Bright Sta. of the Oaxaca Way, July 19 of 2004
C. Luisa Ma. Calderon Hinojosa
President of the commission of indigenouss Subjects
Senate of the Republica
Mexico, D.F.
With attention a: Isela Ortiz. Sria. Tecnica of the commission.
Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo
Flowers Magon CIPO-RFM we are one organizacion of indigenouss
communities that I form the 17 of November of 1997 and that we fought
pacificamente by the reconstruction and it frees association of our
towns. This implies the defense of the collective rights like
towns, search and construction of the development by means of the
exercise of autonomia, autogestion, aid muta, collective work,
solidarity and communitarian coexistence.
In spite of the evident profits that can be seen in the
communities that we are integral of the CIPO-RFM, have seen that of
all Mexico and particularly of Oaxaca, we are of the organizations but
repressed, for that they have used to paramilitary policias of all
type and. The balance since we were born, 17 of November of
1997, is: 517 detenidos/as and torturados/as; 103
incursions of I exercise, policia and paramilitary to communities of
organizacion; 81 you order of apprehension by crimes that we did
not commit; 229 penal, civil and mercantile processes against
agremiados/as; 37 threats of death to equal I number of members;
27 assassinated and 263 lesionados/as of gravity and, one of its
members, Raul Gatica, lives hidden by the attempts of murder that has
suffered, ademas in Lagunilla and Morelos Yosonotu, San Isidro Aloapam
and Sta. Ma. Yaviche, I number indetermine of settlers we are
displaced of the community by the to be assassinated or jailed fear.
In spite of the degree of impunity of which they enjoy the
authorities in Mexico and Oaxaca, it has been possible to obtain
recommendations that by the tepidity in their agreements are seen
almost like complices of the repressive ones. Asi we have the 29
of April of 1999 the CNDH emitio to recommendation 26/99 to the
government of the state and exonerates to which outside Secretary of
Interior and direct person in charge of the violation to our D.H.:
Diodoro Carrasco Altamirano.
In June of the 2002, the CEDH emitio I number 15/2002 and in
March of 2004 one but, 13/2004. No of the recommendations,
national and state have been fulfilled. Todavia but, the CEDH
has proposed single in this year 4 conciliations to the CIPO-RFM with
the different policias and has the CIPO-RFM todavia 22 complaints to
be solved, where the violations to their rights like community are
evident, organizacion and individuals.
On the other hand, there are 52 interposed penal denunciations
against aggressors of the CIPO-RFM, in some cases estan already ruined
you order of apprehension of the paramilitary ones but one does not
stop to them, on the contrary, the paramilitary ones coexist with the
police forces in the communities of Tanetze, San Miguel Aloapam and
Sta, Bright Monteverde.
14 of 2004 July.
The shout of earth and freedom, peace with justice and dignity,
punishment to paramilitary, respect to autonomia indigenous, a little
but thousand women, men, Youth jovenas, ninos and ninas
Zapotecas/os of the Mountain range, Isthmus and Valleys, Mixtecas/os,
Mixes, Chinantecas/os, Chatinas/os, Triquis and Cuicatecos, integral
All of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo
Flowers originating Magon CIPO-RFM and of the North Mountain range,
South Mountain range, the central Mixteca, Coast, Tuxtepec, Mixes,
Canada and Valleys, the 14 of July of 2004 with ignited torches, we
entered the city of Oaxaca from the monument of Ricardo Flores Magon,
Zapata and Morelos.
Today since it makes 500 years the reclamations are of:
1. - Peace with justice and dignity 2. - Respect to
autonomia in the communities of the CIPO-RFM. 3. -
Punishment and disappearance paramilitary of the CROCUT to his
you lead To stop Toimil and Jacobo Chavez, that 16/octubre/03 killed
to Bartolome Rooms and hurt of bullet to 9 men and women; to
Torch Farmer who 11/ago/02 killer to 2 ninos and hirio to 34 women;
to those of Bright Sta. Monteverde that 13/marzo and 12/jul/04
assassinated to 2, ademas sanction to civil employees who protect
them. 4. - Cease to the repression against communities and
members of the CIPO-RFM and to fulfill the recommendations by
violation to our human rights: CNDH/26/99, CEDH/15/2002 and
CEDH/ 13/2004. 5. - Solution to the agrarian conflict of
San Isidro Aloapam, Sta. Catarina Yosonotu, Guadalupe Chindua and
Cacalotepec. 6. - Garantias for the life of Raul Gatica.
7. - General assembly, democraticas elections and respect
to socioeconomicas benefits retained 2 years to democraticos of the
STSPEIDCEO. 8. - Municipal Participation, ademas schools,
medicos, water, food, light and attention to old women and. 9. -
House and right to sell in beaches of Huatulco. 10. -
Respect to Radio “Guetza” and concession to
the communitarian transport type suburban in Tlaxiaco.
From 8 to 11 at night we made all this because before arriving
at the city we occupied the Agrarian Procuraduria pacificamente, I
journey of the State, the Preventive Federal Policia, the Ministry I
publish, Courts, the terminals of SOUTH buses and Cristobal Colon, asi
like the COPLADE, the SEMARNAT and ex--INI today CDI in Tlaxiaco,
Nochixtlan, Etla, Ixtlan and Oaxaca.
In the occupations we dealt with respect the civil employees and
gave the summary of all the senalamos commitments that have not
fulfilled and that, with this date, we let know that any aggression,
abuse and injustice them that the communities and citizens commit
against, tendran an answer of the CIPO-RFM, because we are not going
to allow abuses of the dependencies, civil employees and Politicall.
The day of 15 of Julio of 2004.
From the 9 of the manana, 300 people we stood pacificamente in
Federal Court 4º, managed to enter commission to meet
itself with the Judge and obtained gave the opinion of the judgment of
shelter 466/2004 where it solves: to sobreseer the shelter asked
for by San Miguel Aloapam. This resolution returns to give the
reason us to San Isidro Aloapam on the rights that we have like
In the Secretary of Communications and Transports we loosen 100
rats to distract the policias, while 400 occupationbamos people the part
where he was the Director so that it took care of the commission and
it was committed to respect the Guetza radio and communitarian
transport, type suburban, in Tlaxiaco.
In the church of Sto. Domingo, 300 people we protested doing
artesanias of mud and with loom of waist while we informed into our
problematica and we denounced the repression of the government of Jose
In the Superior Court of Justice and the offices of the Charro
union of the Government of the State, 200 people single we reached to
surround it - they managed to close the doors before so that it did
not leave any the civil employees and you lead charros. Our
actions paralyzed the administrative life of the state, because the
own government I order to close the SSA, IEA, SDUCOP, CAO, ADOSAPACO,
among others
Ningun civil employee atendia our exigency of I engage
in a dialog, making clear that the Government of Murat does not want
to give the face to face his breaches. Everything indicates that
they bet to the repression and violence, to prevent that we arrive at
the different places where they made activities of guelaguetza, as it
attempt to prevent that llegaramos to the city and development
provocations, murders, invasions and threats against us: the 10
of July to 11 at night approximately, were attacked stabs and hurt of
death Edgar Torija Perez, when it stuck posters in Etla. The 11
of July PRI members headed by Demetrio Villalobos they violently
evacuated to the members of the CIPO-RFM in Sta. Hutulco Cross, of an
estate in which we took living from 2001. This I leave wounded
to Felicitos Martinez, Elizabeth Moon, Juan Diaz, Perez Assumption,
Felix Towers and to the minors: Carolina and Sandra Diaz, asi
like a Berta Towers, of 8, 6 and 4 years respectively. The 12
of July to 2 of afternoon we recovered the estate. The 13 of
July paramilitary ones of Bright Sta. Monteverde balacearon the
community of Yucunicuca Yosonotu and assassinated to Pedro Salazar
Cross, in spite of having knowledge of these facts the CEDH, the
General Procuraduria of Justice and the Government of the State, to
this date nobody to gotten to investigate the facts. The same
day policias preventive on board of patrols 630 and 810 they
surrounded the community by Sta. Maria Yaviche to prevent the exit of
our companeros. The 14 of July again paramilitary ones of
Monteverde, strongly armed incursionaron in the places “corral
viejo”, “ocote cuate”, “loma
larga” and “cantada”, they made firings
to the population and they threatened finishes all.
