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I, Juan Luis of the Municio Rose, have received the information from
Oaxaca, about attack the past 24 of February, of a group of paramilitary strongly armed to the indigenous community "the Lagunilla" that is located to 37 Kilometros of Santa Catarina Yosonotu pertaining to the Tlaxico district. This aggression had like result the death of Eusebio Aparicio Garcia and the gravity of health of Juan Aparicio Mendoza, both members of Popular the indigenous Council
of Oaxaca- Ricardo Flores Magon (CIPO-RFM).

With this letter I want to express my preoccupation by the recurrence with
that the human rights of the members of CIPO- RFM are violated and to support requests of this advice. I solicit from Here that the Governor of Oaxaca Jose Murat Casab and the General Solicitor of Justice of the State of Oaxaca, Sergio Santibanez take the pertinent measures to avoid that they are violated of form sistematica and reiterated the human rights.

Juan Luis of the Municio Rose.

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