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Approximately to the 8 at night indigenouss communities that we are planted in front of the palace of government of Oaxaca from the 20 of April of 2004 and reinforced our actions from the 14 of July, today 16 of July we occupied pacificamente the seat of the dance.
Half an hour Since I surround the preventive policia by the state, judicial and the special forces, so that approximately to 9 at night they initiated the evacuation. Nevertheless, the women, ninos and demas estabamos people who ahi we took ourselves from the hands and we made circulos and of that way we pacificamente resisted the first attempt of evacuation that with electricos sticks, lacrimogenos gases and deafening pumps they wanted to do.
Dirigian the evacuation the Lieutenant of Navio Jose M. Vera Saline, Secretary of citizen protection in the state and Brown Captain Rivas, Director of Security Publishes in the state and ordered that: “a egg sHerenlos” As result of his you order they were wounded:
1) ROLANDO ZEFERINO QUINO, that was removed from the police wall without sense and until these moments it has not recovered it and this in observation 2) ROSEBAY PEREZ CROSS: perdio the sense of orientacion and cannot speak, this in observation, 3) ELIZABETH PeREZ CROSS to that I also stick in the chest the deafening pump and hurt key to him this in observation, 4) SIMoN TINDER APPLE TREE: this without possibility of seeing because of gases. 5) FULVIA DOMINGUEZ MAYORAL, 6) GLORIA BRANCHES TINDER: MELISA cannot move 7) FLOWERS TINDER. To all our wounded we could remove them Since from a strong fight to break through the encirclement. Todavia we have approximately to 9 companeros/as that they estan hurt and cannot remove.
It is possible to need that both police controls have been bodyguard of Jose Murat and Brown Captain Rivas is the famous one hurt in the questioned attack of Murat Governor.
Now, being the one of the manana of day 17 of July of 2004 we are 500 people in the Seat of the Dance, 200 in the Sto. Seat Domingo, 200 in the tree-lined avenue, next to Cathedral, and 200 but in front of government palace, but in all sides they have surrounded to us I number indetermine of strongly armed policias of all type and. They emphasize the special forces called UPOE that this concentrated in the Seat of the Dance. Every time they estan arriving but policias and one is afraid that greater repression to us can exist. They have to us surrounded, single there is an exit of the seat of the dance and this totally covered by special forces UPOE.
We informed that we come by Justice and we will not go away without having answer, that to them seals our decision of not leaving until governor Jose Murat feels to engage in a dialog with nosotros/as and decides the halting To stop Toimil and Jacobo Chavez, heads of organizacion paramilitary Regional Advice Working Urban Farmer and of Tuxtepec, CROCUT, they are taken care of the agrarian conflicts, they are committed not to destroy but the forest, gives the municipal participation to the agencies and it is punished to all those that have hurt to us
This mobilization has cost to us already: 1 severely wounded, Edgar Torija Perez: 10/Julio/04; 4 hurt in Huatulco: Elizabeth Moon, Juan Diaz, Felicitos Martinez, Felix Towers and the Brenda minors Towers, Sandra and Carolina Diaz, of 4, 6 and 8 years of age: 12 /jul/04; assassinated in Yucunicuca Pedro a Salazar Cross 13/jul/04 and the wounded of now.
All this repression demonstrates that the government this protecting to the paramilitary ones and does not have interest in taking care of the communities.
Do not leave us alone, we needed that they ask for the intervention of the CNDH, the international organisms, the academicos, the progressive church, all those, mass media that can give account of this repression and to stop the injustices against us.

By the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM