Near the 8 at night of the 18 of julio/04, without an
answer and with the threat to use the violence against indigenous
The of the CIPO-RFM and democratic workers of the STSPEIDCEO, Jose
Murat finished to the meeting between the Governor and the commission
of the communities of the CIPO-RFM.
From the 6 of afternoon they have begun to surround with
hundreds by police the 4 places where we are making the protests:
Socle, Seat of the dance, Church of Sto. Domingo and Cathedral.
We today fear to be evacuated at night or at dawn of day 18 of
July. We fear the worse thing because one has seen that there is
will no to engage in a dialog, as I could be appreciated today of the
results of the meeting.
The appointment for was to 2 of afternoon in the located
official house in the street of Suárez Pine. When arriving it
received operative impressive from all type of police to the control
of the Saline Lieutenant Jose to us M. Vera and the director of
citizen protection Brown Manuel Rivas, that closed the circulation and
blocked the accesses.
They let enter the commission to 5 of afternoon and single until
the 6 afternoon the governor with gesture badly faced appeared.
Before entering the site of the meeting they left private the
governor the leaders of COMPA (Coordinadora Magonista Popular
Antineoliberal) Samuel Hernandez, Jacqueline Lopez Almazán, Michel
Innocent and Alexander Cross Lopez, one hour but late also they left
Catarino Pereda Towers and three people but, leaders of call CODECI.
We solicitd that the mass media were integrated to the table,
because we do not have anything to hide and no shameful subject to
treat. The government acceptance and did not allow either
entered a filmadora camera ours.
They were in favor of the Government: Jose Murat, Sergio
Segreste and Celestino Alonso, governor of the state, president of the
State Commission of Human rights and Secretario of Government
respectively. By the communities of the CIPO-RFM and the
democratic workers of the STSPEIDCEO, 62 people of the commission.
The governor tried to regañar, reason why the way communities
sign made him stop making him see of clear way that it did not deal
with employees. Colerico the governor made case a little while
single but later to shouts it said that: “No I recognize
no agreement with the CIPO-RFM because it is not like other
organizations who understand the situation of the government and they
do not alter orden”, “háganle as they want but I do
not go to respect none compromiso” this the commission of
the CIPO-RFM asked nor those of justice, that according to the law
must be obeyed? “ninguno”, it said. The
natives we asked Sergio Segreste who how it could allow that the law
of that way in its presence forced. Segreste with the bent face
stammering: “solo called the governor to me to observe as
esto” is solved; and it did not say more.
The commission of the communities I get infuriated myself and it
said to him to the governor who had to honor his word and to fulfill
his commitments. Others said more to him that it respected the
natives and who it did not send them to strike more. The widows,
orphans and injured by the paramilitary ones asked “ to him;
because you do not love to act against asesinos?”
“ because she protects to paramilitares?”
Murat said: “esa is my responsibility, I will act
cuado considers it and as it creates it possible. I rise and
before going away shout: “por its fault no longer I went
to the parade of the delegations that dance Monday of the hill,
atenganse to consecuencias”
This is the unique thing that to us was clear in the answer of
the government, to rely us on the consequences, more death, more
repression, more pain, more injustice. But also, more resistance
and indigenous dignity.
By the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM
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