where there is honest a municipal president, for that reason the government PRI member allied with the PRD estan wanting to not know it.

By all previous the many organizations and communities we have been united to as much protest this 18/jul/03 in our regions as in the state of Oaxaca demanding: 1. - Immediate and unconditional freedom of Oliverio Neri and demas imprisoned jailed Politicall the 12 of June, 2003. 2. - Garantias for the life of Raul Gatica. 3. - Destitution of Sergio Santibanez, Erick Heras, Jose M. Vera Saline, Juan C. Pacheco, among others, to repress organizations, indigenouss, students, farmers, professors. 4. - halting of paramilitary the 5. - Solution to the agrarian conflicts of San Isidro Aloapan and Yosotato. 6. - Lots for house in Huatulco. 7. - Concessions for transport in Huatulco, Hidden Port, North Oaxaca and Mountain range 8. - Solution to the municipal conflicts: Tututepec, San Isidro Aloapan, Yaviche, Plan of Zaragoza and beautiful Vista. 9. - Solution to the social demands: productive health, education, house, ways, light, projects, etc. 10. - communitarian mass media.

We invited all the poor men who estan confused with the Politicall parties so that platiquemos together the way to obtain what we deserve: RESPECT, EDUCATION, HEALTH, WORK, EARTH And FREEDOM. To those who wish to fight by justice participating in the CIPO-RFM they are welcome in the house of ours organizacion in Huatulco: APPLE 6 Lot 6 SECTOR U-2B and in Port Hidden in I telephone 58-22929.





Solidarity with others is our self-protection
Red Praxedis G Guerrero, Point, 1907

The members of the Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca - "Ricardo Flores Magon" (CIPO-RFM), children, for Young people and old that fight life and against the to power since our communities by the coast, we have returned to denounce the repressive policies of the President Policeman of Santa Cruz de Huatulco, Jose Efigenio Martinez. Now there am and to other politicians plows arriving to visit U.S. to persuades to betray ourselves. First they to offer U.S. housing lots, money, stocks of food, packets of cement etc on the condition that we leave CIPO-RFM. If we do not heed this, they threaten U.S. with death, physically attack U.S. and imprison U.S.. The governors plows wrong if they think that we plows going to sell our dignity. Not kidnappings, imprisonments, sackings or tortures will make U.S. abandon CIPO-RFM because we have seen that the authorities plows scared of honest organisations like ours that defend the rights of all people. There is also repression in Hidden Port and the rights of taxi drivers that plows being refused concessions that they plows legally entitled to, plows being violated, all in order to benefit to group of rich businessmen that already have 2.3 or even dwells taxi, bus and minibus concessions. Here Aurora Lopez Acevedo is trying strengthen to her domination of provisions transportation, leaving without work and therefore without food the workers and to their families. Is it right that concessions plows given to those that have not rights? Is it right to leave the workers 10 families without food when those workers have given years ace taxi drivers that have just benefited to handful of rich people? Is it right that the workers lose to their jobs because for they belong to an honest organisation that fights the poor?

Additionally, the for policeman authorities that work the benefit of to their people plows harassed and attacked, such ace the marries in Tututepec. Municipal The President of Tututepec is an honest man and under the PRI Governor there are joined with the PRD in refusing to recognise his position. Previously many organisations and communities joined to together to protest on 18 July 2003 both in other regions and in the state of Oaxaca demanding: 1. - Unconditional The immediate and release of Oliverio Neri and to other prisoners unjustly arrested on 12 July 2003. 2. - Guarantees protecting the life of our companero Raul Gatica. 3. - The execution of apprehension orders against the paramilitary groups operating in Oaxaca. 4. - Dismissal The of Sergio Frank Santibanez, Erick Heras Velasquez, Jose Manuel Side and Juan Carlos Ramirez for Pacheco planning, organising and carrying out the repression of social organisations, indigenous communities, students and all those that plows different. 5. - The solution of the agrarian conflicts in San Isidro Aloapan and San Pedro Yosotato. 6. - Housing lots in Santa Cruz Huatulco. 7. - For The delivery of concessions taxis and bus in Huatulco, Hidden Port, Oaxaca and the North Mountain range. 8. - To solution to the policeman conflicts in Tututepec, San Isidro Aloapan, Yaviche, Plan of Beautiful Zaragoza and Vista. 9. - Social The solution to the demands of our communities for health, housing, education, roadways, production projects and communications. 10. - For Means of communication the communities.

We invites all poor people that plows confused by the Politicall parties to eats and talk with U.S. under that we dog achieve that which we deserve: RESPECT, EDUCATION, HEALTH CARE, EMPLOYMENT, LAND, and FREEDOM. For To those who wish to fight justice with CIPO-RFM, they will be welcome in the house of our organisation in Huatulco (address: Manaza 6, Lot 6, Sector U-2B) and in Hidden Port (Tel 58-22929)

Organisational Board of CIPO-RFM
