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Magonista tour by Europe

Brothers and sisters:
Taking into account the importance that he has to communicate to fortify and to animate our efforts to us directly, to interchange experiences, to help us in all the senses, to hermanar our fights and to acompanar all the initiatives, he is that we have seted out to make an European tour of the 20 of April to the 20 of July.
For this aim l@s herman@s Swiss has financed two tickets of Mexico to pais of Europe. By our part, we have named TO STOP CHAVEZ GARCIA and to CARMEN PEREZ like the commissioners to take to the word of our communities and organizacion and to fulfill the following propositos:

a) To present/display a balance of the situation which they face the indigenouss towns of Mexico and particularly the ones of Oaxaca to two years of the government of Fox.
b) Difundir the organizational project del CIPO-RFM, our forms of resistance and fights, asi as the form in which we are making possible in our space, a world different al from now, all content in the results of our general assembly made Since of 5 years of fight in San Isidro Aloapan, Oaxaca, del 10 al 14 of April del 2003.
c) Crear Comites of support to our fight and organizacion or, to establish networks to restrain the harassment, the violence and repression to our communities, organizations and representatives. Of equal way, that these strongpoints can be demanding the solution to the problems of the communities as far as justice, development, health, house, education, qualification, human rights, etc., for the communities of the CIPO-RFM but also for others.
d) Consolidar the relations with the networks and support battalions that already we have, from elaborating with them a work plan I specify, according to its disposition, commitment and possibilities.
e) To make contact with the enemy with the foundations, associations, unions, organizations, governments, universities or people who can finance projects, offer us tecnico support to us or collaborate, somehow, with the diverse areas that we worked.
f) Establecer agreements of commercialization of products produced and elaborated by our communities: artesania of mud, textile, palm and reed, organico honey and cafe; mass and chocolate.
g) Instrumentar the communitarian international acompanamiento, to organizacion and the representatives of the CIPO-RFM.

In order to fulfill the previous thing yet we thought that single you can help us and for that reason we asked to them if you estan in possibilities of:
1) Organizar encounter, to char them, meetings, interviews, etc., in different places from his pais with: organizations, foundations, old, working, masterful mass media, universities, personalities, intellectuals, artists, monks, women, Youth gays, industralists, etc.. It implies the propaganda, the premises, etc.
2) Establecer contact with others paises where they have relations and can make the activities that we have raised to them.
3) Coordinen our agenda in each one of paises. In this point they do not worry, we are in the disposition to work the 24 hours to the day.
4) To help us with the expenses of stay, feeding and transfer to the following place of activities, including pais.
If you do not help us to make this sera work impossible to fulfill with which we have seted out, for that reason we requested its valuable support to them.
We sent a proposal to them of organizacion of the tour, of stay in each pais. The idea is that you they are organized internally to define that day this in each place. But if there is nobody no interested in his pais with this tour, good sera that they say to us because perhaps otr@s herman@s of others paises is interested. Everything can be moved what is because is a proposal and the beginning of the tour this in function of the invitations. What if we must do urgently it is to define the invitations so that in function of the place of beginning and aim of the tour we request to herman@s suiz@s that it makes us arrive tickets
In all the cases changes of date, single can be proposed in the cases of Switzerland and France must itself comment with us to see if not this occupied.

ESPANA 1ª stage
Date Place Commissioner Contact I telephone Electronico mail
15-20 of AprilMarinaledaPaschal ProchoirCity council955829879
23-25 of AprilSevilleBrown Javi
26-27 April to the 3 of MayBarcelonaProchoir, Carmen and CesarInaki
Moserrat Munte
Busqued Angel
34-93-4422101 and 3290643 fax: 34-93-3290858
0034+ 649282350

Date Place Commissioner Contact I telephone Electronico mail
4-5 of MayMilanProchoir, To stop,
6-8 of MayBergamo
9 of MaySan MarinoTo
10 of
11-12 of

Date Place Commissioner Contact I telephone Electronico mail
9-11 of MayMarseilleProchoir, CarmenILS,
12-13 of MayToulouseProchoir, To stop, Carmen- ILS
- Alternative Libertaire
- they did not happen
- Comite from support to the towns in fight of Chiapas
14-15 of MayLimoges
16-18 of MayNantes
19 of MayAngers
20-21 of MayBrest
22 of MayHim Havre
23-25 of MayParis
26 of MayLyon

Date Place Commissioner Contact I telephone Electronico mail
27-31 of MaySwitzerlandTo stop, Carmen, ProchoirOSL--
1 of JuneMexico (return)Prochoir---
1-3 of JuneSwitzerlandCesar-CarmenOSL--

Date Place Commissioner Contact I telephone Electronico mail
4-25 of JuneSwedenTo stop,

Date Place Commissioner Contact I telephone Electronico mail
25-30 of JuneGermanyTo stop,
2-5 of JulyHamburgZapapres0040.651.83.93
6-9 of

2 ESPANAª stage
Date Place Commissioner Contact I telephone Electronico mail
11-24 of JulyMadridTo stop, CarmenPlatform of Solidarity with Chiapas of Madrid34+ 913690842
Single miercoles from 19:00 to 22:00 hours
Barcelona and other
25 of JulyMexico (return)----

Note: the way places programmed specify are unremovable, single in the cases no that specification are can be proposed. If it is very important that she attends herself in a place and a single person crosses itself programmed dates already can be programmed but asistiria, because there is the possibility that some of comisionad@s attends.

Invitations for paises do not discard different from which senalamos, single we requested that to the invitations they say as serious the concrete activity to us to make in each place.
Awaiting its dear letters, that without a doubt would daran favorable answers to us, we sent to a hug rojinegro to them, that is to say, that looks for the way to find to its equal ones.

By the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM
Area of general coordination
Raul Gatica.

Platica of the CIPO in Barcelona
The CIPO during a platica in the city of Barcelona