The 16 of Julio of 2004.
From the 9 of the manana our pacificas activities grew.
a) occupationion of the Secretary of Tourism, because they have been
responsible for the evacuations of our companeros in Huatulco, as much
of the estates as of beaches to where we are going to sell.
b) occupationion of the Procuraduria de Justicia of the State,
because they have refused sistematicamente to stop to paramilitary of
the Regional Council the Working Urban Farmer of Tuxtepec, CROCUT that
they head To stop Toimil Roberts and Jacobo Chavez, in spite of
existing you order of apprehension and that we have said to them in
many occasions where the paramilitary ones estan and that the policia
coexists with them.
c) Installation of the protest in the church of Sto. Domingo, by
means of elaboration of artesanias of mud and textile, so that the
world finds out the other face of Oaxaca, the majority face of the
indigenouss, of which we suffered and we are repressed.
d) occupationion of the offices of Caminos and Aeropistas de Oaxaca,
In all sides we gave documentation and treatment of respectful
way to the civil employees, who saw in this attitude a weakness sample
and they offended to us.
To two afternoon the offices were left and the protest in Santo
Domingo stayed.
To 6 of afternoon in which we initiated crucifixion in the
Tree-lined avenue and Since, approximately to 8 at night comenzo
occupationion pacifica of the seat of the dance. Half an hour
Since I surround the preventive policia by the state, judicial and
the special forces, so that approximately to 9 at night they initiated
the evacuation. Nevertheless, the women, ninos and demas
estabamos people who ahi we took ourselves from the hands and we made
circulos and of that way we resisted the first attempt pacificamente
to run itself that with electricos sticks, lacrimogenos gases and
deafening pumps they wanted to do.
Dirigian the evacuation the Lieutenant of Navio Jose M. Vera
Saline, Secretary of citizen protection in the state and Captain Brown
Manuel Rivas, Director of Security Publishes in the state and ordered
that: “a egg sHerenlos” As result of his you
order they were wounded:
1) ROLANDO ZEFERINO QUINO, that was removed from the police wall
without sense and I recover it until day 17 of July, Since to be in
observation 2) ROSEBAY PEREZ CROSS: perdio the sense of
orientacion until Since of 6 hours could speak, was in observation,
3) ELIZABETH PeREZ CROSS to that I also stick in the chest the
deafening pump and hurt key to him this in observation, 4) SIMoN
TINDER APPLE TREE: it was 3 hours without possibility of seeing
because of gases. 5) FULVIA DOMINGUEZ MAYORAL, 6) GLORIA
To all our wounded we could remove them Since from a strong
fight to break through the encirclement. Todavia companeros/as
was left 9 that was hurt but slightly.
It is possible to need that both police controls have been
bodyguard of Jose Murat and Brown Captain Rivas is the famous one hurt
in the questioned attack of Murat Governor.
Now, being the one of the manana of day 17 of July of 2004 we
are 500 people in the Seat of the Dance, 200 in the Sto. Seat Domingo,
200 in the tree-lined avenue, next to Cathedral and 200 but in front
of palace of government.
