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Mr. President of the Mexican Republica
Vicente Fox

Competent authorities:

I am a Mexican citizen who resides in the city of Cuernavaca.
For days I have been arriving a letter signed by the senores Pedro Red Baptist
and Raul J. Gatica Baptist in whom they relate what them step the past 30 of
September of the present year.
I write to show the deep indignation to him that these facts, ordered by governor Jose Murat and/or others make against people who fight by their earth and to defend Basic Human rights.
It is not possible that these facts todavia remain unpunished in pais in where "supposedly" the democracy and the change arrived.
It is not possible to be continued living in a situation that seems worse than the age of stone.

I request of the way but letter to him that takes part in the subject so that these
people and their communities esten prote'ge'es. Know you who from
this letter the subject has been ventilated and now inevitably it has eyes and
oidos in pais.

Same Asi, I request to him of the way but warm, she responds this letter to me
by this means.


Mrs. Luz Albarran Dove.

4 of October of 2004

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