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San Jose, 20 of 2004 July

To the Governor of Oaxaca – Jose MuratA
the National Commission of Human rights – Mexico
To The Council Popular indigenous Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; – CIPO –RFM.
To the Opinion Publica


The Service Peace and Justice in Latin America, knows and it stays informed, by means of the National Secretaryship Serpaj-Mexico, of the case of CIPO-RFM.El reclamation of any citizen, forces his governors to give right, quick and fulfilled answer, like a human right recognized universalmente.El group of people pertaining to Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Magon” Flowers; – CIPO – RFM, that has taken the Seat from the Dance, requests to open I engage in a dialog, like mechanism minimo around his demandas.La the news that this social movement leaves a dead already, 8 hurt and many affected by the police violence, warn to us that this in our hands to stop the spiral of violence and to avoid but wounded deaths and.

We solicitd:

1. To governor Jose Murat, to take part and to immediately fulfill its duties for which it was named, engaging in a dialog with the Comite CIPO-RFM that groups ciudadanos/as to which it must his position.

2. To the National Commission of Human rights of Mexico its immediate intervention in tries of the Human rights of these families and like prevention of greater violence and repression.

3. To all the Social Organizations and Movements to initiate actions in solidum in favor of the right solution, quick and clear of this subject.

4. To the administrative and judicial authorities we solicitd to initiate immediately the investigation of the death and wounded, denounced by the CIPO-RFM, by means of a transparent process, with organos defined of previous and terms informing before opinion publishes. This murder and the wounded, is responsibility of the State and must be left their authors clear, so that the law is applied to them and we pruned to stop the future abuse authority and impunity.

5. We followed kind and shared in common with CIPO-RFM.

Gustavo Enrique Goatherd Fertile valley
Latin American Coordinator SERPAJ-AL

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Gustavo Goatherd Fertile valley
Latin American Coordinator
The Host International
San Jose, Costa Rica Email:

Luis Cardenas Vasquez
Latin American Coordinator
Cienfuegos 85, Square 139
Santiago 3 – CHILE
Tel. (56 2) 697 – 20 – 01

Adolph Perez Esquivel
1980Presidente Hildegard Goss-Mayr

Bishop Federico J. PaguraCardenal Pablo Evaristo ArnsMons. Samuel Ruiz G.Creuza MacielFernando AliagaLuis Perez Aguirre (+)Jose Left Gomez
Pablo Frederick
Efrain Olivera Lerena
it has Consultative Statute and Operational Relations in United Nations (ECOSOC and UNESCO)

Prize UNESCO Education for La Paz 1987Premio ONUMensajero of La Paz 1988Reconocimiento Friends of the Common UN Unit 1995Decenio of the Culture of La Paz

Service Peace and Justice in Latin America - SERPAJ-AL
INTERNATIONAL Latin American Coordination,
CLA Av. 10 Bis, Streets 13 and 15, Nº 1352
Post-office box: Nº 514 -1002
San Jose - RicaTel Coast/Fax: (506) 222 4857 -

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