The special forces called UPOE estan concentrated in the Seat of
the Dance. Every time they arrive but policias. They have
to us surrounded, single there is an exit of the seat of the dance and
this totally covered by special forces UPOE. We are scared that
they repress to us
We informed that we come by Justice and we will not go
away without having answer, that to them seals our decision of not
leaving until governor Jose Murat feels to engage in a dialog with
nosotros/as, it is committed to respect the law and it lets protect To
stop Toimil and Jacobo Chavez, heads of organizacion paramilitary
Regional Advice Working Urban Farmer and of Tuxtepec, CROCUT, are
taken care of the agrarian conflicts, commit themselves not to destroy
but the forest, gives the municipal participation to the agencies and
it is punished to all those that have hurt to us.
To 4 of the manana approximately they retired most of the
policia that surrounded the seat by the dance.
17 of 2004 July.
It is spending the second day to be taking care of the dance
seat where each year becomes the ritual that marks the beginning of
guelaguetza commercial. The night that we occupied it was of
blows, tears, gases, wounded, people taken hold of the hand, embracing
the hope like shield to resist with dignity in this place that has
been marked with the pain the worthy indigenouss, that we protested
because our culture this being taken single like merchandise.
Finally the government worthy to be received to us. The
appointment was to 2 of afternoon in official house, located in the
street of Suarez Pine. When arriving us recibio operative
impressive of an all type of policias at the control of Lieutenant
Jose M. Vera Saline and director of citizen protection Brown Manuel
Rivas, that closed the circulation and blocked the accesses.
They let enter the commission to 5 of afternoon and single until
the 6 afternoon I appear the governor with gesture badly faced.
Before entering the site of reunion they left private the
governor the leaders of COMPA (Coordinadora Magonista Popular
Antineoliberal) Samuel Hernandez, Jacqueline Lopez Almazan, Michel
Innocent and Alexander Lopez Cross, one hour but late also they left
Catarino Pereda Towers and three people but, leaders of call CODECI.
We solicitd that the mass media were integrated to the table,
because we do not have anything to hide and ningun shameful subject to
treat. The government acceptance and did not allow either
entered one camara filmadora ours.
They were in favor of the Government: Jose Murat, Sergio
Segreste and Celestino Alonso, governor of the state, president of the
State Commission of Human rights and Secretario of Government
respectively. By the communities of the CIPO-RFM and the
democraticos workers of the STSPEIDCEO, 62 people of the commission.
The governing attempt to reganar, reason why the way communities
sign made him stop making him see of clear way that it did not deal
with his employees. Colerico the governor made case a little
while single but Since to shouts said that: “No I
recognize ningun agreement with the CIPO-RFM because it is not like
other organizations who understand the government and they do not
alter orden”, “haganle as they want but I do not go
to respect ningun compromiso” this the commission of the
CIPO-RFM I ask nor those of justice, that segun the law must be
obeyed? “ninguno”, it said.
The indigenouss we asked Sergio Segreste who like podia to allow
that the law of that way in its presence forced. Segreste with
the bent face stammering: “solo I am called the governor
to observe as esto” is solved; and it did not say but.
We expressed to him that he acted like procurer.
The commission of the communities I get infuriated myself and he
said to him to the governor who debia to honor its word and to fulfill
its commitments. Other but they said to him that he respected to
the indigenouss and that he did not send them to strike but. The
widows, huerfanos and injured by the paramilitary ones asked “ to
him; because you do not love to act against asesinos?”
“ because she protects to paramilitares?”
Murat said: “esa is my responsibility, it will act
cuado considers it and as it creates it possible. Like a 8:
30 at night I rise and before going away shout: “por
its fault no longer I went to the parade of the delegations that dance
Monday of the hill, atenganse to consecuencias”
This is the unico that to us I am clear in the answer of the
government, to rely us on the consequences, but death, but repression,
but pain, but injustice. But also, but resistance and indigenous
18 and July of 2004.
