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Oaxaca. Mexico
17 of October of 2003



Amanece another day and the same of always for the indigenouss: lie, engano, farce, injustice and death. Facts occurred yesterday 16 of October in the community of Santa Maria Yaviche in the North mountain range in where sisters and zapotecos brothers of that community which they belong to Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca, "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CIPO-RFM brutally were attacked by paramilitary of the commanded CROCUT Stopping Toimil Roberts in alliance with another group armed in Tanetze de Zaragoza, to the control of Jacobo Chavez Tinder and civil employees of high level of the Government of the State as Secretary of indigenouss Subjects is the case of Candido Coheto present Martinez, Mauro Franciso Mendez Undersecretary of indigenouss Subjects, all endorsed by the Government of Jose Murat and Hector Anuar Mafud, is the reality that lives to Oaxaca newspaper.
To grief which we immediately communicated the facts to the governor of the State, the Secretary of Government, the one of citizen protection and To Human rights, she is not but until the dawn of tonight that is taken care of our companeros severely wounded the companeros injured in Ixtlan de Juarez, but that until today by the manana as soon as the government of the state this looking for in that clinica to take care of Francisco Flowers that this agonizing, reason why the government of the State concerns little again to him the life of the indigenouss communities, but if they support the aggressors as it is the case of the declarations emitted by the Solicitor of Justice in where senala in radio that the Community of Taviche (it sees that knowledge has of problematica then not is Taviche if nonYaviche, that importance to the subject) and that went a confrontation (to little it is confrontation when these in one reunion or your house and get to you to kill, the facts were in your house), ademas of it became the senal from the CROCUT clear of which in the Mountain range two do not cabian and which they challenged to shots to the CIPO and because they fulfilled it, today amanecimos with a sadness in the soul, with a dead and 9 severely wounded, this, by the little importance of the government before problematica of the communities and if a total support to the paramilitary ones of the CROCUT because the question is de where provenian the arms of caliber 16, that are of exclusive use of I exercise that use the CROCUT. In relation to the emitted declaration of which two people estan in jail of Yaviche, these I capture myself to them when it was the massacre and that at the dawn tonight gave them to the Agent in good fisico state of the Ministry I publish assigned to the Mixed Court of First Instance of Ixtlan de Juarez, Francisco Fernando Rodriguez Lazcares, and who volume the declarations and to that interposed the demand to him against the aggressors.

At the moment the community of single Yaviche this being protected by 50 elements of the preventive policia with patrols Not 942, 688, 770 and 722, because ministerial already the retirement because tapeworm that to rest because it is Friday and again the assassins follows hidden in the Mountain range the environs of the community, and in Taneteze becomes to listen by the loudspeaker to 9:00 hours of which continuous with the second phase of which reempezo the day of the government actua then we do not even fear again yesterday and again for another massacre to this our community and of others as the case of San Isidro Aloapam like Yaviche, who to defend the forests, their territory, its uses and customs constantly this being threatened by paramilitary of San Miguel Aloapan, the case of Santa Cruz Huatulco to those who one stops to them constantly when they are put to sell treats in his own beaches and of demanding a piece of ground in where to live; to those of Hidden Port that to demand a democratization in the transport and a worthy work and all the communities, representatives of ours organizacion are persecuted, jailed and deads, asi the this latent threat to kill our companero Raul Gatica and of not releasing to Oliverio imprisoned Neri in Ixcotel, ademas, all this wave of violence against us is so that of general way we have rejected energicamente to the PRI and other parties in our State, to defend the Biodiversity, the Creole corn in the Forum of Cancun, and mainly to declare itself autonomos in several of our communities with which we are it constructing in via of the facts and mainly by the decision to associate to us pacificamente to solve our problems, that the government has not been able to solve.

Of everything what it has happened and it continues passing to ours organizacion, community and representatives, we demanded:

1, Immediate halting and punishment yet the weight of the law to those who organized, ordered and executed the aggression against our brothers, because it tested already this.

2, Immediate destitution of the Governor of the State of Oaxaca Jose Murat, the secretary of Interior Hector Anuar Mafud to be the promoters of the violence and repression against the indigenouss towns.

3, Immediate dismantling of the paramilitary groups that operate in the North Mountain range under the command To stop Toimil and Jacobo Chavez.


By the reconstruction and it frees association of the towns.

By the organizing meeting of CIPO RFM

Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin

Leonor Heredia Marin

Gomez Rosary
