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Reflections on the relation of the society and means with the Indian towns.
15 anniversary of Ojarasca

Red Rose

Fulfilled decada of the rise of Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional (EZLN) and passed the average way of the government whom it loved to be of the change, the State and the clasistas and racist Mexican society –siempre as they dictate to its uses and customs sendn, in the facts, two messages to the indigenouss of this pais: a) single is worth the voice of the arms to make be worth its vindications and b) habra hard hand before any action that, even
within the law, it tries to affect the interests of the established real powers in any region.
But alla of the words with which the governments –federal, state, municipal pontifican ad at all costs nauseam the unrestricted use of the “estado one of derecho” in pais, some examples are enough to demonstrate the before senalado thing: the indigenouss towns of Mexico are poor between the poor men and their economicos, Politicall, social and cultural rights are violated daily; the executive authorities, Legislative and Judicial made to a side the commitments acquired by the Executive with the company/signature of the Agreements of San Andres to recognize the collective rights of the Indian towns and, in spite of the great social mobilization made around the Caravan by the indigenous dignity in the 2000, they gave a limited recognition them, mainly with regard to
autonomia and to its territories and natural resources.

Although autonomia exerts in fact in the zapatista zone chiapaneca, under protection of the arms of the EZLN, the effects of the war of low intensity that is lived in Chiapas continue causing damage in the rebellious communities; also in fact autonomia in other regions is exerted Indians but always under the harassment of the formal powers, as it happens with the System indigenous de Seguridad and Justicia –que operates in six municipalities of Guerrero the Regional Coordinator of Authorities and the Communitarian Policia since
segun the Political conjuncture is tightened or the fulfillment of laws becomes loose that conform “estado of derecho” that he follows without giving to capacity in legal his corpus to the plurietnica reality and multicultural national.

On the other hand the civil society - that famous senora to that Marks go some of official notices of Subcomandante seems single to have eyes for the masked Indians, those that covered the face so that they see them, although has not been very generous with the bell to support to and the moved ones in the own state of Chiapas, and although it reacts of short while in short while, and very limitadamente, before monumental, scandalous injustices, like the repression against the inhabitants of Tlalnepantla, Morelos, who paid with the destruction of the social weave of their community their pretension
of which one recognized the election of the municipal president by uses and customs -, he does not guess right to differentiate to the Indians from each one from the regions from pais and his fights and yearnings, from those masks and their carismatico to lider, because at the end of accounts the question is that the zapatistas, although chose not to fight, affirm that there is to command obeying and proclaim that the construction of another world is possible, follow with the arms in the hand.

And if, they happened in simbolo of the ends to which they can take to the blindness and the deafness from the system to the Indian towns, but also in some of their proposals estan the seeds for the construction of another possible world and for that reason there is a romantica fascination towards them, and noticeably towards Marks and their literary official notices, of good part of the contingents of the civil society that mobilizes itself around the zapatistas calls; nevertheless that fascination has not given like making specific a strategy that forces the Political class to place in the national agenda “reforma of reforma”, that is to say, to that the parties represented in the Congress of the Union retake the essence of the initiative of law of COCOPA (Commission of Concord and Pacification) mainly in which it concerns to the recognition of the collective rights of the towns
Indians, which is indispensable to reinitiate the way of La Paz in Chiapas.

It has not given that fascination either so that simpatia, solidarity and support towards the armed chiapanecos Indians extend to the Indians nonarmed of the rest of pais, so that a outcry rises, for example, before monumental, quiet and silenced injustices, as it can be the existence of but of 40 thousand displaced indigenouss by the construction of prey, for whose necessities of land and replacement of houses, animals and equipment for the production, is counted on a program with budget of 60 million weights, or to protest against the violation of the rights of the indigenouss Politicall prisoners, whose single existence shows the form in which the system applies the “estado one of derecho” to the Indians. Asi, to mention single some cases even estan in jail both leaders of the Movement
of Tzocohuite in Veracruz; and there are several imprisoned indigenouss by the mobilizations of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flores Magon. Ademas, against many of the leaders indigenouss has you order of apprehension many by attacks to vias of communication like which yHere exists against the governor, Octaviano Jecari, that is to say, by the long waits which they make in the highways like resource to be made listen by the municipal governments, state and federal.

In all those cases it has, ademas, sevicia of the “representantes of ley”, that they ignore denunciations by illegal performances of the policias or torture and bad treatments during the halting or that they allow the extension of the processes by means of triquinuelas like the one to allow that in repeated form the prosecutors or testigos… do not appear;

It is clear since the change in the governing party at federal level simply has incorporated new actors in the distribution of boundaries of being able regional or local, within a scheme that has allowed to maintain all you damage of the system PRI member and his uses and customs in relation with the Indian towns, its fights, yearnings and aspirations.

The change has not occurred either in mass media in which apparently there has been “destape” in that already todo” is spoken “de;, because in fact it is continued speaking of the same: of powerful the Political and economicamente - single which now some are exhibited corruptelas with luxury of videos asi that the Indians of Mexico follow absentees of the massive communication, although are some exceptions like Ojarasca, that is a chick-pea of a frees, the Day and algun another newspaper. It is necessary to say that of short while in short while the television and some broadcasters make news articles, but often single to emphasize some of the worse ones you practice violatorias of the human rights of some uses and customs in communities Indians, specially those that they have to do with the women (although dificilmente the connection is made of as they look like those you practice to uses and customs
effective in the racially mixed society that also presses the women). Of as much in as much, when the EZLN does algun movement towards outside, as with the creation of the Snails and the installation of the Meetings of Good Government the means return to grant some notes to them, some minutes in the reporters.

It reiterates a message yet I mistake that from but the diverse ambitos send the racially mixed society to the Indian towns: to the arms, and for sample ahi this whole the space that granted to the means –prensa to him, radio, television to the movement of I exercise of the women mazahuas in defense of the water, when what it is required it is to combine efforts so that Mexican the civil society and the Political society make indispensable mental and legal the changes so that in this pais multietnico and pluricultural never but it is necessary the language of the arms to fight by the dignity, justice and the democracy.


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