From the 10 of the manana comenzo with the adornment of the car
of calenda and mojigangas (monos/as of cardboard of 3 meters),
calculating to leave to 6 afternoon. Until the 2 of afternoon we
maintained the denunciation in each one of the four original points:
Seat of the Dance, temple of Sto. Domingo, Tree-lined avenue of
Leon, in front of the Cathedral, and in front of palace of government.
From the 4 of afternoon beginning concert-it denounces with the
youthful band of the CIPO-RFM in each one of the places where the
protests are had. Calenda llamada“contra the repression
and by the corn criollo” beginning until the 7 at night
and recorrio the centricas streets of the city until arriving at night
at 9 in front of the government palace, where the dance with the
youthful band, of the CIPO-RFM, mojigangas, toritos and calenda,
celebration that frame the beginning of guelaguetza indigenous.
The dance protest I finish to the midnight and conto with the
attendance of thousands of national and foreign visitors who danced
with nosotros/as. Single the exaggerated presence of the policia
disfigured the festividad.
As to 8 at night the government I summon to reunite us at night
to 9 and in sample of will and disposition we decided to attend.
Precise we returned to arrive at official house where the civil
employees headed by the Secretary General of government wanted to
exchange by justice, al to say that it was not nobody to us of justice
but podian to see with the COPLADE, SEDAF and SDUCOP some resources
for works. To which we responded indignant that single
tratariamos the justice subjects and nothing but.
Since of much insistence ours acceded to put the table of
justice for the day Monday 19 to 9 of the manana. This reunion
wanted to condition it to that levantaramos the protest, which we said
nonsera possible but until the paramilitary ones are jailed.
19 of 2004 July.
Day 19 of July comenzo to 7 of the manana with the fight to
obtain that the police wall allowed the water entrance and viveres for
foods. The jaloneo I let to our brother Stop Chavez with
rasgunos. To 9 of the manana the commission to reunion went to
deal with the subjects justice. To 10 each one of the four
places where we are planted we prepared to leave course to the
To the 11 of the day approximately 800 people with the band, the
car of calenda and the Froylan donkey of the IEEPO to the front, we
organized in the Temple of Sto. Domingo, took course to zocalo and
Since we reached the street of Crespo to arrive at the stairs of the
Bunker where thousands of policias hoped to us behind metalicas
We asked for permission to enter and answered: “hay
you order that it does not pass anybody of ustedes”.
Who it gave you order them? We asked. The heads.
That heads? we insisted. The superior ones, already
know who. And they were put inutilmente in guard because we
never attacked. Single we shouted our reclamations of justice
and punishment to the paramilitary ones. Since that the
communities we said our word, as to 13:30 of afternoon we returned to
the four places of the protest.
To 14: 30 hrs. They informed that rompio to us
reunion with the Secretary General into Justice and the Solicitor of
Justice Rogelio Chagoya, this I complete of prepotent way I rise of
the table when we began to him to demand halting to paramilitary and
the assassins, alleging that that podia not to decide it. We
said to him that habia determined already justice and to the single
one was called on to him to fulfill. Here was where I rise
pretextando that we did not send it. It does not have but
reunion and is seen that there is will of the no government no longer
we say to apply justice, but obey the law. Reason why we
continued having the fear of being repressed because we have decided
to continue the protests until having solution to our reclamation of
Everything demonstrates that the government protects assassins
and paramilitary and he does not take care of indigenouss.
All test which they hide to the world the poverty,
marginalization, violence, repression and forgetfulness that there is
in Oaxaca. They do not want that the tourists know the other
face Oaxaca.
The Secretary General of Government said who buscaria in the
evening to find a way us. We said that we are going to hope, but
no longer think that they fulfill, but thought well that they continue
planning the repression.
Very kindly
By the reconstruction and he frees association of our
The organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM
Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin, Leonor Heredia Marin, Gomez Rosary
Gabriela Perez, Reynaldo Fair, Juan Lopez Takings,
Gumaro Perez Alavez, Leonor Perez Cross, Simon
Yllescas Apple tree