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Oaxaca. Mexico
16 of October of 2003


To The ORGANIZATIONS OF Human rights

Again, the members of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flowers Magon CIPO-RFM, we verified that the language with which the bad governors speak of Oaxaca is of lie, engano and death.
15 of October we yesterday denounced the arbitrary halting of four of our working companeros of the education that were stopped by the Federal Agency of Investigations AFI, sacandolos of its classrooms by the simple fact to protest against the corrupt directors of CONALEP 039.
The DAY OF TODAY 16 OCTOBER Of the 2003 to the 11:00 Hrs. paramilitary of Tanetze de Zaragoza to the control of Jacobo Chavez Tinder and To stop Toimil Roberts of the protected CROCUT of the governor of Oaxaca Jose Murat, they arrived at the community Santa Maria Yaviche, where our companeros made one reunion and while they shouted is going away them to load the chingada one to walk of rebels and being of the CIPO shot against of ours companeros/as with arms of exclusive use of I exercise, from the hurt aggression I am a dead person and 9 of bullet, 4 of them of gravity.
At the moment the climate that prevails is of fear and sinks because the paramilitary ones Continuing shooting to the houses and approximately 50 paramilitary ones have blocked the entrances of the population.
We have reported to the Governor of the State and to the Secretary of Government, to the one of citizen protection and to the one of health, but they have not done anything and they have not even sent security for the zone, although I inquire to them from the 12 into the day.
This situation this related the climate of aggressions yet that we are suffering like organizacion and that have the following ones.


From January of the 2002, the government of the state had the idea to strike the community of Santa Maria Yaviche to have declared autonoma and to be constructing his process in via of the facts.
First in acting they were the federal deputy, now secretary of indigenouss subjects of state government CANDIDO COHETO MARTINEZ, local deputy JOSE MANUEL MENDOZA MIGUEL asi as the delegate of government of the North mountain range all of them in conspiracy with this paramilitary group kidnap and torture the 1 of January of 2002 to 46 brothers of the communities of the Reformation, Yagallo and Yaviche, when they journeyed in a communal way. For this the torturadores counted on the complacencia of the state government, where Erik Heras general Visitador procuraduria conceals to the paramilitary ones disappearing the declarations of our companeros.
Nevertheless, the diffusion of the case to national and international instances of human rights, the state commission of human rights of the state was forced to emit the recommendation I number 15/ 2002 by kidnapping and tortures same that until the moment procuraduria of justice of the state has not executed and that was guilty and that governor Jose Murat I leave today in freedom has massacreed our brothers.
Also the government of the state via procuraduria makes appear without I number of you order of arrest against the communitarian and representing authorities of the CIPO-RFM in the community. At the same time in the press they appear Newspaper Articles where the paramilitary groups threaten of death to our representatives and communities:
26 of February in an official document announce that Raul embarretado assassinated sera Gatica, hung and buried alive.
The 13 of June of the 2002 in daily the news Jacobo Chavez make clear that it is going to undertake violent actions against the CIPO-RFM and their communities.
7 of August of the 2002 in daily the news Jacobo Chavez announce that in the mountain range habra another Xochiltepec and that prepares the ambulances to carry to deads of the CIPO-RFM.
To stop Toimil Roberts, leader of the CROCUT senala that ended the CIPO-RFM and that is not scared to him to Raul Gatica. The day of today they have begun to fulfill its propositos as they are exposed in the following ones.


Day 15 of October the Ruizes arrive at the Eustorgio community Tinder, Leobardo Chavez Chavez, provokers of this paramilitary group and with knife in hand they try to kill the authorities of the community, before this situation is chosen to summon to a communitarian assembly for the following day with the purpose of solving this problematica.
At the 11:30 Hrs. while the assembly was developed the aggressors arrive at the community To stop Toimil Roberts, Equidel Ruiz, Hector Chavez Martinez, Filiberto Linen, Victorino Martinez Rooms, Takings Martinez Chavez and approximately 60 people but - several of them are not of the region in a bus and a red light truck, armed with rifles and to the shout the position the chingada one to all those of the CIPO, began to shoot against of the men and women who were reunited in the municipal field of the community being died Bartolome Chavez Rooms of a machete blow in the neck; hurt Francisco Flowers Apple tree that presents/displays 7 impacts of bullet: 4 in estomago and 3 in the legs, Eliseo Marquez that an impact of bullet to the height of Rodilla has, Onofre Apple tree Tinder with a bullet in the leg, Noe Herrera Branches, with two impacts of bullet in the foot, Octavia Tinder Flowers with a shot in the knee, Asiel Branches with a shot in the knee, Anselmo Perez with a Shot in the Arm, Simon Tinder Apple tree with a shot in the shoulder and the leg, Arnulfo Marquez with a shot in the shoulder and another one in the arm. All the wounds were caused with bullets calibrates 16.
Until these missing moments they estan Aristeo Flowers, Maurilio Martinez, Hesiquio Apple tree.
The community profit to stop to the paramilitary ones: Eustorgio Ruiz Tinder, Leobardo Chavez Chavez that would seran given to the ministerial authorities as soon as presents/displays the community.
Of everything what it has happened and it continues passing to ours organizacion, community and representatives we made responsible.
1. To the Governor of the State of Oaxaca Jose Murat, to the Secretary of Government Hector Anuar Mafud and we demanded the immediate destitution of these civil employees to be the promoters of the violence and repression against the indigenouss towns.
2, Immediate dismantling of the paramilitary groups that operate in the North Mountain range under the command To stop Toimil and Jacobo Chavez and halting of all the ones that asesinaro and hurt our brothers.
3, Punishment yet the weight of the law to those who organized, ordered and executed the aggression against our brothers.

Very kindly
by the reconstruction and it frees association of the towns

Lic. Vicente Fox Quesada
President of the Mexican United States
National Palace
Patio of Honor, Floor 1, Col. Center
06067 Mexico D.F.
(525) - 395 6700/272 6903/515 5714
Fax(525) 5277 2376
Lic. Santiago Creel Miranda
Secretary of Interior
Bucarelli 99, Col. Juarez
06690 Mexico D.F
(00 52)+ 55-5093 3400/55-5592 0584
fax: (00 52)+ 55-5093 3414/55-5557 8963
General Rafael Macedo of the Shell
General solicitor of the Republica
Av the Reformation esq. Violet
Col. Guerrero
Mexico D.F. C.P. 06300
Fax: (0052)+ 5-5346 0908(0052)+ 5-346 0908
Mariclaire Acosta Urquidi: ambassador of D.H. and democracy: 5117 4318, 5117 4356, fax: 51174334/ (0052)5 327 30 45
Jose Luis soberanes: Pte. Of the National commission of Human rights. (525) 6310040, 6818125fax: (525) 6817199, 6819239
Jose Murat: Governor of Oaxaca (951) 51-65966, 51-60677, 51-6 04 05, 51- 6 20 39, fax: 51-63737, cellular: 019515470377
Hector To Mafud Mafud: Srio. Gral de Gobierno of Oaxaca, Mexico (951)51-622-21, 51-62281
Sergio Segreste Rios: Pte. Of the State Commission of Human rights of Oaxaca. (951) 51-35191, 51-351-97 and 51-3.94.11 (direct)
Sergio Santibanez: General solicitor of Justice of the State of Oaxaca Tel.(951) 51-15174, 51-15121, 51-15020; fax 51-15219
